Noise Gate Shootout! (Feat. Ben Eller)
Ben Eller and I take a look at and shoot out a whole bunch of noise gates!
Ben Eller:
Sweetwater Studios:
Behringer NR300:
TC Electronic Iron Curtain:
MXR Smart Gate:
ISP Deci-Mate:
TC Electronic Sentry:
Boss NS-2:
ISP Decimator II:
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#Noise #Gate #Shootout #Feat #Ben #Eller
Originally posted by UCs9AN-WTBsWP72aewXlNKUA at
We are the bois…. WHO GATE THE NOISE
mxr is terrible and that price is outrageous for such a bad performance. The sentry always win and now you can buy it new for 90euro
MXR and Iron Curtain are affecting the tone. ISP wins.
9:29 when the spheres are full of madness
why would you test this with humbuckers…?
Why can’t we have an actual noise reduction pedal like izotope RX where it learns the noise and actually lowers it or removes it. All of these sound like simply gates
I have been looking around for gates and playing around with a gate on the pedalboard for the gain pedals AND a gate in the efx loop for noisy amps – any comments on this kind of set up?
G string is the best
Ben is hilarious
Best remedy is to buy an amp with a noisegate built in. Its way more direct zo there is zero latancy. I still dont understand why most high gain amp manufacturers still dont built noisegates in.
Walk!!!! ????????
im getting the Sentry!
You do know that there's ways to dampen the springs on the Floyd Rose. Makes a huge difference.
You're not using the boss one right you have to use the send and return on the effects loop and then in and out on the front of preamp section (or something like that), most effective of ALL of those pedals there, the ns-1x is even better in this configuration and I think is better than ALL of those pedals there.
Another TCE Sentry sold today thanks to this and many other videos… Thank you content creators!
Did I miss you not testing sustain on a note on any of these?
Just got the sentry and if you are using any sort of gain especially high gain this definitely is the best noise gate! Highly recommend
Honestly, you just sold me on the cheapo 25$ Behringer as I just want a simple (and cheap) noise gate to tighten up my 80's sound. Gonna order 2, one for my practice rig and one for my gig rig. Don't need all those fancy things but I do hear the difference. Just need something to quiet down when the volume between riffs.
Y'all need to take note from the king of staccato riffing: Dino Cazares from Fear Factory. I read an interview where he said he used two noise gates: one between the guitar and amp input and then one in the FX loop. I applied this to my TriAxis. I have an MXR Smart Gate pedal between the guitar and the TriAxis, set to about 2 o' clock. Then I have a Rocktron Guitar Silencer after my TriAxis and before my FX/Poweramp sections. This gives me the most tweakability to obtain stop on a dime gating, with zero after-mute chirping (as was highly evident in this video) and still allows for long held cord sustaining. And trust me, the TriAxis has just as much gain as the JP-2C can get. One pedal will not do the trick if you're running super saturated gain.
I liked at “boys with the noise”…
Should have used noisy amps like Fender. haha
Maybe the mic catches it better than the human ear, I got those springs buzzing from all the pedals
The MXR sound like it kills the low end
I like the lichtlaerm key and gate
with a great gate comes great responsibility
the guitar tone is pretty much dead on like destroy erase improve I love it
I do luv da 4 cable method with the NS2
I gave my friend Mubalu in Uganda a cheap guitar and amp. I returned one day and gave him a Boss noise gate. His village were so moved by the sound they were brought to tears and sang songs about it. They named their newest offspring Gate Boy
Revv g8 the best noise gate ????
I’ve had 3 noise gates, and none of them have been to my liking. First one I got was one of those really cheap mini pedals from Amazon, then I got the Behringer which was better, but still not a fan of the attack and decay. I do like that it’s got the second input and output to loop in any problem pedals in the chain. I then took a chance on the Donner Soph Gate. I liked the look of it, but it was honestly worse than the Behringer, so I went back to that. I’ve now got my eye on the Sentry. But I’m gonna do more research before I dive in to get it.
Is it true that you can’t use the sentry pedal with 4 cable method on a mesa rectifier because the effects loop is wired in parallel?
Spheres of madness
You really can't test gates with the spring and string noises. Epic, lazy fail, from otherwise good dudes.
Owned the isp because it has one knob and looked most simple and also looked the coolest out of all noise gate pedals. Honestly, in my opinion, it’s not great.
You have to choke your tone extremely to get zero noise as opposed to theboss ns2 I later bought, gated efficiently without driving the pedal so hard. I play a lot of lead and also wammy bar harmonics and that’s one thing I noticed about the decimator, it cut out my harmonics and higher notes thinking it was feedback.
I just ordered the Sentry. The Behringer one sucks tone folks, don’t get one.
5:18 sounds like the low side E, A, D string aren’t balanced particularly the D so loud and honky lol