Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Amps

Poly Ample is a staggering amp collection | Secret Weapons

Poly Ample is a hardware unit that brings a collection of record-ready NAM amp models to your pedalboard.


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Signal Path:
@29Pedals EUNA
@OriginEffectsUK Cali76
@BensonAmps Boost
@polypedals Ample
@strymon El Cap
@MerisUs Mercury 7
@WarmAudioOfficial WA-273 EQ

00:00 Song
02:07 Review
12:50 Sound Samples
13:35 Clean Amps
18:35 Crunch Amps
24:44 Destroy Amps
29:48 US Classic Amps
34:34 UK Classic Amps
39:59 Gen X Amps
42:33 Split Amps
46:37 Bass Amps

Recorded in Universal Audio LUNA

Thank you for watching. If you like what you heard here, consider following me on Instagram for more music, gear, and a look behind the scenes of producing videos like this.


Below is a list of the gear I use to make these videos. They are affiliate links and help support the channel if you purchase anything.

Camera: BMPCC 6K G2 – https://amzn.to/3shcFWd
Lense: Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 Art DC HSM Lens for Canon – https://amzn.to/3DZ2eJw
Light: SmallRig 120B – https://amzn.to/3uJgvsG
Monitor – https://amzn.to/3ljLrZ2
Tripod – https://amzn.to/3mBRzvd

Shure SM7B – https://amzn.to/3BngLf8
Soyuz Launcher – https://amzn.to/3g9WrFa

#Poly #Ample #staggering #amp #collection #Secret #Weapons

Originally posted by UCrTGtakBzwHfff2aOFXR71g at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joeaPmR8Owc

21 thoughts on “Poly Ample is a staggering amp collection | Secret Weapons

  • I’m torn between this, tonex and model fet for shoegaze/ post-punk home recording guitar and bass duties. Can you help please? What would take fuzz best?

  • Great track and video as always, Mark!
    Also, Every time a pedal manufacturer omits labeling their secondary functions, god kills a kitten ????

  • So Mark, do you feel there is value in this pedal plugged into an amp or only in a direct scenario?

  • I own a Magnatone Twilighter, and the Ample capture nails the tone, especially when you hit the boost. Wow.

  • @EytschPi42 said in his video that he reached out to Loki about it and that was an error. Can’t remember verbatim, but it is supposed to be fixed in an update or the manual would be corrected. Try 4 taps. Great video and tones btw (as usual). Love your honesty and patience to explain things clearly ????????

  • I've got both the verbs and now the ample. The interface is sensitive until it's not. I've found you need to be more deliberate with the presses. The triple tap works for me everytime if I'm deliberate and patient. On verbs, the triple tap actions are immediate but the interface takes ~3 seconds to flash the lights to acknowledge the change.

    The sound quality of these pedals is undeniable.

  • Hmmm, Who will buy this? Most “players” will only use 2/3 amps tops.. plus I cannot see that pretty little box being much use in battle

  • Please do a comparison between this and the Tonex…..it would be a an interesting perspective since the majority have been mesmerized by the latter

  • Tried mine out today for the first time. I already had the Poly Verbs so I'm pairing with that. Both are excellent and sound terrific together. Super value for money IMO.

  • The question is, with its dual amp functionality will this replace your typical dream & ruby through the duophony set up?

  • A touchscreen is a great way to guarantee that your product is a useless paperweight after a few months.

  • Yeah, that interface do present a problem, too bad they couldn't just make an alternate version we could also choose with regular switches and knobs in a solid metal chassis.


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