Tuesday, March 4, 2025

33 thoughts on “Peavey Vypyr 30 watt Amp Review

  • Am i doing something wrong as my exact same amp vypyr 30W is so so soft even at max except for the twin amp setting which is slightly louder?? Pl help. Its only slightly louder with the xboost.

  • ladies please. my ORANGE! seriously my friend has an Engl powerball with an orange cab and i have a tough time keeping up with him. but i think i had something messing up my effects loop and lowing the volume. if so, then my B-52 AT-100 and matched cab are the loudest (and best) ive ever heard

  • this amp is really satisfying I had it for almost 2 years and it's still hasn't broke yet and the effects are really amazing with so many options to choose from. It might make the quality of your guitar a bit better and I have an epiphone goth explorer that I play with and I was going to get a line 6 amp but I heard that it was way too digital but I also heard that the peavey vypyr amp can break easily so I got the 2 year warranty for it and this is a very good amp in my opinion.

  • It can keep up with a drum pretty well. louder than most 12 inch amps. Anything peavey makes will be loud!

  • @LesPaul4President head phone to headphone cable. Plugs into mic input on pc/laptop. Ive recorded about 40 songs with the vypyr. Nice quality and sound USB recording would be better though. Only on higher models though. By the way headphone to headphone being a standard sized headphone jack for an mp3/iPod but on both ends

  • I have this constant buzzing noise on my vyper, and it sucks bad. It's almost no fun to play anymore because it's like "bzzzzz" help?

  • So is this amp worth the extra 100 bucks compared to the 15? I don't really need it to be loud but i like that this 30 has more effects

  • i love the amp its pretty loud but when i play gigs i have a stand and it makes it louder! πŸ™‚

  • @JetgloHD haha ya ive finally put together a quality band so ill try to record us sometime haha and ebay usually has some fairly good feedback haha and good luck πŸ™‚

  • @JetgloHD ya trust me ive been trying to get money for awhile now! haha i need a good guitar cuz ill be doing a lot more gigs now πŸ™‚ all my vids on here suck major tho haha but im honestly considering going on ebay for the sg haha

  • @JetgloHD ya ikr im trying to pick up a nicer guitar and the sanpera 2 for it haha hoping for a gibson sg πŸ™‚ and o i found this great website for the peavey its a whole website just for the effects!! its at vypyr settings . fr

  • @masterkiller126 i know its really loud for room practice but like for gigs obviously would this be good

  • @inCYDable the question is, can you hear the drums over this? I have this amplifier and you can only play it with the volume in 1, and it goes to 12. Over 3 it blows your ears!


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