Wednesday, March 5, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

PastFx Kurt’s Cologne – Stereo chorus pedal

There is a plethora of chorus tones you can squeeze out of this awesome pedal!

We’d like to thank Verlie at PastFx very very much for sending us this pedal to plat around with!

For more info on all the PastFx range… go to

#pastfx #nirvana #kurtcobain #chorus #ehx #guitarpedals #fxpedals #guitareffects #pedalboard #guitarist #analogpedals #fender #stratocaster

Hope you enjoy it…
This is not a paid presentation….
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#PastFx #Kurts #Cologne #Stereo #chorus #pedal

Originally posted by UCZF6qupXVsjuUP0MrGcWqOw at

16 thoughts on “PastFx Kurt’s Cologne – Stereo chorus pedal

  • As a chorus connoisseur I was always disappointed that I didn't like the Small Clone, to the point where I sold mine years ago. Now this thing. This I'm in love with. Must get to sit next to my CE-2 and Ice Box

  • I was asked to play Come as You Are with a high school band just last night ???? Can't wait to try this one.

  • Good demo. As for me, while i love nirvana i think chorus is my least favorite effect. The only way I think I would ever use it is if I was running it in parallel with the clean signal.

  • Nice video! I’m glad PastFX has spun their take on the Small Clone. A few things to note for those who are interested is that Kurt almost exclusively kept the depth switch up or in the ‘deep’ position as stated in this video, so such so that it was permanently wired this way on some of his Small Clones. Generally he kept the Rate between 3 o’clock and maximum depending on the era of the band. If you listen to the Devonshire Mix of Come As You Are this can be heard very clearly.

    To set this up like a vintage small clone I would set the mix somewhere around 50/60% wet and engage the low cut. The original Small Clones are known for having a massive low-end cut off and are much less intense sounding than the 90s/2000s reissues.

  • Nice! Sounds spot on. Clever copy right alternative. Thanks for breaking this one down and the great gig tips!


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