Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

Playing The ULTIMATE GUITAR SYNTH!! – Emerald Virtuo / Roland GR-55

Crazy tones and huge soundscapes! Unlocking the tones available on an incredibly versatile guitar!
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Emerald Virtuo – https://bit.ly/4bBtXzv
Roldand GR-55 – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/oq3qoe


Studio Monitors – https://imp.i114863.net/3PoOoX
Audio Interface – https://imp.i114863.net/d1xVW
Torpedo Captor X – https://imp.i114863.net/RMJR2
Condenser Mics – https://imp.i114863.net/Jr4QOr

REVV GENERATOR 120 – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/Y9BJae
Marshall – https://imp.i114863.net/ZdQNJ1
Mesa Boogie – https://imp.i114863.net/xdVB1
Orange – https://imp.i114863.net/94MWE
Hughes & Kettner – https://imp.i114863.net/Na1gV
Mezzabarba Trinity – https://www.overdrivedistribution.com/

*Links to gear in the video description may contain affiliate links


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*Obsidian Wire Solderless Kits – https://bit.ly/3IPf0NH
*Guitar Build Kits – https://bit.ly/3JHlizK
*Favourite Fret File – https://bit.ly/3Jk1EIz


#Playing #ULTIMATE #GUITAR #SYNTH #Emerald #Virtuo #Roland #GR55

Originally posted by UClMRGR_QNw4Fm-3FGGyICdw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=569-KE56w80

40 thoughts on “Playing The ULTIMATE GUITAR SYNTH!! – Emerald Virtuo / Roland GR-55

  • @DarrelBraunGuitar Can you give more detail on how you plugged the guitar into the Roland? Why is the virtuoso plugged into the Roland different than a normal guitar?

  • i think the most fun to have with this stuff is playing like a guitarist. not trying to imitate keys. the mix of guitar playing and physicality with all these sounds is where its at.

  • The VG-99 and GR-55 are the best that Roland could create, both in terms of design, a rich set of functionality and controllers, and most importantly, excellent fat sound! I consider the GM-800 to be a generally unsuccessful option, both in terms of design and in everything else. It was possible to upgrade the GR-55 by removing the 13-PIN cable and adding sample loading capabilities and that would be very cool!

  • Anyone can tell me bout this product?..What's the different between the black one and the blue one? Thanx

  • What are the benefits of plugging the GR-55 to another audio interface, compared to plugging it straight to the computer when using a DAW ?

  • Hi does the Roland GR-55 have built in scales and keys, So that way you can pick a key and scale and never hit a wrong note on the guitar?

  • Although it's likely caused by my sloppy playing, I found that round wound strings generate a fair amount of unwanted sounds with this machine. So I switched to flat wounds on the guitar I use exclusively with the GR-55, and it helped a lot.

  • Hi There…!!! Can i use the gr 55 with my natural pickups of my tele or l have to play only via midi…??? Thanks a lot…!!!

  • Can you plug your guitar straight into this or do you need the hexaphonic pickup thing for your guitar to talk to it?

  • Maybe it would have made the video too long but the set up with the GR-55 is critical for the tracking. I have a Strat with a GK-3, and a Godin classical SA and I definitely have to edit the set up when changing guitars because they have different pickups, different actions, etc. .

  • Hi, Can you use this sound : 575/80s brass 7 with audio player ? this sound cut out when i use audio player ????

  • Been Playing Synth Guitars since 1975… Starting with Bob Easton’s 360 Systems 19” Rack mount unit and the Synclaviar Guitar Synth… the last 13 years I’ve been using the GR-55 and the light years ahead of the earliest guitar synths. The GR-55 has it good points and negatives as well … As a stand along unit out of the box the preprogrammed sounds suck they are very cheesy BUT those sounds can be modified and reprogrammed to sound incredible! that overall on stage application at first was troublesome and it took many months before I was able to make it usable… it seems the overall workflow design is not something that is logical and straightforward to a Live application… As it seems more of a studio application … But i use in my usage maybe 12-15 sounds that sound incredible…. the rest of the many sounds don’t sound credible .,,, I have three guitars that plug into GR-55. A Fender Strat, Gibson SG and a Washburn Festival Guitar… Once you reprogram the GR-55 it is a wonderful sounding instrument!!! most of the trick to playing it effectively is studying the phrasing of the other instruments you are playing.. you can play the guitar sounds like a Guitar… But if you are playing a piano sound the same way you play a guitar.. it sound’s terrible!!! Again study Piano Phrasing and Trumpet Phrasing and Hammond B-3 Phrasing and always keep within them at Phrasing and it can sound great…. it is a fine line from great to terrible. but overall that phrasing will also add to your guitar riffs as well ! So it is a win win in many levels!

  • First thing you played, I thought .. why do you need a guitar synth to sound like a guitar with overdrive? I'd like to know if this gear is better than and if so by how much, than using a Variax guitar with a GK pickup installed and an old MIDI guitar converter like GI-20 or something? I play flute piano strings synth etc and all the models and with alt tunings in the Variax, plus peizo and 12 string, banjo, etc. Is this a BIG step up or … what? Remember the Parker MIDIfly or Godin SA or Brian Moore guitars? How much does it cost? Thanks, love your guitar videos.

  • I would be interested in how the GR-55 tracks MIDI going into a DAW like Logic that will score your playing to sheet music. I have tried another older Roland MIDI interface and the tracking and the tracking there iwas awful. The GR-55 as you demoed was much better. If it will send MIDI to the DAW and score my playing accurately that would be a really BIG deal.

  • Great presentation and playing once again by Darrell. I have the Boss SY-200 and SY-300 – total magic – especially when used either in series or parallel with other modelling pedals. A complete orchestra/band at one’s fingertips

  • if you didn't have crap left hand position, then you wouldn't be hitting notes by accident. Can you try using good left hand technique without your thumb hooked over the top of the neck like some kind of beginner?

  • The GR-55 is fun to play with. Picked up my Emerald X10 several years backs and never looked back. Last year I picked up my Godin classical that has the midi out for hooking to the GR-55 as well. I run the output of the GR-55 through a Roland KC 550 along with my drum and bass beats. Piezo from the guitar goes direct in to recording interface, the Krivo pickup goes through the pedalboard and I have a full band in the room. Fun times!


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