Monday, March 3, 2025

Pro-Guitarist Gives Honest Review of METAL LORDS (Full Walkthrough/Review) **Spoilers**

-Pro-Guitarist Gives Honest Review of METAL LORDS (Full-film Walkthrough/Review) **Spoilers**
I LOVE these sort of films and as a musician it’s fun to give my honest review from my perspective. Thanks for watching!

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#ProGuitarist #Honest #Review #METAL #LORDS #Full #WalkthroughReview #Spoilers

Originally posted by UCXdG2bTITo_9dH0heqkXlDQ at

46 thoughts on “Pro-Guitarist Gives Honest Review of METAL LORDS (Full Walkthrough/Review) **Spoilers**

  • Dude the list of songs he writes down are
    1. War Pigs by Black Sabbath
    2. Ace of Spades by Motörhead
    3. The Trooper by Iron Maiden
    4. Aces by Iron Maiden
    5. Exciter by Judas Priest
    6. Unchained by Van Halen
    7. For Whom the Bell Tolls by Metallica
    8. Holy Diver by Dio
    9. Mr. Brownstone by Guns N Roses
    10. Holy Wars by Megadeth
    11. War Ensemble by Slayer
    12. Caught in a Most by Anthrax
    13. I’m Broken by Pantera
    14. Ratamahatta by Sepultura
    15. Killing in the Name by Rage Against the Machine
    16. I Am Black Wizards by Emperor
    17. Psychosocial by Slipknot
    18. Schism by Tool
    19. New Millennium Cyanide Chris by Meshugga
    20. The Leper Affinity by Opeth
    21. Blood and Thunder by Mastadon
    22. Laid to Rest by Lamb of God
    23. Hail to the King by Avenge Sevenfold
    24. L’enfant Sauvage by Gojira
    25. Mjod by Klevertak

  • Used to like Judas Priest and always liked Halford's stuff but..can't look at him anymore without thinking of Jani Lane. Whether it's true or not, I can't get it out of my head. So fucked up. (I guess some say it was Dave Holland but the whole thing just put a shitty spin on the band for me.)

  • School of Rock is great and all, but the best "music movie" of all time is The Commitments.

  • Dude, you were barely old enough to remember, let alone truly appreciate the Big '80s. At 55, I started playing guitar at Bar-Mitzvah age, and I still can't play anywhere near your level. eh Although my early guitar teachers told me that I excelled in fingerstyle. I was the first to teach my HS music class how to play Stairway. eh

  • I thought the scenes with Kevin and Emily were good. I feel the movie is just as much about growing up as it is being in a band. Honestly, some of the scenes with Hunter were the hardest to watch. Like the classroom scene.

  • Regarding the cringe factor with the shy boy and girl… It's not like you're the intended audience man. 🙂 It's a family movie for tweens.

  • The dude (the bass player) just walks in the room with the bass strapped on like he walks around like that all day. 🙂

  • Great video. Btw, where did you purchase this guitar and what model is this? And if you just bought the black stealth model then how did you stripe this guitar with the silver reflective striping? Thank you

  • I love your honesty and fearlessness of whether it's the popular thing to say or not.
    Love your channel.

  • Thank you for this review so I never have to watch this cringe teeny bopper Jack Black rip off movie. D-

  • Great movie for what it is…if you don't like Fast Times or Breakfast are NOT gonna like it…

  • He really does look like a young geddy lee does he move the mic with his nose ????????? lol….. Im gunna go watch school of rock!

  • I actually paused your vid and went and watched the movie. I'd never heard of it before, but it was really good! It's like a look back at your own teenage years, even if you weren't in a band. I can dig what you're saying about that awkward hook-up scene. It did slow the plot down and veer off a bit. But those awkward relationships were part of growing up, too, so I sort of related to that. But even more so the hot tub scene at the wedding. It was a big character moment for Kevin, and the cameos were fucking rad!

  • There's a movie called The Rocker from 2008 with Rain Wilson in the lead role, definitely a School of Rock rip-off but in a good way, high recommend checking that one out

  • There are a lot of good movies about music and musicians… this one is definetly a netflix production.

  • hunter's integra is so damn clean!!! enjoyed this movie and they look like authentic metal heads to me and that's my favourite part ????

  • If you want to see a fantastic rock and roll movie, Hard Core Logo, a movie about the reunion tour of a fictional punk band by the same name, simply cannot be beat. It stars Hugh Dillon, Headstones lead singer and actor in a few television shows and focuses on his deceptive and manipulative attempts to keep his band together. Any rock and roll fan should see this movie.

  • I love how they call themselves a blackened post-doo-whop neo weezercore band or whatever, but he asks him to learn Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Metallica, etc.

  • I'll tell you, the chellist covering the bass section of a metal band grabbing the And Justice for All tab book has got to be one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. That shit had me good

  • When I was in HS (late 90’s) we had a band in school that was all “preppy” rich kids that everyone thought were so amazing when in reality they just had high end equipment ????

  • I actually think Skullflower is a cooler band name than Skullfucker. This movie sounds cool, i might watch it! I don't watch a lot of streaming movies

  • as a childhood cellist gone goth girl guitarist I am disappointed by this poor representation. I am extremely cringe though so they got that right.

  • The part with "a double pedal doesn't give you the resonance" is a bit thin. Because resonance is something most drummers don't want, hence all the blankets or pillows inside the drums. And playing heel up and thus actively damping the head. He should have said "double pedal doesn't look as cool" which would be the real answer here. But then, the black kit would have looked much better.

  • Having watched this movie and not being nostalgic for the music in it (36 at time of writing this) thought the movie was great because of the actress who played Emily. Especially when she has her breakdown and is discussing how she never wanted to be this way and though her parents try to help her nothing works. Also, the actor who plays hunter deserves a nod as well because I think hunter (the character) is a complete sack of cunts but this actor bringing that character to life to make me hate him that much obviously says something about his abilities.

  • I’m not really a metal guy but I really enjoyed this movie! I’ve already watched a few times in the last few days! It was really fun to watch them shred by the end..

  • those kids should have played my last words by megadeth or deathcrush by mayhem or sum


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