Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Lessons

Q&A #3 – Bass for 8 Strings, Practice Tips & Unicorns | Pete Cottrell

Talking Bass, Practice Tips and Unicorns?
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#Bass #Strings #Practice #Tips #Unicorns #Pete #Cottrell

Originally posted by UCXOf0fbOAhL_BPpVGDP_VnQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir35m-RXudk

34 thoughts on “Q&A #3 – Bass for 8 Strings, Practice Tips & Unicorns | Pete Cottrell

  • There aren´t many videos about how to play bass with downtuned guitar. I want to ask you about your opinion for drop G. What will do you use? 4 string guitars in drop G (with the an-audible G open on 4th string) or 4 string one tone below (A G C- F and use the 3rd string as the G same octave than guitar) I hope i explained it good 😛

  • hey man! i'm going to buy an 8 string, and I can't choose between che chapman ml1 8rd (the Rob 's one) and the Washburn Parallaxe solar c180, any ideas? I need it for the clean tone too

  • So, you're saying that if I am playing my 8-string in E-A-E-A-D-G-B-E I could use my 4 string bass in Standard E or like E-A-E-A?

  • hello Pete. i have a request. since you talked about the bass guitar (your squier) could you please make a video showing your bass tone? maybe it would be good to hear it in a mix but also played "live" maybe just playing some riffs so that we could have a clue on how different it sounds from the guitar. hope you take into account my request. thanks!

  • Hello from Russia:), what do you like the most in agile's guitars and would you recomend this brand to others ?

  • hello Pete, could you please tell us, how do you manage your practice diary? maybe you could show some pages of it? I waste allot of time on one exercise, and get bored. I think your approach would help me alot to make my practice effective! thank you for your answers and videos. you inspire us alot

  • For a really really cheap 7 string I would say the Jackson JS22-7 is awesome, I got it for only 245euros and it plays pretty fantastic for the price.

  • The unicorns are delicious but made me laugh like a madman ????,
    Also the terminator thing at the end… I recommend using lava to kill it, it worked in Terminator: Judgement Day and it worked when I used it but it can be a bit tricky if you don't have any immediate access to lava but any molten liquid should work

  • The RG7321 7 string is great for starting 7 strings, i bought one 2 months ago and love it

  • Sup, dude? I have some songs of my own creation on my channel. If you have some time (and also if you want, of course) please check them out. There are only Guitar Pro demos, because I don't have the proper gear and stuff to record as good as I'd wish, but it's something xD Any comment, suggestion or insults are welcome. I like your videos, keep it metal, bro! m/

  • The Ibanez 7321 is a great guitar. But those stock Ibby pickups are not "okay". They are shit. I have to say. I recently got a 7421, and the pickups were the first thing to go. Slapped a pair of AHB-1 Blackouts in it, and now it kills.

  • Can you get a good sound with the periphery bass tuning method out of Bias and Jamup pro?

  • Great Video!  The background music sounds so familiar….lol  Yeah the Korg MA-1 was and still is one of the most useful learning accessories I have…love the headphone jack on it too.  Take Care man!

  • …And Justice For All is a masterpiece! It made me buy a guitar when it got out.

  • In addition, Schecter makes a couple affordable extended range guitars too. The C-7 and C-8 Deluxe models run you about $275-$350 range. Chappers just had the 7 string in a video and thought well of it for being such an inexpensive guitar. I think he went so far as to say it was the best affordable 7 string he's played, or something along those lines.

  • Nice one Pete :] Gonna have to start keeping tabs on my stuff that I'm learning[See what I did there ;D]

    Would any sort of metronome do in this respect? Or is there a specific one that you use?

  • There are many ibanez(es?) 7421 that cost less than $500, and there's one that costs only 399. Go check out musicians' friend and see for yourself 🙂

  • 2 out of your five metal riffs are from Heavy Devy?!?! You sir have earned my respect. Awesome.

  • So a metronome and a timer and lots grinding. Thanks pete 🙂 love your work. m/


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