Thursday, March 6, 2025
BassBass Guitar

Review Demo – Acoustic B100C

#acoustic #bass #premierguitar

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When a bassist sees the Acoustic logo and familiar baby-blue/black color scheme, chances are he or she will reminisce about the best-known player associated with the brand: Mr. Jaco Pastorious. The aggressive bridge-pickup midrange and signature growl from his fretless J certainly had help from the Acoustic head he was often seen plugged into. And let’s not forget the other ’70s greats associated with Acoustic, such as Larry Graham, John Paul Jones, and John McVie. With a rich history since the company’s humble beginnings on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles 50-plus years ago, Acoustic recently released a new line of budget-minded bass combos. We had the opportunity to check out the B100C: the 1×12, 100-watt model in the series.

I nodded my head in approval the moment I pulled the B100C out of its box. Thanks to its cabinet design, the combo has the option of being positioned monitor-style or standing up in a traditional fashion. The design looks great and makes the amp easier to fit in smaller spaces and cars due to its decidedly less-boxy shape. A big benefit is the ability to position the combo in front of you onstage for those times when the FOH engineer doesn’t want any stage volume at all, which happens surprisingly often. I’d like to see more manufacturers make this a standard cabinet shape.

The B100C has front-panel features one would typically have to seek out in a higher price range. It has a 4-band EQ with controls for low mid and high mid, a blend control for the onboard overdrive section, and separate gain and volume controls. Another bonus is the frequency notch filter, which goes through a variety of preset EQ curves as it’s being turned clockwise.

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#Review #Demo #Acoustic #B100C

Originally posted by UC5J-hZ4wNf7OlkzIn49LHoQ at

25 thoughts on “Review Demo – Acoustic B100C

  • I just got one of these yesterday by a buddy of my, the tone is very smooth and clear and I enjoy playing on it already

  • I have one of these & the B50C, I found this video very helpful. Thanks…

  • Can you tell me what exact model of BB bass you are playing? I looked at the Yamaha website and could not find one with 4 dials like yours so maybe their products have changed. Does it cost about $789? Thanks for your help.

  • I just bought this amp and plugged in a new Ubass . What a nice sound. Great vid. Thanks so much. My wife will be less mad at me now..

  • Not a fan of overdrive on bass, but please just show me how it sounds as a bass amp, finger style, no slapping and popping, just playing bass in the context of a song…Thank you very much!

  • This is my current bass amp. Played bass for 30+ years. Owned GK, Peavey, and Ampeg amps. This holds its own….if not better than those amps imp.

  • I'm a "newbie" and just bought this 100W amp along with a new Ibanez SR300E (Aqua w/Black center), as well as an almost new Gretsch Electromatic Short scale bass and numerous other "accessories", including some high-end cables, and 5 harmonica's (Hohner Special 20's). I just have one "issue" with the amp…. there is no "owners manual" with it for us complete "newbie's" to understand what all the controls are for…. most are obviously self explanatory, but that little "push button" to the right of the guitar input jack has me stumped as to what it does…. and not too clear on how the "back" of the amp works, especially the "Ground/Lift" switch.

    I am very happy with both of my basses (converted both to flat wounds, which I like much better) and the amp…. but just wish they would consider total beginners, and include a Detailed "owners manual" that would explain all the controls in Clear (re: understandable) detail.

  • Nice sounding bass amp, it has a clean tone. Acoustic can make good amps I hope to get one for my collection soon.

  • I am not a fan of that kind of distortion on bass, but I am definitely buying this amp. It has a great amount of tone options. Thanks for the vid!

  • Nice review and thanks for playing some fingerstyle rock and punchy stuff. Very appropriate for this amp and I'm tired of seeing negative comments about all the slap 'n pop demos. (kidding ;)). I really enjoyed the outro too. Poppy slappy and a nice funky punch to it.

    That amp sounds f'n cool and this demo showed it off really well. 🙂

  • I have one of the first gen acoustic amps from when Guitar Center first resurrected the brand. It sounds ridiculously good, for bass and for guitar. All the GC Acoustic gear sounded staggeringly good, but the reliability was a bit off

  • Did it came with more juice than 100w? Some times you need more power at rehearsal environment because of the drummer and Guitar Players been to loud even with lots of volume adjustment, some times it gets at a point that doesn't sound right and you need to look the way to cut through if you're no using DI to a console.


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