Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Effects

Pocket Size Bass Cab | Sonicake Sonic IR ON BASS [Review/Demo]

#sonicake #sonicakebass #sonicIR

11 cabs for $50?! This puny pedal won’t take up much space on your board and also won’t drain your bank account, but is it terrific or terrible? Let me know what you think!

Read more about the pedal here:
Sonic IR

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Check out my bass podcast “In The Pocket” here:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3NV5P1HkX6CO9IJwkxQGWa?si=DYgJt4LjQ46POLLrxd9wgg&dl_branch=1
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPtAC8Q3qFI&list=PL04nKRrDmtoTvlgrRZ1ggwCdRAARuex_i
Acast: https://shows.acast.com/in-the-pocket

Line 6 HX Stomp:

Background music by Nova Mora

#Pocket #Size #Bass #Cab #Sonicake #Sonic #BASS #ReviewDemo

Originally posted by UCuhsqwW-9-XDRnTCUy9NWwg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyBp84gMd0Y

30 thoughts on “Pocket Size Bass Cab | Sonicake Sonic IR ON BASS [Review/Demo]

  • A great demo, but actually awful conclusions.
    You dont mention the ability to load your own wav IRs, which according to the manual is utterly trivial, just name it with the slot number at the start and delete the old IR with that number.
    Your review conclusions only review the included IRs, which are literally worthless. You can grab hundreds of better ones free off tonehunt, and hundreds of other places.
    To not compare the same IR on this pedal and on an IR loader in your PC is an utter fail. To not review whether its easier to use this or just use your PC.
    What a waste of talent and opportunity. This could have been a truly epic review with your ability.

  • Thank you for reviewing this with bass guitar! So I guess the newer and more affordable Harley Benton MicroCAB will not do for bass guitar since it lacks bass cabinet presets.. This Sonicake pedal seems hard to come by these days, but it's definitely the better choice.

  • got one for myself because of your video! I only intended to use the AMPEG 8×10 cab sim but I dabbled in trying to load in third party IR's that I found for free on the web. Unfortunately, most of the IR's that I loaded didn't work because of their format. The Sonicake can use 24bit 44.1khz IR's but the ones i got are 24bit 48khz. I tried downsampling them and still couldn't get them to work. I'll experiment some more but if anyone figures out how to make 24bit 48khz IRs work please comment down! 🙂

  • Using a guitar rig to record bass sometimes works pretty well in heavier music, you guys. This thing's cool asf.

  • So far, there's two cab sims I like for bass:
    The Ampeg and the Bassman. Ampeg def has more low end in it, but the Bassman to me didn't peak as much as the other guitar. I guess since the Bassman is technically a bass amp first, it works out in the end. Bassman also has this cleanliness to it while also sounding full, which I dig. Curious on how this would pair up with something like a Catalinbread 5F6, which is based off the Bassman head.

  • Nice review, I liked a few of the guitar cabs as well as the ampeg, I agree about the 210, but I also liked the fender 108, bassman 410 and the orange 412, thought those did a good job

  • Agree, bypassed thru out is missing as well as ground lift switch because sometimes it is too risky to run FOH without that switch. Other than that, for the 50Eur this cab sim is one of the best on a market if you don't want to dial a lot inside the pedal or its soft. Simply create your own IRs or import preferred one and you are ready to go.

    And yeah, recently got same Behringer for 10e for rehearsals and now I am wondering how they both would sound 😀

  • Love those old Ibbys.
    No surprise the Bass cab IRs sounded best for bass. Nice review man.

  • Hi. Can I use at the SAME time the 1/4 output(to bass head) and the Xlr output (to mixer)? Thx

  • IR's can be quite tricky to describe, it's an engineering term. Essentially you hit a dynamic, Linear Time Invariant system with an impulse signal and you then look at it's response, normally in the frequency domain. Simplified in context this means that cabs and amps can be simulated by hitting them with an impulse signal and sweeping through the audible frequency range, this then gives you a model of the cab or amp in question, which you can then implement with signal processing electronics to give cab and amp sims. This is pretty much how Kempers work.

  • I really like four of them…
    MARSHALL 2550
    Orange ppx412
    Mesa/Boogie Rectifier
    Ampeg SVT-810F
    Especially when you use the Ibanez !
    Good review jonny…cheers…bye????✌????

  • Great review Jonny, really honest which I appreciate. Looking forward to the follow-up video. By the way the RB960 looks and sound superb. Brilliant buy IMHO.

  • I bought one – works ok, nowhere NEAR as good or versatile as a Mooer Radar (which I used to have). But works – use it for my hobbyist guitar pedalboard (the bass gets the HX Stomp love..!). That was the good part. NOW THE BAD. They had wired the power socket wrong – center positive instead of center negative. A basic bit of QC. Almost trashed my Headrush 112 using it initially. Worked ok once I had looked inside, checked the wiring and reversed it (which was a mission in itself as there was some sort of resin/heat shrink stopping you desoldering the terminals of the power socker.Totaly put me off Sonicake stuff – if they can't do basic QA and QC, I dont care how cheap or good their stuff is.


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