Thursday, March 6, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Remember The 90’s: The Peavey Rage

Lets take a look into my childhood with the Peavey Rage combo amp!

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#Remember #90s #Peavey #Rage

Originally posted by UCs9AN-WTBsWP72aewXlNKUA at

23 thoughts on “Remember The 90’s: The Peavey Rage

  • I remember back on 1992 my grandpa gave me a Rage 158 . I loved it, it was loud and I kept it for about 10 years and I Gave it to a friend .
    One of the best features "In my opinion" is that preamp output because I had also a bass amp and I used to hook it up to that amp through the preamp output and the best is that if you hook anything to it you are still listening to the speaker of the rage . What I mean is not like a headphone setup where you hook it up and your speaker mutes but you are able to listen to the sound coming out of either headphones or an external amp.
    Man, nobody makes amps with that feature anymore , not that I know of.
    If you know from other amps with a preamp output let me know .

  • I used to have a wall of 8” peavey and gorilla amps mic’d by a old shure pa amp . Every time we played “ for whom the bell tolls” during the part where our singer mike warfield sang “ hear the silence so loud!” There would immidiately be mind numbing loud feedback as we tried being quiet,

  • Such a great sound brother great to see this I remember this was my first ever amp sure had some grunt to it…gotta love the 90s best days along with the 80s cheers

  • I have an earlier but slightly larger relative of the Rage, a Backstage Plus (The plus was for spring reverb.) It has lived a hard life, including being forlorn in a screen room by a family member through all of the elements and splash/wind rain for about 15 years. The MDF is shot, and I did respeaker it because the paper, while not ripped, was so soft it was flubbing. Despite that, it still doesn't skip a beat. The electronics in those things just don't die. It does seem to like the mids run high, but it may be due to new speakers' voicing.

  • My first amp, and my first electric guitar was a blue Series 10 Strat copy. It had black hardware. I can’t even find a picture of that guitar anywhere these days.

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  • I got mine today for 25 dollars in relatively wonderful condition, all it's knobs. I love the little bastard. I guess it was my ignorance, my guitar's pups or the amp, but my first one when i was a kid, was muddy as hell and no matter what i did it was just muddy, so I traded as fast as i could for a Randall. This one i got today sounds awesome, I can't wait to throw some gain in front of it and see how it sounds boosted.

  • Yes, that is what the Rage in my motley collection of amps does, too. However, it is worth mentioning its other brother, not the big Bandit stage amp, but the Companion busking/studio amp. Everything that is good about the Rage, except three stage gain control so you can get creamy overdrive to make tube snobs weep in envy.


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