Reaction: The Warning’s Ale: Interview by Expo Gonher 2022
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The Warning is a rock band from Monterrey, Mexico, consisting of three sisters: Daniela, Paulina, and Alejandra Villarreal. They gained popularity through their YouTube channel, where they posted covers of classic rock songs and eventually began showcasing their original music. The band’s style is characterized by energetic performances, powerful vocals, and impressive musicianship.
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#Reaction #Warnings #Ale #Interview #Expo #Gonher
Originally posted by UClMb79RC9_r4rIvZZUQ2ftg at
Just added Spanish captions for my commentary – under settings gear, choose "Spanish" (not the auto-generated)!
Most rock bands take shots before a show
The Warning get together and pray
Not a lot of people pick up on this huge difference.
Thank you for sharing this. Really enjoyed this ????????
suggestion: do up a bit of a CV/Resume and send it with a written "interview intent" (in essence a "script" of sorts) by snail mail to Rudy and invite him to get in touch with you. If you are able to access anyone from Berklee to be a bit of a name drop it would add to an easy understanding of who you are etc… some reaction channels have done it by going to a show (VIP tickets) and getting their face to face moment that way but it doesn't provide the same substance beyond the fan style contact. You could also write a song for them and send it to Rudy and Anton as a way of opening closer contact. You can do it!
Take care
Ale is Amazing everyone thinks she is the shy lil girl but ???? her sisters have outed her as the most vocal and " bossy" behind the scenes in a good way tho she always learns as much about every aspect of the industry that she can and is the one of the three that stands up and will say we'll do ot this way when they cant decide on something and is there in negotiations telling someone no thats not how we want to do it
Lovely Ale. ????
Thanx a bunch guys, long live The Warning!
For Ale bein so young in this interview, she strikes me as very mature and wise beyond her years. Long live The Warning!
I had not seen this one. Thank you so much ????????❤️????????
Ale’s sisters have said that Ale is the best piano player. I would love to hear her play some Billy Joel. Or anything else for that matter.
I like This band
After watching this, I ran into a veritable cornucopia of The Warning
I love that you love this stuff.
Great interview…. And nice work on the keyboard
How many musicians can park their individual egos by the side of the road and collectively add each of their own strengths in creating each song so that they result in a more complete musical piece? I am still amazed how string playing musicians can keep their fingers from being shredded to ribbons, but that's why calluses were invented. This was a great interview by the mysterious, sublime bass player & backup vocalist from The Warning. When they were younger kids, Alle was the shortest in height and after her growth spurt, she is now the tallest of the 3 sisters, which really fits the way she moves around on the stage. She is the smooth one while Dani is more of a very energetic energizer bunny. Pau brings the punch while she is very expressive, like she is playing a role behind the drums as she brings very powerful beats and occasional does the lead singer role with impeccable, quality vocals. Pau sometimes trades off a vocal phrase with Dani, where one sometimes finishes the others phrase or holding out of a note, like a tag team. If you weren't paying close attention, you would think it was the same person. That's the power of Family! Dani, Pau and Alle are true performers, and they work together as one of the highest collaborative bands I have seen in many years!
So great to see her when she’s on her own and very comfortable with a well-prepared and easygoing interviewer! On a separate but The Warning related new interview that you will want to see — music podcaster from Mexico extraordinaire Javier Paniagua just released an in-depth interview with their sound engineer Lalo — well worth checking out despite the less than perfect auto-Translate —
Ale is very intelligent and thoughtful throughout this interview. Also has a good sense of humor.
This video was very special in many ways.
First, we got to see Glenn play the keyboard. And it was fantastic!
Second, Ale is soooooooo freaking cute. Even being interviewed she is so sweet and reserved. You just want to hug her.
Third, she FINALLY had a chance to say more than 2 words without her sisters interrupting her, especially motormouth Pau.
God bless poor Ale but she NEVER has a chance to get a word in edgewise, so this was wonderful.
Finally, as Glenn said, there were some very interesting answers. Amour being the most technically difficult to play? Wow, who would have thought.
Favorite to play is Evolve, also very interesting.
What she would tell her younger self, so sweet.
But above all, the wisdom she and her sisters have musically speaking is so far beyond their years.
Even the concept of less is more. Some bands go for 20 years and still don't figure that out.
This was absolutely wonderful. Thank you Glenn.
That was interesting. Don't get to hear from Ale that often. Nice outro, Glenn!
I liked this interview. Ale is COOL
Ale is very articulate in Spanish. Very informative. You're Billy Joel bit was very good. I saw an interview with only Ale about a year ago but for the life of me I can't remember with whom it was except that it was some guy in NY. I always wish more interviewers would make it a point to ask her questions directly because otherwise she tends to stay quiet. By the way, I misspelled "your" with "you're" earlier, sorry.
With every interview I've seen, it always strikes me how thoughtful, intelligent, and humble they all are. They just radiate excellence in every facet of life ⚡️⚠️????
Edit: to add, where you and Ale mention the "less is more" idea, it takes me back to a little band called The Beatles
Great reaction from a professional of THE WARNING. I feel that Alejandra is the peace, the calm, the serenity, the tranquility, of the storm, the earthquake, the tsunami that Daniela and Paulina are.
I've never run across another Ale solo interview. This is a unicorn (for now). On another matter, The Warning posted today the videos of Automatic Sun at the MTV EMA's and the pro-shot of HYCAD in Times Square. The MTV EMA's video shows about five seconds more than the original posting, the part that is "blocked" by MTV's video cards and outro screen (is that what it's called?). So, reactors shouldn't have any problems with the MTV EMA's video from now on. Also, Javier Paniagua just posted an interview with Lalo Plaza (The Warning's audio engineer) done previous to one of the shows at Auditorio Nacional.
!!!EXCELLENT¡¡¡. The Warning = 100% ???? !!!????Ole Ole Ole Oleeee Ale Ale ????¡¡¡. Greetings from Argentina.
The bass found Ale ????
What an articulate, intelligent, thoughtful and mature musician! Maybe 18 here? I think it is interesting that her parents managed to find amazing teachers for all of them. Pau's teacher apparently had her sing to count while learning basic drum techniques, so she never knew that singing and playing drums at the same time is supposed to be hard. Ale really is underrated because of the fireworks from Dany and Pau, but she is truly the bedrock of their sound. Thanks to Pablo for the bass but also for pushing all of them to write their own music. Without him this may not have happened.
Ale una gran bajista de JAZZ tocando ROCK ,una de las mejores bajistas de rock del planeta
One of the many things I admire about The Warning is their willingness to do what is best for the music. I need to play with a pick on this one, so I will learn. I have never used a slide before, so I will learn. I have heard that Pau has offered to lower songs to make them more in Dany's range only to have Dany tell her, "No. Write it where it should be and I will do the work to make it happen."
Thanks for unearthing this gem. Great interview with Ale which I think puts to bed any notion of her being shy. Out of the three of them, I would actually say Dany is the shy one. Watch her more closely in interviews and you will see it.
A beautiful, smart, soft spoken, amiable, intelligent and uber talented young lady. That's Ale. ????
I love how she’s very open minded in this interview, even though it’s just her.
Pablo did join the girls during the song 23. This is the link to the video. I know you guys already checked out the song though.
I've always felt like Ale doesn't talk that much during interviews because she's always had two older sisters who both like to talk, and Ale is just used to her sisters talking during interviews.
it's very rare to see ale speak a lot in a ITW.
Javier Panaguia (mexican ITWer) made 3 big ITW of Dany Pau y Rudy but not yet with Ale (it became almost a joke in the comments )
First time I've actually seen her look like a teen-ager, tho she talks like someone older.
Really love how the interviewer is conducting this interview with Ale Ale appears very comfortable even though she is doing this without Pau and Dany right by her side,but it did help Alejandra is doing it in the CAVE but still very good job on her part .
Usually by now we would have heard if any songs off KMF were personally from Ale since they have done many interviews talking about the LP AND they also did a video where all three of them did a lot of talking after every song in the studio after it was released discussing each track .
Ale reminds me of Pau with how easily she is giving her answers but Paulina talks even faster . That really was a great interview shout out to Alejandra. And Nikki Sixx is still doing good music and has a good voice.
Yes another interview like this with just Ale is needed ASAP !!
What she said about letting the song breathe and less is more, that not adding stuff all the time, as it doesn't help the song, this is one of the main reason why I was never able to get into J-Rock.
Some of the most common comments people make are “TW never write a bad song” or “the next song is my new favorite “, Ale’s comments about leaving things out or leaving space are testament to their songwriting skills. Thanks Glenn for sharing!
Well as you are playing the piano don't forget Ale is a great Pianist as all three of them play the Piano.
I always enjoy this one. I came away thinking that these sisters have great creative minds for music. They were very mature musically at a very young age. It blows my mind that they knew exactly what they were doing from their very first LP at that age.
I was surprised to realized I'd not subscribed to your channel until now. I know I've watched a fair number of your reactions. I really appreciate reactions to interviews like this because we get such an special insight into these special women. Your call-outs are all spot on. Great job. (Subscribe everyone!)