Tuesday, March 4, 2025

28 thoughts on “Part A2: Bad (U2 Guitar Tutorial / Lesson) – Amp and Delay Settings Overview

  • The live aid version is 2 delays 1. 290 ms 2. 440 ms and it's hooked up in series ( in Edges case 2 x Korg SDD 3000 units on his rack).
    You can parallel the delays but they sound better when the 290 ms signal feeds into the 440 ms delay, this is the mysterious doubling of the signal preamp as the korg unit preamp will overdrive the signal. This Bad guitar delay sound was never heard from U2 ever again. It's no wonder it is the benchmark for the song Bad.

  • You can do the second delay with your right hand, on more little stroke don’t know if down or upright, but you can…

  • This is THE BEST tutorial on how to get the right tone for the Edge's guitar sound. Much appreciated.

  • You do great job and have great tone. But there is alternative, I do not use that second delay and instead actually manually fill it in with my picking, though I believe it requires more right hand picking skill. This however gives me less hassle in delay setups, and especially also if my band decides last minute to play the song at different speed, it becomes much less of a big deal.

  • Michael, do you think any single coil guitar will suffice to play U2 songs? Or does it have to be a Strat? Thanks for your all your tutorials!

  • Very good demo, I've been a U2 fan since 1983 when I got the "Boy" album.  Saw them on Joshua Tree tour, my band in high knew the entire Live at Red Rocks album.  Lost interest when Rattle & Hum came out.  I could never figure out the delay/pick-strumming relationship in Bad, and its actually very simple straight 8th note downs, but it has to be synced so tightly with delay to get it correct, so it might help others if you could show that relationship, not sure if that's possible, I know you posted this over 6 years ago, so you probably forgot all about this one

  • Dude you ROCK. Great tone and playing. One of my all time fave songs by ANY band. U2 Joshua Tree tour in '87 was my first concert ever. EPIC show. Still in my top 10 shows Ive seen. Hope to dial in a patch for this on my New Line6 FireHawk FX. Need to to learn the technique for picking those notes properly. Cant wait to see the rest of your vids

  • Great work! It is tricky to find out, how both delays are working – in between – . I did't have a clue. Edge uses TC – I guess it got the ability to produce 2 delays at the same time. Do U got one with.multiple delays or really 2 gadgets.
    Thanx for sharing your skills!

  • Hi, wondering if you know..I have an MXR Carbon Copy analog delay pedal. I'm new to guitar but want to learn this song. I can't seem to get the sound right on the high E. Doesn't repeat well and I'm finding I just have to hit the note twice. I have regen, mix and delay settings on this pedal only. is that the problem? Thanks!

  • It is wonderful to your tutorial, thank you for the commitment to introduce us something so didactic. Thank U

  • Fantastic tutorials , thanks for taking the time to show us these . After watching your tutorials I have attempted to record the song, playing all the parts myself .Found it very difficult to keep time with the dotted eighth delay .Please take a look  , once again thanks for all the work you've put in .U2 Bad – Cover by David Rose

  • Does the edge use a compressor effect in this song?. The reason I ask is because I am going into record a song with my own originals band. The guitar style is very Edge/U2 and I do a lot of palm muting. I want to bring out the string tones similar to the way the Edge does in this tune. Someone told me the Edge always uses compression?

  • I have a Vox Valvetronix AMP and a fender stratocaster, and I hope to get the U2 sound would you know how for my equipment? 

  • I was wondering if anyone has used these settings with the in-game amp mode on Rocksmith (the first edition)?

    I bought the add on pack that has a digital stereo delay.  I haven't fooled around with it much yet but I want to use it to play bad and other u2 songs with better delay setting than the cheap (inexpensive) physical delay pedal that I have been using. 

    So would 450ms be all I need to enter in the setup page of the menu for the delay? 


  • hey if youre dialing in 433 ms then leave your pedal set to quarter note delay. that calculation is based on 1/4 notes. If you set your TC to 1/4 note delay and then dial in 433 ms your delay will match up

  • Some delay units let you imput the ms directly (like 433ms). In this case you don't imput the BPM but you have to play at the right BPM such that 433ms is the right note. Some delay units also let you enter "dotted 8th" and then the BPM and then the delay calcs the 433ms and uses that value. When you input 104 you also have to make sure it's set to dotted 8th. I dont think you understand if your delay is relying on the direct input in ms or the input of BPM and note type.

  • Watch my intro to delay tutorials. It's all relative. 433ms is the result of two inputs: BPM and type of note (dotted 8th). Take 100 BPM = 60,000ms per minute. Each beat is a quarter note, so there are 100 quarter notes in a minute. So each quarter note is 600ms. A dotted 8th note is 3/4 of one beat, or 75% of 600ms = 450ms. So a dotted 8th note at 100BPM = 450ms. Now do the same calc but using a differnent BPM and you get a different value like 433ms.

  • Hey there I was watching some of the delay videos you have, brilliant as always. I guess my question is this — if I dial in 104bpm on my pedal, and then go to 433ms, the delays are different in length. Almost as if the 104bpm doesn't hold, does that make any sense? Sorry, just confused and want to get this right!


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