Friday, March 28, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Review Demo – Fender Rumble 100 1×12

Read the review:

Introduced about a decade ago, Fender’s Rumble line of combo amps was designed to offer power and portability at a reasonable price. True to form, the latest Rumble 100 provides all the tools a working bassist needs. It’s compact yet authoritative, competitively priced, and it can veer from springtime sweet to winter brash with a few small adjustments.
To Rumble is Human
The Rumble 100’s layout is one of the better I’ve seen on a combo amp. The front is dressed with Fender’s vintage-sparkle grille cloth, and the controls are wisely situated on the back edge of the amp’s top. (The ivory peanut-butter-cup knobs are a nice touch.) The only ornamentation is a simple Fender logo.

The control panel includes a gain control, three pushbutton tone presets (bright, contour, and vintage) and an overdrive section with drive and level controls. There’s 4-band EQ (with low-mid and high-mid controls) and master volume. The rear panel hosts inputs and outputs and the power switch. There’s effect send/return, a pair of 1/8″ inputs (aux in and headphones), a jack for the optional footswitch, and an XLR out with ground-lift.

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#Review #Demo #Fender #Rumble #1×12

Originally posted by UC5J-hZ4wNf7OlkzIn49LHoQ at

33 thoughts on “Review Demo – Fender Rumble 100 1×12

  • thank you premier guitar for another useless bass amp demo because you go through the DI so you have no idea what the combo actually sounds like ????

  • Running the Master volume at full, and adjusting the gain to taste, gives you a better signal to noise ratio.

  • Finally a very good explanation step by step of all controls. The sound mystery can be very confusing for we novice and beginner bass players. Thanks so much for this well thought out narrative.

  • Saying its really really light doesn't help much in a demo or review. The Rumble 100 weighs 22lbs.

  • Why go direct on an amp demo?
    This is a great, yet preamp demo, but that's an amp, not a preamp DI we're talking about.

  • When you use any of the preset EQ buttons does it enhance what you have the EQ set at or does it basically override the EQ knobs and just go to the preset?

  • I don’t completely understand can more than one button be used at a time /the vintage, brite ? Or is it one at a time

  • Just bought one and might buy a 2nd one used thats a good deal and run them both together. I know the 500 is $649 and 350 watts 2 10s but I can get both 100s for $450 which is only 200 watts but more speaker area.

  • It is a great amp, but your forget to mention, that the XLR output is not independant from the main volume knob. This can be very tricky when having a live gig with a PA

  • Hi at 2:49 the amp makes a « buzz » sound, the player notices that,
    In fact that Kind of little amp requires a limiter. I have à Montarbo combo it has exactly the same problem , it’s just a pity…

  • I appreciate the info and I really just mean this as constructive, but it would have been nice if you had zoomed the camera out a ways so we could see the amp. All that was visible was the knobs at the top. It was mostly hidden below the frame the whole time.

  • Is this amp Loud enough to Gig in medium sized restaurant with Guitar, Drums & Keys doing Motown? ( or do I need the 200 watts? ) Appreciate any input.

  • Appreciate the review, but fwiw, when the demo is from the direct out, not using the speaker at all, we aren't really hearing the amp and so kinda defeats the object

  • I'm using this Amp with Fender Jazz bass. I'm currently playing in a blues band and I'm having trouble finding my sound. Any suggestions on setting?

  • What the hell!! Why u slap then u do finger style while u compare Bright or Contour or Vintage mode? Choose just one style and let us listen the difference!!! Review of a beginner that just want to show his skills slapping, even when it is not necessary doing it!!

  • What is with the sound on 2:472:48? It seems that deep notes played on 5th string (open, 1-st and 3-rd frets) have unnecessary overload effect… The same with D note (5 string 3 fret) on 4:52.

  • This is a lightweight beautiful sounding amp, I'm satisfied with me owning one of the Fender Rumble 100 amp it has impeccable tone and beautiful clean sound quality. No buzz or hum just clean sound, unlike some amps don't have good sound quality at all and this amp is less expensive than the other bass amp combos on the market.

  • I am assuming that the DI on the v3 Rumble series is Post EQ only … it would be great if there was the addition of a Pre/Post switch on any future v4 release.

    BTW: I’ve had a v3 Rumble 40 for the past couple years and it is a really solid, incredibly light (18 pounds!), and tone-rich little beast! Looks great too!


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