Rig Rundown – Steve Vai
www.premierguitar.com PG’s Rebecca Dirks is on location at Steve Vai’s Harmony Hut studio in Los Angeles. In this video, Steve shows you which of his signature Ibanez guitars he’s taking out on tour and which made an appearance on his latest album, how he uses his signature Carvin Legacy Amps, and why the Axe-FX II has replaced most effects in his rig.
#Rig #Rundown #Steve #Vai
Originally posted by UC5J-hZ4wNf7OlkzIn49LHoQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raxhgWqS2eU
I miss Rebecca so much. She’s a lot better looking than (sorry) Perry, John or Chris.
I thought page was badass but Vai is out of this world ????
She had to work hard to keep the mic close enough to catch the conversation.
Always a relaxing,and informative guy,if you went there,he,d probably say I,m going to make us some tea,pick a guitar,don,t put a ding on it please
RIP Carvin.
fire that camera guy. wtf, hold the damn camera still.
She seems to be feigning intetest like a young person l 'humours' a grandma or grandpa…
And it's so annoying, because any one of the Million viewers of this…woulda given their right…pinky toe for a tour like thisv, in Vais mancave (we aint parting with our fingers! Hell' no!)
But she seems to keep missing Steve's punchline beats, in his stories.
I can't believe that Steve Vai…and all of us…are now the "Old fogies" that the young Gen all are too cool for.
It's INSULTING! ????
But how can we complain?? We were Rock kids! Rebelling against our parents, defying the "Man"!
→ we totally had it coming! ????
He's told these same stories and jokes sooo many times!???? Ya can just tell!
It’s really enjoyable listening this guy.
"I don't like Tortex". Those Ibanez picks are made from polyacetal. Also known als Polyoxymethylene. Which is also what Tortex is, as far as I know.
VAi was quite gross and unprofessional in this RR. RD handled herself nicely. He has alot of cool gear, but good lord, the ATTITUDE!
What amp has the master before the preamp? Maybe he misspoke
I want a jem bass now
“ I’m basically just a guitaraholic ????” ???? Kirk Hammett
Where are his Bogner amps?
10 years since infamous rig rugdown with Rebecca
Sexy Dirks …..He's not .. Because Vai has no touch for heavy blues ! Creep Blood ……………..
Smokin hot!! And the guitars are nice!
Steve, Yngwie, those guys played an important role in my life
Notice how at 4:22 Steve notes that he’s grateful for the success of the Jem. He wants to stress that he hasn’t forgotten where he came from and how blessed he is to have been so successful. He’s a good person ????
Isn't the Les Paul a signature series lol. Pretty sure that came out before the JEM.
Rebecca Dirks, could you be any cuter ? ????
So he runs his signature guitar loaded with his signature pickups into his signature cable going into his signature pedals out to his signature amp and signature cab which are housed on his signature carpet on his signature wood floors in his signature home on his signature plot of land….that he designed.
Seems pretty straightforward.
This is a series over 50 episodes, right?
"code C-Aquamarine"
Sea foam = white ?!
Old interview practices are distracting lol, her constantly trying to shove the mic in his face is pretty distracting lol glad to see clip on mics being used these days
One of my favorite Rig Rundowns ever. Ii am watching in 2022 and Steve Vai is still kicking and rocking better than ever.
264 guitars, uses 5 of them 90 % of the time
I use Steve's signature picks and they really are perfect
I could listen to steve talk about guitars all day
Don't talk about hands around Steve????
Challenge any man to glimpse Dierks' little belly and still need viagra.
The MASTER opening up. Great video. Thank you.
Imagine all the random opened packs of strings just lying around
The fabrics having a efecto on the tone …..u drunk Steve , go home
This is a museum for guitarists
A lot more here https://youtu.be/CegKNwtKaLk
Wow…he has a huge passion for his collection. Love it!
is that Dr.Wilson from House MD ??
This guy is an incredibly gifted guitarist but, man, he sure comes off as a massive tool in this interview.
The world’s ugliest guitar collection. Who’d have thought…
6:28 to 6:38 was the funniest shit
This guy should get another Ibanez.
Rebecca's pretty adorable… Steve's a little creepy at points.