Rig Rundown – Heavy Heavy (Line 6 Helix, Seymour Duncan PowerStage, Boss VE-500, Sandberg Bass)
I wanted to get that Royal Blood sound without lugging around a bunch of amps, and I think this pedalboard does that quite nicely! I can have two separate singals (bass amp, and octaved bass into a guitar amp) that goes into the PowerStage and out to my cabinets.
As a vocalist I can do some cool midi patch changes on the VE-500 all from the Helix. If you have any questions on any of this set up or want me to test out any sounds let me know!
Gear used:
Sandberg Custom Bass
Line 6 Helix
Xotic Effects BB Preamp
PedalPCB Parenthesis Mini Fuzz kit (Earthquaker Devices Life Pedal V2 Clone)
Seymour Duncan PowerStage 170
Boss BE-500 Vocal Performer
Scarlett 2i2 3rd Gen Interface
#Rig #Rundown #Heavy #Heavy #Line #Helix #Seymour #Duncan #PowerStage #Boss #VE500 #Sandberg #Bass
Originally posted by UCcxl3i-79yHNjLS7ux-vQKg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOUxVAaFCyE
We need an update for 2023 <3
That Seymour Duncan Powerstage is so cool. Guitarists can just bring their own amp modeler multi-fx board and hook it up to that thing and you got yourself an entire 'amp' that you can just plug into any cab. Then maybe split the signal from the modeler and plug a separate cable into the house PA.
That’s bad ass
Is the 170w loud enough/strong enough for a 4×10 bass cab?
Dig it
Yeah, but how do you get so much cronchhhhh