Monday, March 10, 2025

Power Pins bridge pins for acoustic guitar review

A quick look at Power Pins (replacement bridge pins) by Bigrock Engineering for the acoustic guitar with some sound samples. This product is mainly intended to make string changing easier. I don’t usually do product reviews, but I was asked for my thoughts many times after I posted a photo on Facebook showing my guitar with Power Pins installed. I waited a few weeks and a few gigs before posting my findings in this video. I am sure the experience will vary for each player, but I presented some issues that may help a guitarist to decide if this product is a wise purchase .
Also check out my video on guitar armrests

#Power #Pins #bridge #pins #acoustic #guitar #review

Originally posted by UCH1l8yOjjQIII1pGgkkMz-g at

16 thoughts on “Power Pins bridge pins for acoustic guitar review

  • I just purchased a used guitar from Guitar Center which came with these odd looking bridge pins. Well now I know what they are.

  • What a shit system!!!! Lol they will sell this crap to people who don't know any better!!!!! Lmafo!!!!

  • The example of the tone tells me nothing. I expected a before/after but the comments are so poor I cannot tell if the audio is with or without Powerpins… A Youtube example video is for strangers listening … not for the owner.

  • I put these power pins in my EJ 200. I do notice a bigger and brighter sound, but the melodic glow seems to be a little diminished. I’ve been using Daddario phosphor bronze 12 gauge strings and Robbie Basho tuning: CGCGA#C. I think I’ll upgrade my saddle and nut next. Thanks for the video!

  • All this amount of added weight IS going to change the sound of your guitar. Will increase sustain and slow attack, and, as well, will change the colour of the sound. How you feel about all that is all about your taste in sound.

  • To my ear your guitar sounds like a very large bodied instrument. I love the resonating bass notes and the sustain. Your test has convinced me to get the Power Pins for my guitars with the laminated backs with the idea to "open up" the sound on these. My Yamaha 470SA has a very nice balanced sound but lacks projection comparable to a Martin D35. I'm thinking the Power Pins will be the fix for it. By the way, I've been playing guitar for about fifty years. Many thanks for the product review.

  • I expected to hear more clear and resonating bass at E string, but it still sounds dull..Seems that's yamaha's common problem..

  • lo scasso di palle che può accadere è che 1)quando suoni il pin non è attaccato bene e la corda ti parte 2)mente togli il pin x cambiare la corda si spezza in due,gli stacchi la cappelletta e tutto il piroletto rimane nel buchetto (a quanti di noi è successo) 3)è una palla ogni volta doverto portare l'avvolgitore 3×1 x togliere il pirolo e piazzare la corda,insomma sti POWER PINS spero li vendano anche da noi,saranno stravenduti,x la praticità di ancoraggio delle corde oltre la risposta sonora,io li voto 100% affidabili by Billy Sam(purtroppo io non ce li ho,apposta li voglio comprare

  • Great video Dan!! Very helpful and well made. Have you noticed the raised B, M and T's on the back of the pin can indent into the bridge surface? I installed just snug as instructed. If you update your video, please include as a concern. I tried the pins on an old Yamaha to see how they would do, so it's no big deal, but glad I didn't use on my limited edition Taylor.


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