Monday, March 17, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

Rig Rundown – The Black Crowes’ Rich Robinson

Rig Rundown Article:

Rig Rundown Playlist:

Premier Guitar’s Jason Shadrick is on location in Madison, WI, where he catches up with The Black Crowes’ Rich Robinson’s longtime tech, Doug “Red” Redler, to go through the gear Robinson is using on the Crowes’ latest tour. A large portion of the band’s gear was damaged during Hurricane Sandy and Redler had to replace nearly everything in Robinson’s touring rig. On this leg, Robinson was hauling everything from relic’d out Gibsons to Japanese Zemaitis models, and even a few Gretschs and Teles.

#Rig #Rundown #Black #Crowes #Rich #Robinson

Originally posted by UC5J-hZ4wNf7OlkzIn49LHoQ at

32 thoughts on “Rig Rundown – The Black Crowes’ Rich Robinson

  • ????…
    That tone difference "for the better" (you say & I'd believe) might be 'cause'a how much humidity all'a the wood absorbed In That Flood! (????????‍♂️)
    Like more than "vintage-look", it may've literally "Vintaged!" 'em sumbitches Earlier than normal. (????????‍♂️ Like, soaked 'em to the bones, & dryed 'em back out, Waaaaay quicker'n Blood, Sweat, Spotlights, & Beer! ????). ????????????
    I've always heard one'a the Main reasons the older (Gibson, Fender, & Martin/electric & especially acoustic) guitars Sounded the Way They Do…was Because of How OLD ("Aged" applies a tad betterer, I reckon) they Are.

  • I see now this was from 2013… Were the Black Crowes playing by then or is this Rich's rig with Magpie or solo?

  • Played guitar on a lot of Black Crowes in a band and had huge influence on my playing. Along with the versatility of Open G and others. Jealous Again and Angels.

  • The relic vs non relic argument is such a bore. Buy and play what you like. Youre not hurting a damn thing if you relic or buy a relic'ed guitar …… they make new ones every fkn day. Peace. ✌

  • I had such a spin out at 22:00 ! That Way Huge…its almost exactly my board… even down to the oversize Big Muff at the end!????

    I've never seen anyone else ho Way Huge crazy like I did!

    I got carried away on a Way Huge trip (excuse the pun – George Tripps..? Yea, you see it!) and bought a bunch of them, thinking I could make my whole board WH. Cos look how sick it looks!

    But I didn't think it thru enough to realize that Way Huge don't do a lot pedals you need…like a noise gate… Octaver…Looper etc

    But what I do have looks awesome.

    Mine goes, from top right to left…ANGRY TROLL….GREEN RHINO….RED LlAMA (25th Ann. Ed. with tone knob)….SAUCY BOX (which is basically a streamlined newer version of PORK LOIN where the Eq's are built into the gain sweep)….then its the Fuzz trio…Swollen Pickle….The CONQUISTADOR (sickest Velcro fuzz of ALL time!!)…and Jumbo BIG MUFF..

    Oh, I almost forgot… I run a Conspiracy Theory in front of all of that, which is basically a Klone. And its here to stay in my rig. Its that good.

    I have a.compressor by MXR in front of that…and mean to replace it with a Saffron Squeeze when I get around to it, someday – just coz.

    Edit: oh yes, totally forgot.. there's also an AQUA PUSS – the WH prfal started it first WH – in the Fx loop.

    All up that's 8, I think.. Itkk be 9 when a swap the Compressor. And I had just one that I didn't agree with, n so I flipped it… and that was the Supa- Lead.

  • Great rig rundown. But this guitar tech's little laugh kills me. Wtf. Haha. Other than that it's great. Love The relic guitars!

  • I relic my own guitars. I do it so when I bang it into something I won’t care. Yes, new guitars feel weird. Sandpaper works wonders. I hate it when people have a bad opinion about It. I like it. That’s that..

  • It makes the artist look really bad when they have their tech do the whole interview for them. Rich Robinson isn't famous enough to be that pompous

  • Hello. Great reportage, can you activate the option comments for the translation (I am French). Thank you.

  • I spend years taking as much care and attention to detail making sure my guitars are playing and looking good (except when drunk) and others drag high end instruments through parking lots. If Rich wasn't such a badass guitarist I'd talk shit lol


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