Rig Rundown: Brent Mason [2021]
It’s impossible to overstate Brent Mason’s impact on country and, arguably, even rock guitar. Over the course of his more-than-35-year career, Mason has perfected a tone that’s inspired an untold number of players, and there’s even a Tele mod that bears his name. He’s also a highly respected and successful producer and solo artist, a member of the Musicians Hall of Fame, has won the Academy of Country Music’s Guitarist of the Year award 12 times, and there’s a Grammy on his mantle. Mason’s live gear—which he showed us before his recent gig at Nashville’s 3rd & Lindsley—is simple and cool as hell, but it’s not his guitars or amps that’ve made him a hero. It’s his imagination, virtuosic chops, and pure musicality.
Full Rig Details: https://bit.ly/BrentMasonRR2021
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[Brought to you by D’Addario XS Strings: https://www.daddario.com/XSRR]
00:00 – D’Addario XS Strings
00:15 – Brent Mason Intro
02:00 – 1967 Fender Telecaster
08:28 – Fender Brent Mason Signature Telecaster
17:54 – Fender Amps
19:52 – Pedalboard
#rigrundown #brentmason #premierguitar
#Rig #Rundown #Brent #Mason
Originally posted by UC5J-hZ4wNf7OlkzIn49LHoQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhS8bCs12N8
Full Rig Details: https://bit.ly/BrentMasonRR2021
Subscribe to PG's Channel: http://bit.ly/SubscribePGYouTube
Don't Miss a Rundown: http://bit.ly/RIgRundownENL
Merch & Magazines: https://shop.premierguitar.com
Brent plays more than he talks, which i like, as he has a lot to say in his hands. Great interview.
i'm so ashamed to have come across this genius player, and see someone so excited about his sounds, but so humbly… i'm a big time fan just after today, hope to keep finding more players like this. My words cannot express my excitement.
The ultimate "Player's Player".
Really enjoyed this rig run down and interview with Brent! Thank you, John (and Premier Guitar)!
Such tasteful jazz and country chords!
This guys got the coolest job on the planet lol
the country VAN HALEN
Brent doesn’t like the interviewer talking ????
Could you have picked a goofier interviewer what an idiot looking and talking
Brent isn't just a country player ..his jazz western swing stuff is always there
Brent Mason is so understated humble & easy going..he would make a great teacher
Brent is absolutely amazing! I love to hear him play. Excellent gear rundown. Great job "Premier Guitar"!
Maybe I am misjudging, but The Edge can't be bothered to be there for the rig rundown and has his guitar technician do it because he's too special. Meanwhile, a guy that can play circles around him shows up, is humble as always, contributes heavily, and has fun. Go figure…
What a sound he’s got…..on that tele…..
Not only is Brent an amazing musician but he's quite a comedian! ???????????? Great rig rundown. Thanks for sharing! ????
Awesome patch cables – where does one find those?
Seriously ? Mason could plug into a Squire Bullet and Frontman amp and sound the same.
Like most great guitarists, it comes from within and from his hands.
A living legend!
Brent is the man ! And I hold Bohlinger in the same regard
The best!
Its like Brent didnt care for the interview he only wanted to play lol.
Dude likes to interrupt/interject a bit too much for me.
Love Brent, his playing and his sound. I've been lucky enough to play on a number of sessions with him too.. what a great cat to have on any project.
I wonder why kind of thumb pic Brent uses? I’d like to try that.
Brent Mason wants to and does steal the shows
Didn’t even ask about the black strat. ????
You should showed his board more and quit laughing and carrying on we didn’t get to see nothn
Ive used the glue on nails and yeah they are super thin and pop off. Ive started gluing two together…!.. pex
Finally a great player with technique and feel and who knows how to use gear pragmatically.
What I love about this chap.. is that he is so humble and down to earth.. what a player.. what a gent????????????
Brent and his Brother are from Ohio distant relations of my wife super musicians ! and nice uyas
I put him at #1 in the guitar world,that tone is to die for, and his playing is impeccable,and deep in knowledge, definitely one of my favorite players.????
Does anybody know what tune Brent is playing during the intro?
Neither one of you could put on a shirt?
the master of the telecaster
What volume pedal is he running? I didn’t hear him mention that
I can’t tell if he’s mocking people who care about endangered species or not …
I’m you are down south we’re they don’t even consider black and brown people human so .. just saying
Hey I didn’t start it
great player that Brent Mason…has his own sound
This is basically a jazz guitar player who plays kicking country. Brilliant.
What an amazing player really telecaster players are completely different than all the rest of guitar players with their special telecaster techniques amazing looking like he uses a thumb pic
He makes a tele look huge
dammit You Tube 🙁 WAY too many ads in this… like 7 or 8 – just ruined any enjoyment of it.