Thursday, March 6, 2025

Recording Classical Guitar: Oktava Mk-012 (Cardiod, Omni, MJE K47H Capsules) | Guitarise Test #1

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This is a classical guitar recording test involving three microphone pairs in AB configuration. Preamplifiers are Oktava Mk-012 modded by Michael Joly while the capsules are in omni (SDC) and cardioid (SDC and LDC feat. MJE-K47H capsule heads) configuration.

I made this in my own time for the readers of my blog. I was not paid by any manufacturer to do this – I just wanted to test the new capsules by Michael Joly and choose the microphones for my upcoming solo album (featuring Baroque music by Bach, Scarlatti, Zamboni and Kapsberger).

If you’re listening on studio grade headphones or monitors you’ll probably notice some strange sweeping high frequency noise on the MJE K47H samples, probably caused by AC, sorry about that – I noticed it too late.
Other than that, I think the sound quality was good overall in every configuration, although I do have a winner. Please, don’t forget to tell me what your favourite was as well.

Recorded at my project studio ( in Zavrhek, Slovenia, on March 14th 2013.

Hope you like the experiment, the outcome and the music. Feel free to ask any question and please subscribe.

Music featured in this video:

J. S. Bach: Prelude BWV 998
M. de Falla: Cancion del fuego fatuo
M. M. Ponce: Sonata III (Allegro moderato)
M. Tomassini-V. Kreslin: Kakor zvezdi na nebu
E. Sainz de la Maza: La Muerte

#Recording #Classical #Guitar #Oktava #Mk012 #Cardiod #Omni #MJE #K47H #Capsules #Guitarise #Test

Originally posted by UChXGCiSDKrOXXsQoI2M-d-A at

25 thoughts on “Recording Classical Guitar: Oktava Mk-012 (Cardiod, Omni, MJE K47H Capsules) | Guitarise Test #1

  • many thanks for the useful video and the music, good taste and elegant, cultivated sound. I've a pair of oktavas, cardioid. This exact spacing and distance has given me the depth and natural sound I was looking for a long time. Recording classical contrabass has not been easy. All the best

  • Do you have experience recording with Neumann KM184's? If so, how are they?
    Also, are cardioid capsules good for playing live or would a hypercardioid capsule like the Oktava MK-012's be better for feedback control? (In general terms – venue dependent of course!).

  • It is not possible to get it modded anymore? Also, the oktava mk-012-01 difference is only that they do not have more capsules?


  • Your video was done some years ago, but thought you might like to know that it helped me in making up my mind to order a matched pair. No need to do the Joly mod anymore as that has been incorporated into the 012 mics. I will try your setup with my acoustic guitar and compare to my setup. The Collings 0001 has no cut away so I place the mics in an X type arrangement about 2 cm apart pointed at the upper bouts. One mic about 4 cm above the fretboard in the centre area between the body edge and sound hole. The second mic in the same position but below the fretboard. Mics were about 25 cm from the guitar at a level with the fretboard. Using good headphones and recording to a Roland Octa Capture and then with an ART Pro tube driven pre-amp.The sweet spot was determined by feeling for the most vibration in the wood (Sitka spruce). So far I am very pleased with the purchase. I did find that cables made quite a difference. Using the best quality mic cable was 10% quieter than the heavy duty brand by Yorkville. The Art Pro however gave such a clean gain signal to the Roland set on bypass that the noise was non existent.

  • Dear Uros, thank you very much for this video! It was very interesting to listen to the different recordings. My favourite is the Cardiod. Anyhow, the other versions sound beautifully too. The greatest thing in that sound examples definitely is your playing itself. It's a pleasure to listen to your guitar playing! It's extraordinary carefully and with great love to details. Thank you!

  • Nice playing!! It is optimal if the distance between the microphones is the same as between one of the microphones and the guitar.

  • Thanks for the video! How about post-processing? I'm guessing you didn't pan hard L/R? EQ/Comp? Etc. Thanks

  • You have this incredible tone! I also heard it on your latest recording "Baroque music". I don't know how you do it but it is sublime. Thank you for the good work you do.

  • Thanks for your Video
    I really liked the MJE-K47H , bud can not find it, where I can buy it.. Can you suggest some Store, please?

  • Thanks a lot for putting it all together and great playing too!
    I got a pair of 0-12 too and have done some recordings at home with lute and theorbo you can view on my channel. Listening to your video, the 0-12 alone in cardioid sounded best; the large diaphragm mic added too much boost to the bass in an unpleasant way, and there was some harshness added in the omni mode too, less clarity, and more colouration. I wonder why that is, and whether the 0-12 are true omni or not? what is your favourite and which sounded closest to the real sound? and why 43 cm in particular? all best, Yair

  • Sounds great, but why measuring in cm's. Ok I'll break out the cm to inches converter, lol


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