Monday, March 3, 2025

11 thoughts on “RC 600 Pedalboard Rundown

  • i have two questions. 1) does anyone know if you can adjust the volumes of the individual parts of the drums only using the rc600 itself? like for example could you turn down the hihats only on one of the factory drumbeats? 2) can you do the same thing with an external midi controller somehow? make a beat using the rc600 internal drum sounds, but then turn the hihat volume down via the external midi controller? thanks!

  • Really cool to learn that you can control the drum computer in the RC-600 with an external midi controller!

  • Coming from my RC20XL to the rc500 I hate the silver buttons they committed on

    I love the light up square buttons on the gt1 and wish they went that route

  • Check out electro Harmonix bass9 pedal. It kills all other octave pedals in my opinion.

  • Hey brother seen some of your performances and loved them. Also subbed. My 2cents about the drive issue is that screamer style drives used along with the oc3 tend to sound muddy. Maybe try some ods that don't have that mid bump. Ehx crayon and boss od3 seem to work well for me. Thought to share that info with you because like me you are a fanatic user of the oc3 and I found it frustrating trying to find some drive that works well alongside that pedal. Not sure if that blackstar drive does the trick for you. If it does then I'm typing for nothing xD. Cheers 😉

  • Subbed & Liked.You're getting a lot of mileage from a few pedal set-up.????.Like how you use the Korg controller to start track 3 and control the drums.Using 1 Assign for each of the top left 3 pads?.I had the RC-50,300,and now 600.I have a Oxygen Pro 25 keyboard controller.Not using the Keys.Only the Pads and 8 Potentiometers.5 pin MIDI cable is going to the RC-600.Using 8 Potentiometer Assigns,right now.Volume for each of the 6 tracks and Rythem and Master Volume.Rythem is out of Sub 1 to my mixer.I have access to the RC Drums like you do.This has 16 pads.In 4 Banks.I'm going to set-up in each bank-assigns,like you're doing using your Korg.What a Great Idea.Do you have access to a Chart,telling you what each RC Drum and it's # is ? I haven't had any luck,looking on the Net for a chart.Can't tell you how many RC-600 video's I've looked at.Everybody seems to set-up their looper a bit differently.I've picked up a lot of Great Ideas for setting up my Looper. With this set-up I finally can loop a guitar rythem–Then,Add the Drums I Want.. Best Regards.


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