Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Effects

Rig Rundown – Roger Waters’ The Wall Tour- G.E. Smith

http://www.premierguitar.com PG’s Rebecca Dirks is on location in Chicago, IL, at Wrigley Field for the Roger Waters’ The Wall Tour. In this segment, we get to learn about G.E. Smith’s current setup for the tour.

For more Rig Rundown videos or to watch one of PG’s 1700 other clips online, be sure to visit http://www.premierguitar.com/video

#Rig #Rundown #Roger #Waters #Wall #Tour #G.E #Smith

Originally posted by UC5J-hZ4wNf7OlkzIn49LHoQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie8KIjGXKgA

37 thoughts on “Rig Rundown – Roger Waters’ The Wall Tour- G.E. Smith

  • @6:20 his reverential demeanor while raving about the Les Paul Jr is notable. Makes me want one. Swore off buying guitars as a professional but then get this and says he can play the whole show with it. Crazy.

  • I’m shocked to see boss power supply pedals on these guys boards. It’s doubtful anything is daisy chained but I’m curious what Theyr used for

  • i respect how genuine he is in relating personal experiences in with his gear "i never used marshalls in a long time, i used them with hall and oats in japan and stuff".
    like to sit down and have a cup of whatever and listen to the man.

  • I want to see this guy talk more about his gear. Never heard of him until this was suggested to me by the algorithm.

  • You see GE running the stage at the BD 30 year concert, Brilliant musician, all the greats use him because of his knows d dedication ????????

  • The more I hear from G. E. the more I like him. That usually goes the other way with most people.

  • For a long time now Roger has always liked an extra guitar player who could also play bass. The first time PF had an extra guitar player on stage was 1977 – with Snowy White. Apparently it was Gilmour who pretty much gave the specs of the whole gig to Snowy – and then asked him; "you can play bass – right ?" – to which Snowy said; "oh sure" – but he had never touched a bass before – and he had to go on a crash course to learn it – fortunately most of Roger's bass parts in PF are not too complex.

  • Does anyone know more about the pickups he used. I'm interested in swapping pickups, and this seems like a great idea

  • Man great interview love ge smith very humble man thanks Rebecca for a great interview love the questions your asking great work gal peace

  • I love the Rig Rundowns that Rebecca Dirks did; she's by far their best interviewer that Premier Guitar has had. And then there's the uber modest G.E. Smith. That guy has done so much in his career and has never been one to showboat or steal anyone's thunder; he just goes about the business with a genuine smile on his face. He has some great gear and is not overly absorbed with the geeky side of the process. He just likes stuff that works and gives him the sounds that he hears in his head that fit the song and the band he's supporting.

  • Really appreciate the interviewer’s super-low key style: Always manages to get the guests talking and giving great info without her talking much. First few times I saw her I just figured the guests were good, but I’ve see a bunch of her interviews now, over the last few years and every one is like this. If a guest does miss something, like the pickup on the bass with GE, she gives a gentle nudge to find it out.

    I’ve done a few interviews and it’s really hard for me to get info out of a guest without talking too much myself.

  • "It's been through everything with me. Hall and Oates, Bob Dylan, Saturday Night Live . . .." <cold pause> "Is everything stock on it?" Hahaha–great moment. She's so focused that she is somehow not totally blown away by the idea of this guitar being in GE Smith's hands, at the center of all of that!

  • Rebecca is the best interviewer for PG, which is saying a lot. I don’t know but hopefully she is teching something big.

  • Awesome. Got to meet G.E. after a gig in Georgia when I was 18. It was a blues and BBQ festival actually, he was cool!


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