Monday, March 17, 2025
BassBass Amps

Possibly The Most Important Markbass Review You’ll Ever See – Markbass Little Mark Tube 800

Checking out my Markbass Little Mark Tube 800 head.
I bought this thing around 8 – 10 years ago and it hasn’t seen a whole lot of use since I mostly play guitar, its only been fired up maybe 10 times at most and played with a band in a jam space once or twice and never gigged, pretty much brand new still, even has the price sticker still on it!

Little Mark Tube 800
The Little Mark Tube solves the “tube or solid state” dilemma. The Little Mark Tube 800 goes a step further by also addressing that other perennial concern, “Will I have enough power?” The 800 watts from this powerful amp will satisfy any thirst for power (when it works), and the two blendable preamps give you the warmth and richness of a tube preamp, the clean attack of a solid state preamp… or a mix of both (or none)!

New York 122
In 2010 the New York series welcomes the 122, which features two custom 12” neodymium speakers and a special 1″ voice coil tweeter. With high output, punchy low-end and incredible definition in the highs and mids, this cab is a great choice for lovers of a full, flat-response tone!
800W @ 4 ohms

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#Possibly #Important #Markbass #Review #Youll #Markbass #Mark #Tube

Originally posted by UCEVbWtgqnY2Wb6oqx6maKAA at

38 thoughts on “Possibly The Most Important Markbass Review You’ll Ever See – Markbass Little Mark Tube 800

  • All I use is Markbass. I’ve got a 4 x 10 cabinet and a Little Marcus 500 watt head. I play bars and small clubs. I’ve had the rig for 6 years and never had a problem. Sounds great and I’d say it’s very reliable gear from my perspective. I’m thinking of getting the tube amp next.

  • Got to say, i made the mistake of believing all the hype and bout amp and two cabs. Yes they are light, and sounded ok at 40-50 watts but over that it was all over the place sound wise. Why make 500w amps if they sound terrible over 100watts and the speakers cannot handle it? Mine lasted three weeks and stopped working half way through a gig???? its all very well producing a product that looks good, and sounds ok in a small room if you dont turn it up, but if you are a gigging muso and want a big sound live, forget it.

  • That amp has a 'nothing' kind of sound~ it just doesn't bring it & not enough low end, mids or highs. Seriously though, I hope that Markbass was horrified by this & sent you a new one.

  • Thanks for the warning I was actually thinking about getting one.
    Fantastic sounding bass amp, And I had no idea that it was unreliable

  • I don’t really think Marcus Miller would use this brand if they were bad quality as these guys say…

  • If you take a close look, you can see the main volume controle is pulled out – it is a switch – which means the amp is muted.

  • That made my mind up, I have 2 the “little vintage” and “little Marcus” both great but I’m sorry and I hope @markbass takes care of it

  • Thats probably a service issue. Never had an issue with markbass and have played them for over 15 years in fact one of the reasons i switched is because i saved nearly 2 grand for an ashdown amp and it was absolute dogs balls and wouldnt work. If you plug in an amp and dont get a response its probably fuses circuits or your power source. Very surprising

  • I bought mine used from a fellow player forna steal of a deal. Gigged it for a couple of years and it developed a similar situation you guys are experiencing in the video. I don't remember where exactly I read it but I found a forum on Google that mentions a common issue with the effects loop circuitry. Explains that plugging in a patch cable into the effects loop ports in the back cures the problem. Seems to have worked well for me at the moment and has been for the better part of another year so far. Maybe give it a try and see if it works for you. I agree about the reliability and customer service issues. Damn shame the company couldn't offer better support.

  • Markbass and the Fender Rumble series both have this issue. They both sound PHENOMINAL, and not even just for the price in terms of the Fender Rumble series, but sounds phenominal overall even pitted against the best of the best. I was horrified to find the sea of problems on the internet that people had with Rumbles after mine went out. Same thing is happening with Markbass it seems.

  • Click bait title followed by a really pathetic video. That's 2 minutes of my life wasted.

  • I have this head. Most powerful and reliable bass head ever! I keep in a soft case and it's banged around and pretty much beat up. Never failed in 2 years. I play a ton of bar gigs. I think you did something dumb like forgot to check the mute switch or never plugged in the cab LOL

  • Most probably has the pull to mute switch engaged but then again in the real world things fail out of the box and that’s not a reflection of the quality of a product nor brand.

  • I have had markbass for lots of years – never any problems. So calling out that this amp is not reliable is wierd from one experiance.

  • I have the same exact head and cabinet combo for coming up on 2 years and I haven't had a single issue! I play about 100+ shows a year pumping 3-4 hours a night and it still sounds incredible! Best sounding bass amps for sure. Put it in a good case, don't crank it so you're clipping every note and this head and any head worth a damn, really, should last you a while.

  • I have this amp with the 122 ninja cab. Ive never had a single issue with mine. i had a 600 watt with 2×12 combo and it was not quite loud enough for the band i was in so it was always cranked. It never overheated or clipped ever. I think you just got one that didn't get a proper inspection.

  • Had mine 10 years now. Countless gigs and rehearsals not one issue with my Mark Bass. If yours never worked why did you keep it or buy one that didn't work in the 1st place. Your way out voted here.

  • I can understand you, that sucks to have that problem. My amp started to smoke two days ago when I was practicing with my band. I bought one used from Guitar Center in 2015. The sound was awesome but the short lifespan is a shame. It was stored in a safe place free of humidity and there was no way that there was a problem with my cables in good condition. Probably was overcharged. The issue is that in the USA, the only place to fix it is VST in California. There are other authorized places but these are not around my area (Boston). The cost for fixing it is 300 plus shipping (too expensive).

  • This is the stupidest fucking video on the internet. Mark Bass doesn't have a reliability problem. Quite the opposite, actually. Maybe the output of that douchey bass is broken.

  • Worst amp head ever! I bought one, unpacked it, plugged it up and every time I turn a job it has terrible static and cuts in and out. Returned it, got a second head……… what do you know! And exact issue. Trash! Thanks for the video. I knew I couldn't be the only one having issues. It's really sad cause when it's working it sounds amazing! Thanks again. Cheers!

  • Tell ya what, you get rid of that man bun and get some tools out, you can probably open it right up and see what the issue is. Probably something simple.

  • I had few of Markbass amps now i have 2, no issue there. Amp failure, and? Whole brand is bad? Dont get it. Just fix it and play.

  • I've had about 5 Markbass heads – I currently have 2, a Marco and the Tube 800 – never had an issue. However, I have also owned Aguilar and GR Bass gear and had an issue or 2 with those, but everytime I lodged a query I always got attended to by the heads of the company, which is incredible!

  • I have two the same exact one plus the Ninja over 7 years now, I never had any issues, but I made sure I do not clip under any circuntaces,


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