Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Guitar

OLD SCHOOL meets NEW SCHOOL – Ibanez RGR5130 Review

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#SCHOOL #meets #SCHOOL #Ibanez #RGR5130 #Review

Originally posted by UCXEUhm3tbugO_QX42p6pHog at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXyH7u9vnWA

15 thoughts on “OLD SCHOOL meets NEW SCHOOL – Ibanez RGR5130 Review

  • Bought that guitar about a month ago. Plays great. Only two "problems", the input jack isn't inset like my RGD, and Fishman pickups go through batteries quickly, was kind of shocked by that.

  • Thanks for the review, Justin.
    For I am still a bl**dy beginner for I am playing about a year now (as a 44 years old fart), I replaced my very very cheap HB-ST guitar with a HB Amarok 6 string. But already then, I was dreaming of an Ibanez guitar. And to be honest, this one is my personal Excalibur, since I had seen it the first time. ????
    So in a time far far away, when I will have saved a lot of money and I will be good enough, I will get this one. Well, taking my progress into account, this will really take a loooong while.

  • Also:
    RG – Roadstar Guitar shape
    R- reverse headstock
    5xxx – Prestige w/ SS frets
    xx30 – H-H w/ pickguard

  • Wish they'd bring back the old JCRG3 and JCRG7-1, those old J-Customs from 1998-2001. Kind of a Genesis J-Custom collection

  • I love the look of the khaki one, and I can tolerate the blade switch. But the fishmans are a big no for me. If I bought one, I would immediately rip them out.

  • Justin… if you have a locking nut, it does not matter if the headstock is reversed ????

  • It's cool, Ibanez is my preferred brand, but not 2000 bucks cool. Especially since a RG550 is around 1000 bucks

  • @2:25 Nope..pretty off…. btw – there are fantastic 30 minute long videos that describe the entire product history naming conventions.
    You got the "RG – R" part…but the reset you are way off.

    5130 means:

    51XX means is Prestige
    xx3x means two Humbuckers in pickguard configuration (xx2x would be two hums, no pick guard).
    xxx0 means Tremolo (as opposed to xxx1 which is hardtail).

  • I think out loud. Justin doesn't test just anything. With this, he gave the signal: buy and practice, practice, practice…..

  • The model naming convention really needs a revamp lmao. Hope they drop a 7 string variant. Btw thanks for all the content on picking. I used to always use open hand and could barely perform string skipping cleanly at high tempo, but since adopting a closed hand, everything from muting to dynamics have improved immensely. Thanks for all you do man ????????


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