Saturday, March 15, 2025
BassBass Lessons

Nothing Else Matters – Metallica (Bass Cover with Tabs)


Bass cover of Nothing Else Matters by Metallica
E Standard Tuning
Brightness of the Sun: Morning sun with dem fake rays too

Tabs in this video created by me available here:

Gear that I use
▶Tab Player:
▶Tab Maker:

▶Strap (Amazon):
▶Bass (Amazon):
▶Strings (Amazon):

▶Amp: (Amazon)
▶Cabinet: (Amazon)
▶Camera: (Amazon)
▶DI (Amazon):
▶Audio Interface (Amazon):
▶Compressor (Amazon):
(Links are Affiliate Links)

All the Gear I use on Amazon

▶Tone Settings
Bass – full Neck Pickup – full
Mid – 1/2 Bridge Pickup – full
Treble – full

Ratio – 8
Release – 4/5
Attack – full
Output – 2/3
Input – 3/4

Thank you to my Super Supporters and my Superior Supporters on Patreon
-Kraig S.
-Billy Buttons
For Making this video possible

Year: 1992
Album: Metallica (or the Black Album)
Bassist: Jason Newsted
Genre: Heavy Metal

** First off, this tab gave me a lot of grief. If you have any issues with how I tabbed it out, see below for details. Secondly, I cut the intro and outro since the bass doesn’t play there at all. I sat through it all in case you want to see me sitting, but I figured it’d be much easier for you all to have just the parts where the bass plays this time.
I got this one as a request. It’s not the most exciting song, but you have to pay close attention to the details so it sounds good. That requires some skill in it of itsself. The song comes off of the Black Album, and so the bassist is Jason. Jason uses a pick, but since it is such a delicate song, I wanted to find videos of Jason playing it to see if he does use the pick or not.

So, I dove many hours into trying to determine whether or not Jason plays 3-2-0 or 3-0 for the riff. I went with what I heard, but these resources below show you what helped me.
1:05:56 shows Jason playing 3-0, not 3-2-0

1:28 shows Jason only playing the 3-0 not the 3-2-0
1:57 shows the same thing.
4:20 shows the same thing.
This published tab shows the same thing

NOTE: In the Hal Leonard tab, (more official) It has the bass playing the 3-2-0.

In this video you can hear jason do what he did in that video above this one

in Both of these you can’t see Jason play it, buy you can hear him play the 3-2-0. His solo is cool tho

These show Rob playing the 3-2-0 in a couple spots. He also embellishes quite a bit in his playing

3:16 you see Jason using a pick. It definitely sounded like a pick and his arm movements at other times looked like it too.

1:26 you can see Jason using a pick

I found this isolated bass track of the song:

Thanks for watching! Enjoy 🙂

#Metallica #bass #basscover #tabs

This music belongs to The original artists. Please support them by buying their music
Disclaimer: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. There is no additional cost to you. This helps support my channel and allows me to continue to make more videos for you all 🙂

#Matters #Metallica #Bass #Cover #Tabs

Originally posted by UCrjHDA9jGnah8yqF1Ac5w4w at

50 thoughts on “Nothing Else Matters – Metallica (Bass Cover with Tabs)

  • I'm still trying to play it but you are really amazing! Thanks a lot for teaching me how to play this great song. Could you please do "Light my love" from Greta Van fleet?

  • One of the riff that changed my life, I was just playing guitar, thanks to Jason I decided to buy a bass too????????

  • Hello! Can you show how to play polish heavy metal song: 51 by TSA? Did you known this song?

  • Nice cover, please make the tabs slide faster before hand so we can expect what notes to play.

  • Bacana, estou estudando contrabaixo e está música do Metallica é muito boa para estudo. O vídeo ajuda muito para estudar.

  • I really enjoy watching your videos. You're very talented. My daughter plays as well. I was wondering if you have Wasted on You on your channel, I'm not sure if I saw all of your songs. Thanks for sharing your talent and joy of playing.

  • Another great bass tab! Thank you for posting this. I really enjoy your tabs – they are very accurate to the actual recording. Great job!.

  • Why I can't hear well the sound of this bass in the official song? In guns n roses I can or fear of the dark.

  • Finally, a cover artist that understands we want to hear what YOU are playing, and not just another play of the original track!

  • Great! Better than me figuring it out. I always though that the bass in this song didn’t get…enough notes. It was written by a guitar player so….. I hate to add to a classic like this but I think I’m going to make my cover more complex. Not just a more complex bass line but weave in with the guitars melody line and do some fills as well. Thanks again.

    On a personal note you have a very unusual face. A permanent slight smile. You’re young so I would guess that women find it cute and I agree, but it could be a bit creepy. I saw a gangster movie once where the hero turns to one of several henchmen standing around him and said to the one that was always smiling, I don’t trust men who smile too much. This is the Internet so, just saying. Nothing personal in a negative way you seem friendly and you’re a bass player so that tells a lot about your personality already.

  • This is by far my favourite bass channel on YouTube! So many great songs, thank you ????❤️

  • I'm playing bass again after a huge layoff. Needless to say the approach to play has changed dramatically. Your videos are awesome and they've helped me tremendously. Thank you so .much

  • Nicely done!
    I think this is one of the few channels I've seen where the bass tab is actually in time with the playing!

  • tysm my band are gonna play nothing else matters for a talent show this really helps me as the bassist

  • Awesome job.imtermedite paayer. This song had me intimidted untilll..i watched this vieo. Mn th ptternis s clear. I heard it mny tims bfre but seingit jist made it click. Kep it comng buh. How about. "Bad News Coming" Luther Alloson. Please help
    One of my favorite songs. Lookng forward to it lets jm…..Love tht Lone Star!!! Ft. Worth born and raised!

  • Great cover! I just started playing so I’m looking forward to learning my favorite tracks. If I may recommend, look into covering “Alice In Chains-Down In a Hole” and “Metallica-Bleeding Me”. Thanks and keep up the great content????????

  • I started playing bass last year…watching your videos has helped me improve so much! This was the first song I learned all because of you! Just thought I’d come back to this video, thank you so much 🙂

  • Really good tab. Solid playing, good work. However, no disrespect intended, you have the worst Metallica Bass Face ever! Lol

  • Hi man, very nice video! Thank you very much for the teaching ????

    I was wondering, as I am a very novice of bass playing. Is there a reason why we should go to the 8th fret of the E string, instead of the 3rd feet of the A string? I feel like it more confortable as the hand is already going in that direction. But since you do it, I guess there is maybe a good reason, ha ha.
    Is there any advantage then?


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