Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Orange Crush Pro CR60C Demo/Review || Featuring the Kongpressor!!

Well it’s been a while, but finally there’s another combo on the channel. After I demoed the Orange OR15, I got a ton of requests for something from the Crush Pro series, so Orange was kind enough to make a CR60C available for a demo! It’s a 60W solid-state amp, and with the stock speaker I’m not a huge fan of the sound, but with a little extra work (and equipment) it’s not a bad way to get that Orange sound on a budget. And with the Orange Kongpressor, those cleans though!

➤ For my European/International friends, you can get the Orange Crush Pro 60C here: https://www.thomannmusic.com/orange_crush_cr60c.htm?ofid-1&affid=203
And the Orange Kongpressor: https://www.thomannmusic.com/orange_kongpressor_pedal.htm?ofid-1&affid=203
➤ And for my American buddies: http://amzn.to/2sNvcZZ
And: http://amzn.to/2tiGW46

➤ Download the demo song “Tiny Hands” here: http://www.patreon.com/agufish

0:19 Demo in a Mix (Quad-Track Blend with Stock and V30 Speakers)
3:14 Clean Playthrough (With Stock Voice of the World Speaker)
4:13 Dirty Playthrough (With Stock Voice of the World Speaker)
5:17 My Thoughts
7:40 Orange Kongpressor Playthrough

➤ Signal Chain/Get the Gear:
» Epiphone G400 Custom https://goo.gl/2f3WPH
» Buddha Pickups Shark Bite Set https://goo.gl/sqjcY3
» ISP Decimator Noisegate http://amzn.to/1Px8CHZ
» Orange Crush Pro CR60C Combo https://www.thomannmusic.com/orange_kongpressor_pedal.htm?ofid-1&affid=203
» Orange Kongpressor https://www.thomannmusic.com/orange_kongpressor_pedal.htm?ofid-1&affid=203
» Mesa Rectifier 2×12 Cab https://www.thomannmusic.com/mesa_boogie_rectifier_cabinet.htm?ofid-1&affid=203
» Shure SM57 https://www.thomannmusic.com/shure_sm57_lc.htm?ofid-1&affid=203
» Apogee One http://amzn.to/1Pxd2hT
» Dunlop Jazz III Picks http://amzn.to/1RkYXmn
» Cleartone Strings http://amzn.to/1Ry5UQf

➤ CR60C Settings:
» Clean Channel
Volume: 3
Bass: 6
Treble: 9
» Dirty Channel
Gain: 6
Bass: 5
Mid: 7
Treble: 9

➤ Subscribe for more guitar gear video things by clicking this thingy here: https://goo.gl/LyFvGW

➤ Mixed by Pad: padraigboggismusic@gmail.com

➤ Connect With Me!

Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/agufish
Website: http://agufish.wordpress.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/agufishmusic
Twitter: http://twitter.com/agufish
Instagram: http://instagram.com/agufish

Orange Crush Pro CR60C Demo/Review || Featuring the Kongpressor!!

#Orange #Crush #Pro #CR60C #DemoReview #Featuring #Kongpressor

Originally posted by UCkdgMB7UBSnAkQhEQwgdCqQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qb9nLj_oH8

35 thoughts on “Orange Crush Pro CR60C Demo/Review || Featuring the Kongpressor!!

  • I just bought this amp in brand new condition, the seller had it 3 months, off a FB online kinda marketplaces for 250 dollars, no footswitch, but found a new footswitch for it for 35 dollars off Ebay, its been pleasant and nice to play, but im use to high dollar tube amps, so the sound for me me is good for a solid state amp, probably one of the best out there,but i wouldnt pay 600 dollars plus tax for this rig new, i think its over priced a bit, but because it says Orange on it? They wanna gouge the working class musician, my little 20 watt Orange micro terror sounds better and in fact is louder than my 60 in overdrive, but im running it into a 212 cab with celestion greenbacks, but for the price i paid for my cr 60 combo? Im really happy with it, its really heavy for a solid state 112 amp, but again it sounds good, i think Orange should sell these amps for atleast 150 dollars cheaper, no footswitch? Cmon Orange, give us a break..glad i only payed what i did..and its not really that loud everyone,

  • In every video I've seen of this amp it sounds fantastic. Delicious. If it can reproduce those sounds at bedroom volume, I'm in.

  • Just got mine for christmas, as an alternative to all the modelling "practice' amps I had been using as I want to move back into jamming in studio sesh's as soon as possible. Very impressed with it so far even as a "bedroom" amp!

  • Thank you for showing the back of the amp with the FX Loop jacks and footswitch jacks. – Great demo and great playing!

  • My Orange Pro CR60C arrived today – and it's great! You should own one.
    I had an all valve (tube) Orange AD30, a decade ago, and I can tell you the Crush is authentic Orange tone – with the benefit of a reverb and FX loop – in solid state.
    I have two Hiwatt combos, 40 watt valve and 50 watt solid state, and the advantage, for me, of solid state is that they are plug and play for an instant powerful musical tone.

  • I really am just looking for a solid state jamming amp to lug around in had high hopes for this one but I really don't like thin lead tones so that's sucks

  • It seems weird ro review a combo and not using the build in speaker. You don’t get the Mesa cab too for 500$. So even though you play great and have a very pleasent way of reviewing, I can’t really use the review since it’s bot the amp by itself and that’s a pitty.
    The aim of a review should not be to sound as good as possible but to give the best example of how the item (amp in this case) works.

  • I got this amp back in January 2020 and it's amazing, totally recommend it. thanks for making this video sir.

  • Would be nice to see a direct shot of the control panel while demonstrating different tones. Other than that, very well done video and nice playing

  • Skip to @3:14 if you've outgrown your speed metal/death metal/(_______________fill in the blank) metal phase and are more interested in the Cleans this amp produces.

  • So I’m deciding between this, or a Boss Katana Artist? Please help I’m so torn, and I need some advice as I’ve not got to be in the room with either of these amps. As I don’t have a music store near me that carries much of a selection. Someone give me some pros and cons. I know you’ve probably played them both, so please if you could write me back.

  • Orange Crush 60 or Blackstar HT Club 40, for punk music in smaller venues?

  • Great Playing. I got one of these Orange Crush 60 Pro and I like it a lot. I change a lot between channels and I use the effects loop. I use the dirty channel about 60% and I use a tube screamer ts808 when needed. It is awesome. I do not understand why did you do a review of this amp and use other gear that make up a lot the real sound of this amp. That is not fair.

  • This or an Orange DT30? Mainly playing Drop C/Drop B with the occasional C# Standard

  • Hey buddy! Could you use this CR60 combo amp as a head for a 5×12 orange cab? Didn’t wanna sound stupid but I was just wondering.. reason being is becauss I feel like I would be sabing more money if go that route, would also help me have a portable amplifier for easier carry. Thanks!!

  • I have that amp and really love it. If you buy one go ahead and spend the extra $50 and get the footswitch.

  • I bought this amp used for 350 CAD and it was in mint condition. This amp is the best sounding solid state amp I’ve ever played. Hands down. This thing blows my mind. Sounds even better coupled with an orange 112 cab.


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