Rig Rundown – Highly Suspect
The DIY rockers take PG on a tour of their live concert tone toys.
Watch the Episode: http://bit.ly/HighlySuspectRR
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D’Addario XT Strings: https://www.daddario.com/XTRR
#Rig #Rundown #Highly #Suspect
Originally posted by UC5J-hZ4wNf7OlkzIn49LHoQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=migWwCEZ9Dw
Only just found this vid and am off to Auckland to see you finally. So happens I'm off to try out a Fender while I'm. Never been so inspired! How many millions to make one for me Rich???? Wouldn't I be the coolest solo acoustic female covers wedding singer ever hahahha!!!
Did this Space Odyssey gat get a name does anyone know? I'm interested x
Call it Lydia!!!
I'd call that guitar The Alpha.
bass guy is awkward af
That is the ugliest head stock I've ever seen! But I really like the rest of the bass especially the finish on the body! He, Rich, seems very nervous….. Is anyone else noticing that?
Lucky bass player. Got with the right singer. He's ok, uses a lot of effects. I'd like to hear him stripped down on a fender and one amp. Can he play that and be legit?
wana hear it? Turns on the pedal, kicks guitar lol. Love these guys.
highly is built on that bass sound
Guitar name : “Highly Guitars”
What Fender amp does Johnny use
I love this band, but idk why, I find that bass player really annoying. Like he tries to tell the dude what he’s gonna show him before he even asks, then whenever he’s asked a question about something interesting, he’s just like “yeah…” and all the boring shit he goes pretty far into
You could grow potatoes on his pedalboard;
This is cringe. But great band.
"thanks for taking a minute johnny"
"were gonna talk to johnny"
still talking to rich
I saw them live a few days before this video was published. Johnny was wearing that jacket…same time of year…it almost looks like this video was shot inside marathon music works in Nashville. Very similar iron work on the ceilings and the columns out on the floor. Cool.
Loooove Rich. He makes it look so easy. I could never do that.
Not impressed.
That 2 amp thing with a 3 piece is actually a really cool idea.
@16:15 "Oh, that's an interesting look at it", John says as he clearly knows that that's complete bullsh*t. ;-P
I have 2 super shifters and I absolutely will not ever give them up! haha
This is the most awkward thing I've ever seen.
lmao at calling Keeley a "newer company." Yeah just a couple decades old…
Awesome. Now if only their latest album wasn't absolute trash haha. God that thing is so cringe.
Should Call the guitar T.J. stank
this bass looks like a candy
I’ve been waiting so long too see this
Where is Tool???
Name the guitar brand suspect!!!!!