Rig Rundown – Baroness’ John Baizley & Gina Gleason
Creating one concept album is a daunting task for any band. So, the fact that Southern prog-metal steamroller Baroness just capped off their color-coded, 5-part odyssey (2007’s Red, 2009’s Blue, 2012’s Yellow & Green, and 2015’s Purple) with 2019’s Gold & Grey, is no small feat. But the idea that John Baizley (the lone founding member and visual leader) still has a band is the bigger accomplishment. For one, during a 2012 world tour in England, the band’s tour bus careened down a viaduct near Bath and severely injured numerous bandmembers and crew personnel. Following that turmoil, then bassist Matt Maggioni and drummer Allen Blickle left the band.
Get the band’s gear: http://bit.ly/BaronessRR
Don’t Miss a Rundown: http://bit.ly/RIgRundownENL
Enter bassist Nick Jost and drummer Sebastian Thompson. The fresh synergy from new members and raw emotions still bubbling from the crash fueled the stalwart guitar combo of Peter Adams and John Baizley, ultimately earning the band its most critical praise, including and a Grammy nod for “Best Metal Performance” on Purple’s “Shock Me.” (Check out our 2015 interview with Peter Adams and John Baizley.) And after another grueling run of dates, Peter Adams decided to leave the band to focus on family life back home. This left Baizley, once again, in the need of a musical chair to be filled.
At the time, guitarist Gina Gleason was busy in Las Vegas working as the Muse in Michael Jackson: One by Cirque du Soleil at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. While browsing the interwebs in search of new gear, as guitarists do, she noticed fuzz fanatic Steve Strohm of Philly Fuzz was not only based in her hometown (duh, Philadelphia), but he was building them in her family’s neighborhood. She had to have one for two reasons—she was after a germanium-based snarler and she wanted to support a local artisan. Purchase complete.
But before the pedal was shipped, part-time associate and Philly Fuzz friend, John Baizley sent Gleason a quick note on Instagram and the two hit it off. Instead of shipping the pedal, Baizley invited her over to his house to test out some other Philly Fuzz creations and to jam on his smorgasbord of equipment. The two kept in touch and whenever they crossed paths and had time in Philly, they jammed.
They talked about working on a side project, but let’s be honest, Gina played a muse once in the King of Pop production, so it seems apropos she’d spark a new musical start for this chiseled rock band to help them finish their pentalogy. Her swaggering presence is best felt alongside Baizley, when their symbiotic relationship is most powerful with seething, dueling guitar riffs (“Borderlines”) and evocative harmonized vocals (“Cold-Bolded Angels”) that season Gold & Grey like new spices reinvigorating your mother’s prized dish.
Before Baroness’ Nashville gig at the Cannery Ballroom, PG’s Chris Kies stopped by after soundcheck (and before an acoustic set at Music City’s Grimey’s record shop) to see how the band who once adorned humbuckers and full stacks onstage now slay with offsets and T-styles that chime and grind through a pile-up of small-wattage tube combos designed for high headroom and pedal manipulation. After a lengthy chat with John Baizley and Gina Gleason about their new full-Fender setups, each guitarist slings on a 6-string and shows off their stomp stations that illicit everything from spacious tranquility to mondo crush.
#rigrundown #metal #baroness
#Rig #Rundown #Baroness #John #Baizley #Gina #Gleason
Originally posted by UC5J-hZ4wNf7OlkzIn49LHoQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Qzg5ks7p9U
Get the band's gear: http://bit.ly/BaronessRR
Don't Miss a Rundown: http://bit.ly/RIgRundownENL
Impossible to watch"like".
John definitely forced her to switch to Fender ????
like like like like like like like like like
the love for there craft is awesome
Awesome humans! Great music – great folks! Baroness FTW!
Gina is a beast.
How much Fender gave you? ????
I want a Jazz Master and a Gina.
Baroness is Gem
What is difficult is you starting by saying you dont have a main guitar into you you saying the white strat is the main guitar you like. Stop the ego shit. Just talk like a human.
Man I was hoping that was Rebecca in shorts. Ohwell.
that pedal portion feels insane lmao
Holy 60 cycle hum….horrid…
Good interview, bad audio. Use more than the onboard camera mic, sheesh.
Gina seems sweet and humble. John definitely has that "artistic guy ego" thing in how he interrupts Gina.
OMG Gina has that Elizabeth Holmes voice thing going on.
My favorite band of the last ten years. I love the creativity that comes from this band, especially Jon's artwork. I own one of his fuzz pedals and signed prints …I freaking enjoy them so much.
Sound is in the hands….Gary Moore with a Les Paul and Marshall stack is pretty awesome
There was a time that if you played a Stratocaster of a Tele in a metal band, you’d get made fun of. It’s great to see how much focus they put into their tone. This really shows through during their live shows
I don't know. At least put some humbuckers in those guitars. Those single coils sound thin and noisy af.
John seems like he’s fucking flying
Never knew this was done! I just found their “that pedal show” episode as well. I’m god Damn late to the party
"Soundscapeyness." Outstanding.
Bite me! I needed a surprise
Gina ‘like’ Gleason.
When he decides to talk with another "him" before "her", "she" is 100% stink eyes.
I have felt like this about Fender gear for a long time and just found how to explain it in human words!!
As much 'sperging out as I can handle first 10 minutes, gonna have to take this in chunks, inspirational as it may be
Gina sounds so Philly here.
9:00 oh wow how original and punk rock man. Noone ever says that
I like how the interviewer is so familiar with their catalogue.
I do not like this John guy.
They look like siblings lol
David Cross really knows his shit
New drinking game – take a shot anytime Gina says 'like'. If you make it to minute 10, you are, like, a hero.
She has a bass voice
Man let her speak!
Gina's guitar doesn't respond well.
Gina Gleason reminds me of a young Angela gossow.
She talks like Rachelf.
I want Gina Gleason for yule.
Coming from a punk/hardcore background…..ive always just had the mindset of plug in and destroy! But the older i get the i notice im more into gear and specific tones and pedals etc. This was cool to watch!
Great to hear about the thoughtfulness behind what I heard in a brilliant and thoughtful album. I totally feel validated to hear this and love the album.