“PLAYING GOD” by POLYPHIA on a CLASSICAL GUITAR | gear doesn’t matter | Play Something Cool
“Playing God” by Polyphia ON A CLASSICAL GUITAR NO CUTAWAY | Play Something Cool
Played by: Cecil Ming Yeung Chau
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#PLAYING #GOD #POLYPHIA #CLASSICAL #GUITAR #gear #doesnt #matter #Play #Cool
Originally posted by UCR39sLAZ5wS_vrMo4tRylHw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVU7lgXIrnA
I genuinely practiced this for like 10 months, Very Impressive my man????
Why is this not on Spotify
Me when i got a daughter in 2045
hes a bit cocky
bit out of time but god DAMN those harmonics were crispy, lil bit more practice and youre set. i wish i could be that good ????
On the acoustic is insane
he looks like cm Conrad sangma
Annoying…. Not cool… sorry
Classical guitar is very hard and then he plays an absolutely horrifying song so it makes sense he died a few times. As a guitarist great job man
Missing some
Nichego neponyatno
The most asian "sure" I've ever heard
Yeah give me those Japanese flamenco vibes with a little pop rock sprinkle on it!
His rhythm is a bit off
She has cool dad????
Considering this is a hard asf song to play especially on classical guitar it's ok.
Aren't classical guitars all vinyl strings? I don't know if Polyphia did it that way but for that part, it sounds amazing!
Nah, nope
Not quite in time but played well
cool indeed, nice playing!
That was awful.
Nahh he aint playing something cool, he is cool ????????
Can someone get me tha tabs?
Que carajos fue eso, primera vez que me decepciona un asiático
A little off best but amazing harmonics and I’m really impressed how you did this with a standard body and not a cutaway, keep playin!!
I didn't enjoy it
For people who are complaining. Playing God is a real tough thing to play.
why so not lear
Ini gitaris band Wali kan ?
Yes !❤
It’s a bit off beat, but the harmonics are the best I’ve ever heard
Very nice
But it’s specifically written for classical guitar and this looks like some expensive dentist signature edition tbh