Tuesday, March 4, 2025

PRS SE Hollowbody II Piezo – Acoustic AND Electric?! FULL REVIEW

The SE Hollowbody II Piezo from Paul Reed Smith is a UNIQUE guitar. Maybe, just maybe, it’s the ONLY guitar you’ll ever need. Acoustic? It does that. Electric? It does that, too. Electric and Acoustic at the same time? YUP. Overkill? Maybe…but I don’t think so.

PRS HBD II Piezo SE at Sweetwater: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/Qyd2XM
PRS HBD II Piezo SE at Zzounds: https://www.zzounds.com/a–3980673/item–PAUSEHBIIP

00:00 Intro
00:20 Acoustic Sounds
00:39 Electronics & Controls
01:10 Electric Pickups Only
01:26 Dual Output – Electric & Acoustic
02:15 Single Output – Electric & Acoustic
02:41 Drawbacks
03:33 My Thoughts
04:51 Full Review
08:20 Your Thoughts?

#prsguitars #PaulReedSmith #electricguitar
#acousticguitar #prs #hollowbody #AcousticElectric

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#PRS #Hollowbody #Piezo #Acoustic #Electric #FULL #REVIEW

Originally posted by UCe2E6jakftoYbUudKCk5AOw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t881XC9Ynpw

39 thoughts on “PRS SE Hollowbody II Piezo – Acoustic AND Electric?! FULL REVIEW

  • 5:40 china? Really? What happened to their factory in Indonesia? Are they making guitars in Indonesia and China now?

  • On modelers nowadays, there are ways to set up a preset or patch that is good for plugging an acoustic guitar in…a person could do that if they don't want to deal with the split cable thing…I'm doing a video search to see if a blend of this guitar's magnetic pickups with the piezo can get that quacky tone that a strat has in the 2 and 4 positions. the reason why I'm thinking that is because I think piezo pickups have kind of a quack to them…but having said that, I use an amp modeler when doing live gigs…I would think if a person was using actual amps when they perform, for songs that they are not wanting to blend the piezo with the magnetics, but need to go back and forth from a great acoustic tone to an electric guitar tone, they would use the 2 cable method to achieve that; one going to a good acoustic guitar amp, and the other to an electric guitar amp, and when they were doing a song where they found a tone that they really liked by blending the piezo pickups with the magnetic pickups through an electric guitar amp, they could just pull the acoustic output chord out to achieve that…thanks for the video!

  • Use an amp with Electric and Acoustic setting, that’s what I do. The Boss Katana II is perfect for this. One amp, both sounds. I have this guitar in another finish. I love it!

  • I went to the local Guitar Center the other day, and apparently they're going for a more "high end" approach now in there, because a lot more of the American or otherwise expensive models were on the wall, even along the bottom racks. They had one of these in there, and I was excited because I'd really been looking forward to experimenting with a piezo to see if it was for me. Feels great, love the color, and handles crunch really well! BUT I will say that weight-wise, going from holding this guitar to demoing a couple Gibsons felt like lifting a twig compared to lifting a log. ????

  • I had one and turned out to be a very nice axe. Mag pick ups sounded great along with the piezo mixed in. That said, when engaging the piezo pick ups (bridge) there is a very load hum from the active circuitry that is quite annoying. With no way to cut the treble in the hopes of taming it down, the guitar was useless in the venue that hoped to use it in. (Got rid of it)

  • 7:00 Forgive me if I'm wrong, but this guitar page on PRS site says you can configure the humbucker to use only neck, only bridge or both.

  • When I see and play one in person, if they are near as good as they seem to be. I'll have to have one.

  • Wish they would make an se or even s2 solid body with piezo. My ears just cant be friends with a hollow body. It sounds kinda deflated or like a potato chip thats been left out for too long. Maybe its just my rig. Idk.

  • Can’t put my finger on why, but I’m not enjoying this video, and for that reason I’m out.

  • I use the mix plug, plugged into a boss katana 100. Since the amp has an acoustic setting, i use that when i turn the magnetic sound to 0, and just use the piezo. I don’t really blend the pickups together but if i did i would add a touch of piezo like you said. Works pretty well for me

  • This PRS Piezo works great with the Hotone Ampero Stomp II which has 2 inputs. Many cool FX combos to explore

  • I need one of these in the violin burst colour more than I need oxygen. I’ve had Gibson Les Pauls, I’ve had an array of Strats, I still have some custom Ibanez guitars that I’ve had for years and I’ve had numerous random things like Peavey Wolfgangs and electro-acoustics. This does everything I want, sounds good, looks good and doesn’t cost more than the deposit on a house.

    And it’s pretty enough to ensure my wife doesn’t moan when it’s left on a stand in the lounge.

  • I own one. I love it! It is a great guitar, specially if compared to the Core. Is a bargain.

  • Very helpful to me as a mostly acoustic player interested in having an extra guitar on stage with which to also do some electric stuff. Based on your excellent input, I think I‘ll keep looking… Hoping to find a guitar that sounds a bit better as an acoustic, and also offers coil tapping for more tonal variety (I like the chimey electric stuff better than the growly stuff).

  • Run the magnetic output to the Helix guitar input and run the piezo output to the Helix auxiliary input send to sperate channels each with its own effects. You can use the expression peddle to blend the channels and/or assign a foot switch to toggle between them. Very cool guitar, paired with the Helix has amazing possibilities for performing live or recording. And that blue is sooo cool.

  • How would it be with the cable plugged into the mix jack and then using a Katana Artist and program position 1 as an acoustic Chanel and 2 as a clean or driven Chanel then have the ability to switch between the two using a footswitch?

  • You mentioned using the humbuckers with just a tad of the acoustic, but did you ever try using the Piezo pickup with just a touch of the magnetic pickups? I would be interested in hearing that kind of blended tone.

  • I bought this guitar because I prefer its nicer finish and details over that of the non-piezo versions. The piezo pickup has a very powerful built-in preamp, that is way too hot for an electric guitar amp. Maybe acoustic amps don't have preamps or something, I don't know. If I crank the piezo volume on the guitar beyond 3 or 4, every preamp in every amp I have will distort, and very unpleasantly so. If I set the clean volume of the amp no higher than 5 and the piezo volume on the guitar no higher than 3, the guitar sounds absolutely beautiful (and still plenty loud enough, btw). I never combine this tone with the magnetic tone. The magnetic pickups sound much better, if pluged into the magnetic only output, so that's how I use the guitar most of the time. I only use the mix output if I want to use the piezo tone, then I plug back into the mag output. Surprisingly, i find the piezo tone quite useful, even though I didn't think I'd ever use it when I bought the guitar. I bought it for the magnetic tone, which still sends goosebumps up and down my back while playing.

  • There was a bit of a Linsey Buckingham / Fleetwood vibe to some of those tones.

  • Does the PRS SE hollow body ii piezo allow you to have simultaneous piezo output on one of the outputs and magnetic pickup output on the other? Or will turning down the magnetic pickups in the mix output also turn it down in the solo magnetic pickup output?

  • If you can't afford more than one guitar, this might not be the guitar for you though. For the extra 400.00 to purchase the piezo version of this guitar, you can buy a budget acoustic.

  • I’m don’t think that blending a mag/piezo tone that you personally don’t care for is a “drawback” with the guitar; the whole point is that the blend is to taste. It would be a legitimate drawback if it was a fixed 50/50 blend.

  • The color is blah! looks like my friends bathroom tile and counter top.. awful.. the sound is okay…


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