Review Demo – Benson Amps Monarch
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They say the best things in life are simple. And according to some, that’s especially true of guitar amps. In fact …
Oh, screw it—the snappy intro can wait. Because no matter how many snappy adjectives I pile on, they won’t snap like this explosive little 1×12 combo. It sparkles like pixie dust. It thumps like a sock full of sand to the solar plexus. Builder Chris Benson’s Monarch is one of the most tactile, responsive, and just plain exciting combos I’ve ever had the pleasure of punishing.
Okay, now we can get back to that “simple things” business. There really is something to it. The less circuitry your signal runs through, the less compromised it is, and the louder and brighter that tone is conveyed from string to speaker. Monarch, with its ultra-minimal design, takes this notion to extremes.
Let’s look at what Monarch doesn’t have: There are no bass/mid/treble/presence controls, just a single treble-cutting tone knob. There’s no negative-feedback loop. (Most amp circuits employ one for stability, but some boutique models forgo it for greater immediacy of tone and response.) There’s no tube rectifier—it’s solid-state. (A great choice, in this case.) There’s no circuit board—the components are immaculately point-to-point wired on terminal strip. And there are surprisingly few of said components—a peek inside the tough, stainless steel chassis reveals much empty space.
The result: tactile, high impact tones with crackling highs, studly lows, and extraordinary presence. Monarch transmits nuances of pick, finger, and string like few amps I’ve heard. When you modify your attack or finesse your guitar’s controls, you damn well hear it. One-word tone summary: immediacy. Two-word summary: remarkable immediacy. Three-word: Wow, that’s immediate!
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#Review #Demo #Benson #Amps #Monarch
Originally posted by UC5J-hZ4wNf7OlkzIn49LHoQ at
Benson Monarch vs Fender Hot Rod Deluxe Shootout..
The winner isn’t what you might think since there is a $3k difference.
Give me an Orange AD15 everyday of the week
Hand to hand wiring????
Is that hair gel??
Pet detective?
I can hear why they’re are all sold out.
Bro your hair was wildin
Not a fan
Tha amp has a tube rectifier not solid state. Motherboards have more to do with computers than tube amps.
His hair actually started off parted down the middle and greased but the minute he cranked that blues slide!
That amp'll blow your hair back…????
That's actually a great, woody-sounding Gibson. Hate the whammy bar though.
Little difference between British and American settings and, bizarrely, the amps makes single coils and humbuckers sound the same.
Such a beautiful thing but way beyond my ability to afford.
Benson amps seem similar to Garnet amps!
I heard a compressors release crap out in the recording .
I didn’t know Jim Carrey could play like that!
That doesn't even sound good . Why pay all that money
Cannnnn I ass you a few questions?
All bullshit kidding aside, guy is a great guitarist.
Tasty as always you big goofy guy. Love the amp love the playing..!!!
Glad you changed the hairdo.
Would be a good pedal platform. I wish more amps included attenuators these days. That’s why I lost interest in brands like Magnatone and turned towards Carr cause realistically if this amp has to be “punishingly loud” for it to sound good, it’s just not practical and for its price point it’s just not acceptable for having to work around it in the home studio or small gig setting. I think a lot of musicians these days are taking their hearing for granted. My dad was in a band in the 70s and his bass player now is almost completely deaf. It’s not worth it. What good is an amazing sounding amp if you can’t appreciate it for the rest of your life?
British still sounds American… expensive for a two trick pony whose 2nd trick is really too similar to the 1st.
Nice mullet
Damn John. Loved that intro
Came for the amp. The amp made us cum.
Bad hair day
I thought I was looking at Ace Ventura.
Trumphead Syndrome. When a guy has fucked up stupid hair like Trump, yet thinks it's the greatest.
It sounds great but it's way too expensive for what it is. It has what, 60 bucks worth of electronics bought in bulk and a simple ass schematic? Give me a break..
Sorry John, apparently the camera guys don't like you very much.
Amp sounds rad, creamy overdrive
These guys make amazing amps… Worth the money