Rig Rundown Bass Guitar – Sound Matrix Studios
Our rig rundown. Local Orange County, Los Angeles, San Diego, Inland Empire Stoner Metal Band.
#rigrundown #stonermetal #rigsofdoom
Rehearsal Space Sound Matrix Studios Fountain Valley.
Stoner Metal, Stoner Doom, Stoner Rock, Heavy Metal
Peavey 6505 Plus
Orange CR120
Orange PPC 412 with Celestion G12T-75 Speakers
Gibson SG Standard
LTD EC-1000 w/EMG’s
Boss BF-3 Flanger
ISP Decimator
Orange County Stoner Metal Band. San Diego Stoner Metal Band. Los Angeles Stoner Metal Band. Inland Empire Stoner Metal Band. California local stoner metal band. Band rehearsal space in Orange County. Huntington Beach stoner metal band. Orange County stoner rock band.
#Rig #Rundown #Bass #Guitar #Sound #Matrix #Studios
Originally posted by UC1TD6ee0KoSv909YZ4tQ8fA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sf09E3ZQ_nI
The Cr120 is a beast.