Rig Rundown – Social Distortion’s Mike Ness & Jonny Wickersham
http://www.premierguitar.com PG’s Chris Kies is On Location in Council Bluffs, IA, where he catches up with Social Distortion’s Mike Ness and Jonny Wickersham and they talk to us about their current live rigs and setups.
Ness’ current live setup includes 70s Gibson Les Paul Deluxes (two-goldtops), a ’67 Fender Bassman head going through two Marshall 1960B 4×10 cabs. The only pedal in his setup is a Boss SD-1 Overdrive. Wickersham’s setup includes original ’60s Les Paul Juniors and a ’50s Telecaster that run through a Satellite head and two Marshall 4×12 cabs.
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#Rig #Rundown #Social #Distortions #Mike #Ness #Jonny #Wickersham
Originally posted by UC5J-hZ4wNf7OlkzIn49LHoQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvrPkVgejI0
Imagine Another State of Mind Documentary Mike seeing himself in this interview 30-40 yrs later .
Mike talks like every kid that grew up in Orange County/ South Bay from the 89’s and 90’.????
Johnny surfs!!!! He said quiver…. ????
What is the REAL tunning Mike uses ?? Half step with capo or stardard with capo
Or ?? It’s so weird… please someone can explain me ??
I cut my pinky off my left hand so i learned to play left handed. Then years later i broke the index finger on my right hand, so i'm no shredder but i get it done. I feel blessed to play at all.
Thanks Mike for your inspiring music
Man I went to the pawn shop and bought an Epiphone Jr guitar I wanted to sound like mike the tones …so I practiced every day kept me out of trouble with the law
When I was released from prison 5 years later the first thing I bought was socials heaven n hell cassette yes cassette tape
I first heard social distortion in prison on my walkman radio there was this underground rock station in Houston Texas ..I was hooked by social.d became my favorite band
Love the p90"s
Yep SD and Mike Ness got me through some rough patches in life and I thank Mike for giving me direction. He’s half reason I picked up a guitar to fly away to a new world when needed!!!
Mike Ness is a white supremacist.
i want to know how mike gets his vocal sound
30’s .. 40’s guitars … ohhh to be in America :-/
Such a great vid! Thanks! Nice to get the straight dope????????
Lol, fuckin lame
Ernie Ball Pursuit of Tone did a killer piece with Mike Ness
Really cool to understand the man behind the madness!
Keep it up Social D
how about spitting in a fans face mike? How about punching someone being held because he's not like you, are you that awesome?
Mike Ness pussy bully coward
nothing but thrash ..
Mike Ness sounds like Steven Adler when he talks.
So cool to see these guys still at it,having coming from Long Beach and 7th Heaven Studios on 7th street where I used to hear them from in the beginnings. My kid used to play their drums. In the early days mid 80s.
I really don't understand how to get custom tones.
This is a really nice interview. Nice job Chris!
P90 enough said..
Haha hot as ass here…Damn Iowa and it's blistering summers, hehe.
Geez, listen to him wheezing. Asthma and/or too many cigarettes.
I thought this was a new interview, until Mike mentioned the name of the album… Wish I had found this before! It is a great record!
Love Social Distortion and their guitar sound. In my opinion I agree with mike. Less is more. But that's kinda the punk rock ethic. I'm a fender guy myself so naturally like the sound of a p90 pick up(in my Tele's). Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate any vintage guitar. Also agree about the tone thing. Right now my practice amp is an old VOX pathfinder 50watt.My show amp's an old 200watt Randall(and 2 cabs w/4-12's). Bass, middle, treble and volume. Meat and potatoes! Get my fx with only 6 pedals. Distortion, reverb, delay/loop, chorus, tremolo and flanger. Perfect for a club venue. Social D forever!!!
Mustasch gear run would be awesome!
There are four chords to the Smoke on the water riff =P
i would happily sacrifice my right bollock for that gibson J-35 of mikes!!!!!
first of all you need a tube amp, and not a line 6 modelling amp.
mike sounds like he has copd
There cruisin above clouds there
They know guitars, pretty much every one is a classic.
I may not be a fan of social distortion but god damn this guy has a taste in guitars
He's sober dude. Been sober for years… He's just talks like that, plus he's very methodical, and has trouble articulating himself sometimes… He's not wasted.
Wow Mike is wasted
Reinstate Hank!
thanks for bein soo open…, "..if ya dont have yer tone, ya might as well go home.."-M.Ness
So funny his story is the same story as mine the 67 bassman blackface.. crank it up to 10 hahaha and the neighbores go insane.. i have a 60's junior also love it to death..
@jrmarrero96 Thank you