Saturday, February 22, 2025
BassBass Guitar

Precision vs Jazz (If I Could Only Have One)

???? My full beginner bass course:
The Jazz bass is more popular than the Precision… but many pro’s prefer P bass. So which bass is better?

* Free PDF to help you pick P vs J bass –
* Bass tabs for all those tasty P/J riffs –

The Fender Jazz and Precision are the two most legendary basses in history, making up 83.5% of all recorded music. Or something like that, I didn’t actually do the math.

They sound and feel TOTALLY different, and you need to know the differences to figure out which is right for you, P bass vs J bass. That’s why in this video I’ll walk you through:
* Which is better for rock?
* What about funk?
* Emm, what about soul?
* But seriously, what about SLAP?
* If I could only have one, which bass I’d pick

You read all the way through this video description… you must really like bass lessons. Subscribe so you don’t miss the next one –

#Precision #Jazz #BassBuzz

#Precision #Jazz

Originally posted by UCeD9_tDVA1wvqv1IF9QyP-A at

22 thoughts on “Precision vs Jazz (If I Could Only Have One)

  • Realistically you need both. A P bass lends itself towards music where the bass leads the melody, think Motown. A J bass, with its mid scooped tone, sounds better with music where the bass leads the rhythm, like funk, pop, disco, ect. Obviously there is crossover but as a recording artist it’s rare that a producer will ask you to slap on a P bass unless they’re looking for a specific effect.

  • Holly crap, HopMonk! been many years.
    I always owned P-basses and several years ago finally got a J-bass, and honestly, I love J a little more. The tonal versatility and neck profile just suit me more.
    Nice playing, btw.

  • For me, it's about the neck. I love the Jazz neck better. I can get just about any sound I want out of the Jazz. I mean with today's options with electronics, and why not use them if you an get the sound you want, the Jazz just does it for me. I appreciate the P-bass and have heard what it has done over the years, and it it magnificent, I just like the feel of the Jazz….it's personal.

  • Perfect comparation! Like your videos.

    But I still can't decide, so please advise which one to get the sound of GnR -Duff Mckagan ( without robbing a bank???? )

  • I have been playing a P bass for years and it is my go to bass. I put a DiMarzio J bass pickup on my first P bass and noticed a difference in tone. A few years ago I got an American Performer P bass which has both the split pickup in the middle and the J bass pickup in the bridge and have the best of both worlds.

  • I'll stick with my 1985 Fender P-Bass Lyte.. It's a great P-J configuration. I put passive pickups in it.. It has worked as my main bass for 33 years!! Plus it's lightweight, has a jazz neck and is wonderful to play!!

  • I have viewed several videos on what’s better: P or J. This has got to be THE BEST P Vs J comparison video. Well done & Thank you. BTW: Today is Thanksgiving, so have a good one……..

  • Simple reason. Pros have front-of-house guys who can tweak the P-bass' sounds until it's right for the room. Beginners are on their own and need the extra possibilities of a Jazz.


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