Monday, March 3, 2025

30 thoughts on “Rig Rundown – The Mars Volta’s Juan Alderete

  • A lot of people might see the fretless + weird effects and think Juan is a wanker. But really he’s an amazing shredder and bassist, just listen to Racer X.

  • Funny seeing Juan having to introduce the Earthquaker pedal, considering how massive the company is now.

  • this video keeps on appearing on my recccomemded list. ok i decided to take a look

  • I have the line 6 dl4 but half the time it won’t turn on, or it turns itself on constantly, or it resets to factory settings. It’s such a great pedal but the computer in it clearly sucks.

  • been play bass 23 years and never need more the 2 bass pedals and a tuner pedal and now on stage i'll just have 2 a tuner Pedal from boss and a Blogger Pedal from Electro Harmonics So Mars V bass player you do you and i'll have the shortest Rig Bass Pedal Rundown Ever!!!!! 😉

    Juan Alderete – beloved husband, son, brother, uncle, friend, bandmate and cat dad – has had the privilege of connecting with music lovers around the world through his remarkable talent as the bassist in Marilyn Manson, The Mars Volta, Big Sir, Deltron 3030, Dr. Octagon, Vato Negro, Halo Orbit and Racer X in addition to lending his bass lines to music by Lil Peep, Jonwayne, Juliette Lewis, B'z and many more. On January 13, 2020, Juan was involved in a bicycle accident that—despite wearing a helmet and protective gear—left him with a serious type of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) known as Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI). He also suffered a fractured clavicle and spinal fracture.

    And as many of you fellow musicians and artists understand, there is no paid time off or sick time for this type of work. The journey Juan and his family are about to embark on is a marathon, not a sprint; it is a long road and we want to be able to tap some of the best and most passionate medical professionals who are experts on TBI patients and their potential for recovery. Physical, occupational and cognitive therapies are just some of what we'll need to pay for in the coming weeks and months. In-patient care and therapy, special medical equipment and assistance are other expenses we anticipate in the longer term. And while we help Juan focus on recovering, he will not be able to work but of course the goal is to get him back to playing music, and talking pedals on Pedals and Effects with his partner in crime, Nick. Because the world needs Juan on bass just as much as Juan needs to play bass.


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