Wednesday, March 12, 2025
BassBass Effects

Rig Rundown – Papa Roach’s Jerry Horton & Tobin Esperance

Rig Rundown Article –

Rig Rundown Playlist –

Premier Guitar’s Chris Kies is on location in Cedar Rapids, IA, where he catches up with Papa Roach’s Jerry Horton and Tobin Esperance. The guys discuss about condensing their rigs from arena-ready juggernaut stacks to carry-on-approved size. Horton talks about collaborating with Schecter on his signature Solo 6, and Tobin explains why picks aren’t his thing.

#Rig #Rundown #Papa #Roachs #Jerry #Horton #Tobin #Esperance

Originally posted by UC5J-hZ4wNf7OlkzIn49LHoQ at

35 thoughts on “Rig Rundown – Papa Roach’s Jerry Horton & Tobin Esperance

  • please do a rr on fleetwood mac! im sure its been discussed, but now that mike c and neil finn are in the group, im even more interested in their rr!

  • Axe FX ruined rig rundowns for me for a few years. I don't care so much about their guitars as I do their amps and effects. Now, it seems to be coming around and people are using pedals again.

  • Biggest sellouts in rock music. Would release a disco album if disco was trending

  • Is it just me or does Jerry have to really think about his answers like he doesn't even really know wtf he uses ????

  • Tobin Espearance: The Stephen Carpenter of bass. "It's really just a mood thing, y'know?" Does literally what he wants and sounds amazing.

  • They tuned down their Drop D songs to Drop C# and then they tune down again to Drop C.
    Basically all their songs are now tuned to Drop C.

  • wow the guy had 2 identical guitars made and they sound different. Wasnt expecting that, but it sort of makes sense, not every piece of wood is the same so even if its the same type it might be different in the way it grew to affect tone? I guess you cant predict the tone of a guitar just by specs, although i thought you could get close, but thats all good, you should be playing the guitar to test the tone before you buy. But he didnt really have a chance when they were making a guitar for him, something anomalous must of happened, or maybe Schecter just has consistencey problems when they make their guitars if there even is such a thing in guitar making? Mysterious.

  • The action was too fast on locking tuners? What? Does that make sense to anyone!? LOL

  • I think that those old signature Diamond Schecters with insects were look much more better than this new stuff

  • It remains exceptionally difficult to discuss tone and the dynamics of amplifiers and equipment used to boost the signals and sonic signals used to create a unique sound. It is correct to comment that less is more, after a band comes to the realization that each and ever piece of equipment costs a ton of money to tour with it all. Once a manager openly discusses what a Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) is to the band members, and how it works, usually everyone will jump on board, less equipment = more money in most cases.

  • I wonder if the people bashing Fractals and digital gear on this comment thread will say the same thing about overhyped virtuoso players who also use digital gear as a core part of their rig.

  • Can ANYONE shed some light on that "wrap around" bridge? I wrap y strings around te stop tail piece, but my saddles are a separate piece. His seem to be one unit. Anyone know what company makes that? Is that a tone pro?

  • why do they have the same crappy haircut, i wish i didnt watch this one, and of course they have fractals

  • you heard it here first folks… running your bass passive will prevent your circus tree from changing the tone in the heat

  • I wonder how much was spent making those PRS SE Bernie Marsdon signature clones…probably more than one can buy the original new.


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