Monday, March 10, 2025
BassBass Amps

Orange OR100 & Custom Shop 50 Amp Reviews – Chappers & The Captain check out these monsters of tone!

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Originally posted by UCCOIcdii1bQmfSPHeNNw4Qw at

30 thoughts on “Orange OR100 & Custom Shop 50 Amp Reviews – Chappers & The Captain check out these monsters of tone!

  • there's a bag of misshaped apples in the back of the shop for you, theyre just behind the boxes of stapes in the stationery cupboard.

  • Terrible demo of the OR100. I wanted to hear the gain between 10-1 o’clock but it’s cranked and Robber just noodles all over the fucking place.

  • Just put a Custom Shop 50 on layaway. Brought my pedalboard in and we messed around on it for a couple hours. One of the most incredible amps, I've had the pleasure of playing. As others have noted… it's an incredibly quiet amp, if you're not intentionally making noise. Then, a beast. Might grab the 2×12 as well, though I've got a 1960AV, plus Mesa Recto 1×12 already, and not much more room.

  • Was thinking about buying an OR100, but seeing that there's a Chapman video on it just made my heart sink.

  • You cats really nailed a good demo here.
    Finally, what a relief.
    Way less yak-yak & more busyness.
    THANK YOU, those OR's sound puss!

  • I just used the audio from this video to capture the or100 tone in revalvers act combo and it came out perfect! Thanks for the video! =D

  • i loooove my OR 100.. destiny purchase mildly used from local music store and the Orangable owner (see that? ) couldnt finish payments.. walked in to buy strings walked out with my dream amp for 1800 bucks canadian. insane tone.. ita low mileage but im gonna retube with tung sol and a few others and re bias cause why not. Own a th 30 head as well. my life is shit, but my tone is beyond amazing.

  • Gentlemen, Thank you for the great demos! But I do have a suggestion. When you demo a fine mid-gain amp like the CS50, please use something other than high-grain shredder pickups. A good PAF, p-90 and/or single coil would have done this amp more justice. I own the CS50s predecessor, the Orange Retro 50 (#41), and it loves pickups with clarity. Finally, this amp needs the master run above 1:00 for optimal punch and clarity .

  • Does anybody happen to know of a good pedal to beef up the dirty channel on this amp? I know with its limited headroom, pushing it further usually makes it "flub" out. Overdrives and boosts usually do the trick, but I can't find a fuzz to thicken up the dirty channel. Ive tried Ross Distortion, MJM London Fuzz, Fulltone Ultimate Octave, Wampler Velvet Fuzz, DAG Jetfuzz. Pharoah Fuzz Supreme and Thorpy Muffroom Cloud do not "hurt" the sound, but don't add anything special. Does anybody know of a pedal that makes the dirt channel sound bigger and fuller without making it significantly louder. I've heard fuzz pedals with a blend knob can help. Anybody suggestions?

  • I'm sure the CS50 would sound a thousand times better with an actual les paul, nothing against chapman guitars, I like them, but they have very thick and slightly muddy pickups which I find thicken up an orange too much, so, if you don't like the sound, try it out with a guitar that you like yourself

  • An Orange amp shouldn't have a 'gain' channel. you should just turn up the fist until it damages you in just the right way.

    My '72 OR80 doesn't even have a master volume.

    These newer Orange amps have a weird fizzy thing going on that my old Oranges and Matamps just don't… almost like a Big Muff you can't turn off.

    They don't sound unpleasant, just a bit different, more modern. Maybe the speakers are more modern.

  • the custom shop 50 has probably the best blues rock tone ever.
    however, for punkrock and metal it sucks major dick, cuz its so insanely muddy

  • I love the sound of these heads, but over $2000?? Come on, us working class musicians deserve some good tone too!! .. What would be a cheaper alternative to Orange? I'm looking at maybe Blackstar?

  • on the first amp, what are the other knobs for? they never covered it. bad thing about their videos, they dont seem to do any research on the gear they advertise. its like the first time they've seen it when they review it.

  • I like the way this demo was done with the camera up close while Capt. played with the eq. I wish every amp demo was like this one. Even moving around the cab gave kind of a "there in real life" feel. Nice job on this one

  • Nope, we really dont want to always see the Chapman guitars and you playing the same old repetitive stuff.. We know you make guitars and we dont want them, so play a Les Paul, Stratocaster or a Telecaster please, and then some blues, classic rock and a variety of stuff from 80's and 90's styles.. these amps sounds vastly superior to what anyone can hear in this video…


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