Monday, March 10, 2025
BassBass Effects

Rig Rundown – The Breeders

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Formed from members of Pixies and Throwing Muses back in 1989, The Breeders were highly influential in the early alt-rock scene. After nearly three decades as a band, The Breeders are still killing it on tour. Lead guitarist Kelly Deal and bassist Josephine Wiggs hung with Premier Guitar to take us through the gear that’s been with them for most of the journey.

Kelley Deal tours with two guitars that cover everything from sweet and sensitive to angry and destructive. On the angry side is her 1993 Gibson Les Paul Standard strung with Ernie Ball .011-gauged strings.

On the less aggressive side is her stock 1992 Fender Strat Ultra strung with Ernie Ball .010 strings. The Strat was stolen and went missing for years until it made its way back into Kelley Deals’ life, although a little bit more abused. Deal plays with Dunlop .38 mm and .46 mm picks.

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#Rig #Rundown #Breeders

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47 thoughts on “Rig Rundown – The Breeders

  • They keep talking about the lollapalooza tour- I saw them at lollapalooza at the new orleans show that year. 93, or 94? Or whatever year they said. I had just bought last splash a couple months before, and i was in 11th grade in high school. What an amazing time and amazing show! The breeders were awesome- and the beastie boys were awesome as well- in fact i think most of the groups were great – but then the smashing pumpkins came out and i think it was maybe the drummer and another band member got in a fight on stage? Anyways- it was some drama. But that was the last band and everyone was gettin wild at that point after being there all day- the point is my clearest memory of it was how much i liked the breeders set!!!! They were at a real particular and specific creative peak at that point- they seemed like they had something to prove- and they certainly achieved everything they set out to as far as this guy was concerned!!! The Breeders are phenomenal!!!!!!!!! That was a great tour- and a great time. Thanks Breeders!!!!!

  • 2:21 many people don't know, but Kurt said in an interview that The Breeders were a big influence in the recording of Nevermind, so she's very humble to tell the story like that.

  • Her and Kim went to school with a good friend of mine back in the day, I remember seeing them play at a few places around the Miami valley. Kelley, if you ever around Troy, let me know, would love to hang with ya.

  • Kelley was a bit lost finding a way out of the studio, while Josephine was taliking ????

  • love the deal sisters, but josephine is so under rated… i mean, she came up with possibly the most iconic 90s bass hook

  • "I got it as a Christmas gift."
    Then the smile.
    That was the moment I fell in love with Kelly Deal.

  • See her a few times in Starbucks in Dayton want to say hi but I know how irritating fans asking for autograph 24/7????

  • What an interesting and fun rig rundown! Kelley rules. Dude REALLY wanted to take a closer look at Kim's gold top. I would also love to see a video talking about the history of that special guitar. It's played in the Pixies (Kim loaned it to Joey for at least the first few albums), it's been in the Breeders played by Kim (Cannonball), Kelley, Tonya (from Belly), and even Josaphine plays it on a song. It was used in the Amps and pretty sure I saw it in a Dinosaur Jr video (dude produced a Breeders album) and might even possibly be the original guitar sample on the song Fire Starter from The Prodigy (even though live Kelley usually plays her red and green Fender Strat). Think of all the hits on that thing!

  • Kelly Deal being an absolute regular gear head, and one of the most polite and quirky people to interview. She seems like a lot of fun.

  • Kelley could be a good neighbor mom you’d like to invite for having tea. Only thing she share with Kim is her distinctive Dayton accent.

  • Wait can someone tell me how kelly had her bridge pickups covers eith two single coil covers or is that just a humbucker

  • They both talk about Lolla '94, which was the first concert I ever went to at age 14. I don't remember a thing about the gold instruments but that's where I was introduced to The Breeders, playing in broad daylight, and it's easily one of my fondest live music memories

    Another was seeing the Kelley Deal 6000 in this craphole of a room, on the 3rd floor of this narrow building in Pittsburgh, where the guitarist had to stomp the stage sometimes when his pickup cut out, and there were about 9 people in the "audience" and they still played their hearts out. Bought a copy of the Sugar Altar album on my way out and listened to it constantly for months. Trixie Delicious is still in my top-2 all-time songs to annoy people with the fact that I love it

  • Kelley is articulate and hilarious. It is fun to listen to her anecdotes and backstories. She is also pleasant and caring towards everyone. Kim is a little more introverted and private. They strike a balance as sisters with polar opposite personalities. No wonder Kelley explained how they grew up and wrote music together most of the time and Kim only made brief comments to support Kelley’s stories in their documentary.

  • The Breeders certainly have a very distinctive sound in every way you can expect. The tones, drums, effects, vocals, and harmony.

  • So glad you got your strat back, Kelley. I've only seen that happen once for another player in my 30 years of playing.

  • I saw the Breeders at Pitchfork few years back, there was cross noise from a band on another stage but that aside they still just didn't sound very good. Also they kept making little stories between songs the banter betwern band members was like "Hey remember when we played this in Philly and remember what happened to Matt and then someone would laugh and say oh yeah that was a crazy night but we can't talk about that here." All these little snippets of stories with no payoff, this whole "too cool for school" vibe coming from them. After a couple of these I was like "just shut up and and play" I've seen Frank Black solo a couple times and he Frickin rocks, sounds better than the albums no bullshit, just plays and kills it!!! Breeders sound way better on record than live.

  • She may be funny and energetic but i bet that voice would grate on your nerves after a while. Think about it. ????

  • I was lucky enough to see them open for Nirvana in Miami in 1993. The Breeders were amazing, and the mosh pit was legendary ????????????????????
    I've actually gotten to rewatch that concert recently thanks to someone uploading a copy. The early 90s was a hell of a time to be a teenager ????????????


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