Saturday, March 8, 2025

16 thoughts on “Rib13 Bass – Behringer TO 800 Vintage Tube Overdrive Pedal Review for Bass

  • I'm all about the affordable gear. Mainly because I can't justify anything better for my skill level.
    A cool OD pedal that I have is the DOD Mystic Blues OD. Mainly for the separate bass and treble EQ. Helps fight the bass tone suck

  • Love this, alot of people complain about low end cut. I just think it helps kick drums stand out more

  • I also have this pedal, bought it just out of curiosity. For my settings it eats quite a lot of low end, so I am using it only in parallel processing. I have Boss LS2 pedal, and split the signal to two parts – distorted and clean.

  • I run mine with the tone almost all the way down and the drive around noon, I run it through a Trace Elliot GP7 6 Series head with a Eden XLT 4×10 and Ampeg Classic 1×15 plus an MXR Bass DI.

  • I thought the MMA fighter Bas Rutten was playing bass ????????????, this pedal works really nicely for bass overdrive ????. I just uploaded a short video with it

  • I always really enjoy your videos mate, more people need to know about your channel! Keep up the awesome work ????

  • Mandatory comment to make YT algorithms think that it is a quality content. Because it is.

  • As a pedal guy who also really appreciates an amp and bass kinda gig too, this was a great pedal review. Your lack of knowledge led to a refreshingly simple demo and review. I personally hate tube screamers, but love you reviews and sense of humor.
    Rock On

  • Honestly bud, I don’t know too much about overdrive pedals either. Or just pedals in general. I’m more of a guitar-cable-amp guy, and squeeze out your tones from your fingers and guitar controls. Imagine that, a guitar player that doesn’t have a loaded up pedal board. But I know one thing, you sure made this highly affordable pedal sound really good! As I always say, it’s the player, not how much gear they have.

  • Great video, one suggestion for future overdrive demos. Turn it all the way up use a pick and play Motley Crue's Dr. Feelgood. one of the best bass lines for overdrive demos.


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