Friday, October 25, 2024

37 thoughts on “People are sleeping on these vintage guitars. #guitar #vintage #acoustic

  • Man i literally have an 82 takamine with the same pick up system in it. Its my number 1. Nothing rings like it. Its had 3 different sets of tuners on it, had the neck sanded back and re varnished and is in general beat up to shit but i cant go past it

  • When Martin almost started law suits, then these guitars MUST be a real good copy.
    When you can buy one, do it. I found one, but I can't miss the 300 euro's, and I still regret it. See one for sale? Do not wait and think only 2 minutes, for another shop or site visitor won't hesitate. Just check what type and what year it is.

  • I think these guitars have been tough to get ahold of, are definitely a sleeper and worth grabbing, if you can find one.

    I've got a neck from one, sawed off the body ????,
    waiting for a guitar needing a headstock grafting.
    All its good for now but logo is intact…!

  • They aren’t nearly as good. My wife’s grandfather worked in those factories as a “luthier” and basically they got whatever wood was available and “painted” it to look right. They also, in the 80’s or 90’s, started getting everything pre-made from China and “assembling” it in Japan. Because they were put together here they qualified for the “MIJ” or “CIJ” stickers/stamps.

    So the reason you can find those instruments here in Japan for next to nothing is because they are basically old Chinese made instruments put together in Japan.

  • No joke. I had one that was mahogany body. It was my favorite acoustic. The action was so good that 13s felt like 12s. Tone was amazing!

  • I had an early 80's Takamine 6-12 double neck. Only 50 ever made. I should never had sold it but life got in the way.

  • I bought an early 70's Morris MIJ D-28 copy for $385 six months ago. It sounds as good as any 70's M D-28 and beyond.

  • I have Takamine EF series guitars…. MIJ. They are very good instruments, and I have nothing bad to say about them.

  • I absolutely hate takemine guitars BUT the only ones I have ever liked playing or thought sounded like what an acoustic should sound like were all the lawsuit Martin exact copies even had the logo copied to an extent but yea all the other eras of takemine have all been trash or sound like a guitar made with wood that is waayyy to thick and were waayyy to bright OR wayyyy to bassy never balanced the actions were usually trash they didn’t have any life to them just literal boxes with stiff ass shitty strings that all come together to sound like trash…the Martin copies they made however are golden

  • All these comments 'they are so great". Go ahead, go look and try out all you can find. You will be hard pressed to find a good one. And I really like Rhett, but he doesnt put in the whole truth here.

  • Just bought a ‘73 locally and I gotta say, it’s one of the best sounding acoustics I’ve ever played, and it sounds even better in a recording environment

  • If you like takemines you should check out sigma guitars. There were dozens of these great guitars in the past.

  • I had a second hand six string Gibson that was beautiful, but it was stolen from my house during a party in the seventies. I went out and bought the top of the line Takamine. I’ve realized how good that guitar is over the years since and realize it was a very good deal. My mate, feeling guilty that he left the room unlocked, paid me $2000 for the lost guitar some years later and I bought a beautiful Richard Howell classical guitar. So I came out on top eventually!

  • Man, newsflash – Mij guitars from the 70s are often just as good as the guitars they copy from the us. Great update

  • I have one of those! It was my first guitar that my dad bought back in the day. I want to put a sound-hole pickup in it. But I don’t want to put a hole in it that might affect its value. Not planning on ever selling it, but anyone got any advice on that?

  • You didn't know this? I had a Takamine 12 string from that era that was gorgeous sounding and playing! Sadly, it, like most of my other great instruments of that era, was stolen. Ahhhh . . . America!!! Mt Takamine 12 string, my Guild 12 string, my fuzz face, my univibe, my musical history on cassettes, my stage clothes, you name it!!! This is what it is to live in America. Everything gets stolen, including your ideas which then get capitalized upon, and you get nothing but left behind. Is it any wonder I have become a socialist revolutionary??? It's time to overthrow the corporatocracy and its patriarchal chattel mentality of slavery and replace it all with a technocratic social democracy wherein all-things automated are eslaved to free humanity frm the prison of money so the best of the best can rise to the top like the philosophers of the enlightenment and use their god-given artistic talents to further evolve human culture instead of just cashing in by scraping the bottom of the barrel. The American dream is an empty promise. It is an exclusionary exclusivity of/by/for the corrupt, criminal crony-capitalist corporatists locked away behind gilded gates and fences on their tilted playing fields in their ill-gotten mega-mansions along shady lanes that all really need to be decorated with guillotines. Music, journalism, scientific factual reality . . . What's next? All in service to a diversionary illusion and collective self-delusion. The civil war based upon culture war ideology is also a diversion away from the social structure war we are all really in now. 100 years from now and the wntire MAGA bullshit will be nothing more than a footnote about a social abheration. The artists shall have regained control of society through philosophy. The 60s were the second Age of Enlightenment, and the third Age of Enlightenment is just around the corner. Like the arts and crafts movement was a reaction to the industrial revolution, there is a coming reaction to the AI Revolution. Thieves are a symptom, just like each and every other social ill. You can't cure symptoms. We all must agree to cure the underlying disease, which is the failed social structure that has enslaved all of humanity for the past 10,000+ years. I want my 58 Les Paul Back and my Rickenbacker 330/12! All stolen because some in America were born without souls and born into abject poverty and the laziness of stupidity.

  • How to make gravy. Great tune. Though i get the feeling you havnt actually heard it and stumbled on that progression. So cool

  • I almost started to cry and had a flashback of memories when I hear that guitar. Wow! ☺️

  • My first guitar is a Takemine G-Series. Still got it over 20 yrs later…alot of miles on it and it’s not a high dollar model but the older she gets I swear it sounds better.

    Thanks Pops.

  • They're good, but on average- no Martun. They don't have the Martin characteristic tone.


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