Pedal Order For Beginners – Complete Guide ????
Effect pedals can be confusing. Let’s talk about pedal types and the order to plug them in. This set of guidelines will get you headed in the right direction.
Check out my pedalboard walk-through ????
Gain Stacking video ????
Seen in this video: TC Electronic Plethora X3, Fulltone OCD, Ibanez ts10 Tube Screamer, TC Electronic Flashback X4 Alter Ego, Eventide Space, Vox Wah, Boss OD-3 Overdrive, JHS 3 Series Reverb, Boss TU-3, Mooer Trelicoptor, JHS Super Bolt, Keeley Compressor, Greer Light Speed.
#fxpedals #pedalboard #guitarpedalboard #guitarist #guitar
#Pedal #Order #Beginners #Complete #Guide
Originally posted by UCtG1hU1t9v4aa0c0NA-DS9A at
Excellent. Thanks for being short and too the point!
What is your instagram?
I have the dunlop mini volume pedal— and have Black Country " The Secret Path"… that has a slot to plug in an exspression pedal…
So if my reverb is last ,where should I put my volume pedal?
What does wet mean?
I’m currently working on restructuring my board. Right now it’s Polytune3 – EHX Tone Corset – EHX Spruce Goose – EHX Operation Overlord – Keeley Moon Op Amp Fuzz – JHS Unicorn – EHX Silencer.. and on the fx loop of the Silencer I’m doing OBNE BL-44 – Walrus ARP 87 – Walrus Fathom – Walrus Fundamental Ambient. Thinking about moving the Unicorn and Fuzz closer to the front of the chain
Keeps changing but fuzz war>blues driver>plumes>tuner>carbon copy>echo dream>viscous vibe>small clone>true spring reverb
Nice desk! And video… lol. I think it's worth a mention that some pedals are sensitive to impedance e.g. certain fuzz pedals, so that might need to go before a buffered utility pedal (like a tuner). Also I'm sure a lot of people put EQ before the gain stages as you do, but I'd guess they would be in the minority. Many, including good old Uncle Larry use EQ after OD as a boost / shaper pedal. What ever works best for each!
The first rule of the order of effects is there are no rules ????????
My bass signal chain: Bass guitar> Compressor>Chorus>Flanger>Boss Overdrive>big muff>Morley wah>delay>rack tuner>amp
I do everything waaay different. I do ascending levels of distortion, comp at the end, eq 2/3rds of the way thru, 4cable noise gate in an awkward spot…
I just realized my pedal order is weird…this is the fiftieth vid I watched on this amd damn
I have been stacking my overdrives in the opposite direction for around ten years. Never bothered to try it in the opposite direction. Thanks for the suggestion!
Compression->Tuner->Rat->Chorus->DarkSide->other Fuzz->wah->Noise Reducer