Thursday, September 19, 2024
BassBass Guitar

Orange OBC210 Mini Bass Cab | Review

“If that smooth top end character and punchy low mids is what you need, you’ll like this cabinet.”

Orange OBC210 mini bass cab Review by Guitar Interactive Magazine. Reviewed in Issue 36 of Guitar Interactive Magazine by Dan Veall. Read the review here

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#Orange #OBC210 #Mini #Bass #Cab #Review

Originally posted by UCS3QTujyp5t2nSSzktYFzWA at

4 thoughts on “Orange OBC210 Mini Bass Cab | Review

  • Just bought one of these to add to my OBC115. Sounds great with my OB1 500 amp. Thanks, Dan, for this review – which really helped me make my decision to get one.

  • Thank you for the review! I have been looking for experienced user reviews all over but since this cab just came out, there are hardly any to read or watch. Thank you!

  • In the US, this is only $100 less that a Greenboy fEARful 12/6/1 which would wipe the floor with it. Do not get me wrong; I always enjoy it when Dan reviews something.


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