Monday, March 10, 2025
BassGuitar Tips & Hacks

Q&A Sunday – No3

0:00 Intro Jam – Silence
4:11 How do I force myself to continue learning as an older beginner?
13:17 If you could start your musical career again, what would you do differently?
22:50 Do you believe that things in life happen for a reason?
37:17 If you had to play any other instrument other the guitar what would it be?

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#Sunday #No3

Originally posted by UC45DvlXhHi7K3uHZDwUPvKA at

46 thoughts on “Q&A Sunday – No3

  • Ìmpossible to overestimate the impact your speech on life have had on me.. i've been watching this daily for over a week now…. i can only say thank you Dave!

  • I really enjoy making up my own sounds and riffs I have more fun ???? playing my guitar ???? even if people don’t like my sound I keep going to I get better it really challenges me to play. I get so bored trying to learn other peoples music ???? and sounds and cover tunes and scales and theory music it makes me lose interest in music and playing the guitar ???? I like to make up originals I have so much fun doing that ????????????????????????????❤️

  • Thanks, Dave. Couldn't agree more wrt being forced to learn stuff. There's a fine line between building neuromuscular connections, and box ticking.

  • Why won't you get electric violin Dave? Who would like to see Dave shredding on e – violin? C'mon Dave!!!

  • Same thing here, never really practiced bass or a guitar, just enjoyed playing everything. Enjoyed playing bass with Babylon by Bus live album by Marley 🙂

  • Hi Dave, gear question: are you still using the Barefaced Audio cabs and, which one would you recommend…..and …..speaker preference?!

  • You are doing great ❕You have great confidence if you wouldn’t change anything in your life. I would change nearly everything except being autistic????. Unlike you, I have basically flunked out of my life. I had a lot going for me, talent, intelligence, interests but the depression from a miserable childhood has not been overcome. It is what it is. I really enjoy listening to you play and am so happy your cd ???? is a success ✅. You can always get funding again from your viewers. Out here in the TuboSphere we’re happy to help and love ????watching you succeed. ????☮️????????????????

  • Well, well, well, Mr. Loud started off today with Bunny's, Unicorn's and Rainbows, now "Isn't that Special". I see Aqua Lung the Musical Druid is in the house with Yoda-ish advice and maybe a cake recipe or a muffin treat if we're lucky. I have a question oh wise one from the Renaissance. Have you had the chance to try out the Boogie California Combo or Head and Cabinet? Unfortunately, requires a Kid Nappers Ramsom Demand. Thanks Dave. Always love your muse . . .

  • Love the intro jam! Beautiful! The best advice ever “ Do what you are and don’t worry about anyone else trying to run your life.” That is priceless! I have heard other YouTubers complain about loss of income for unknown reasons. So, I don’t think it is just you. Anyway, Best Wishes from Nashville USA!

  • I couldn't agree more with your answer to the first question… All I have ever done to practice at home is to either jam along with my favourite CDs or just noodle about for a bit. I've never once sat down to practice scales or anything like that. I have no idea what "grade" I am as a player, all I know is audiences seem to like what I do, landlords seem keen to book me for gigs and other musicians seem to want to play and record with me. So I must have made some kind of progress in the 20 years since I first figured out the riff to Smoke on the Water

  • Im very simular. When practicing feels like boring homework i jst rather be a happy bedroom player than on stage and unhappy ❤

  • Dave, because of you I got myself three Marshall pedals: Guvnor GV2, Jachammer and Bluesbreaker 2. Most youtubets gave them bad name but you were totally opposite to that. I've trusted you and to what I heard from your videos. And God, you were so right. Also because of you I have ordered Tonecity Golden Plexi, Black Tea and Heat. No regrets here as well. You are the great inspiration for us all Dave. Love you as a person and for yours skills. You should never feel depressed because you got all that positive energy from your fans. Bless you man and carry on with your channel.

  • Thanks Dave. Most excellent Q&A. How do you get this violin sustain? I know it’s gain and then some but what do you use? For example Marshall Gvnr and DS2 together?

  • Ooh Dave! That opening bit of music you played today has legs, man. I hope you give it some time and love cause my gut tells me there is really something special going on. It might be the feeling or the emotion or whatever you want to call it but all the notes, rhythm and energy hit me. Migraine and all it just stood out. Thanks. Hope you’re well.

    Your attitude has helped me to keep my approach to learning guitar going cause I didn’t want to learn simple songs I wanted to learn to play blues and blues/rock and I had a terrible time with no calluses, not remembering things and finally 12 years later getting some finger memory working. But I have enjoyed this experience so much. Both my guitars are named fun in Welsh. Miri and Firi. Thanks so very much Dave.
    You hang in there, please, ok?

  • Your playing is inspiring brother. Especially seeing a guy alone in his room doing it well, which is 95% of guitar players.

  • Interesting thoughts about violin and sustain! Coincidently, I vaguely remember a Carlos Santana interview where he says he started out on violin playing with his dad, and it influenced his desire to use a lot of sustained notes when he became a guitarist.

  • Kudos Dave, that violin like playing you did on the guitar was just marvellous, heavenly, thanks for that !

  • Super intro jam i call it Dave mood music and man thank you for it you do inspire me with you playing life is a very hard road and your playing helps me with it

  • I think you should give the violin a whirl on here like you did playing guitar with your left hand ????

  • You definitely inspire me to pick my guitar back up and trudge through the shit river so called life and I thank you TONS for that

  • Man it gives me so much joy as one of the original backers to see that you still love that '62!! My black strat is an homage to yours after all!!


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