Monday, March 31, 2025
GuitarGuitar LessonsLessons


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Here I share a personal view and a summary of my exploration on the role of the right hand in classical guitar performance. Within, I delve into the complexities of the alliance between the hand’s anatomy and the guitar’s design aiming to achieve an artistic goal.

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All levels are welcome.

The video contains Arabic subtitles, Armenian subtitles, Belarusian subtitles, Bulgarian subtitles, Cantonese subtitles, Chinese subtitles, Croatian subtitles, Czech subtitles, Dutch subtitles, Filipino subtitles, French subtitles, German subtitles, Greek subtitles, Hindi subtitles, Hungarian subtitles, Indonesian subtitles, Italian subtitles, Japanese subtitles, Korean subtitles, Mongolian subtitles, Persian subtitles, Portuguese subtitles, Russian subtitles, Serbian subtitles, Spanish subtitles, Thai subtitles, Turkish and Vietnamese subtitles


Originally posted by UC7l7eTMsQX6FErBje8Misrw at


  • What a great and educational video, I congratulate you for your great work. A new subscriber has been gained. Greetings from Venezuela.

  • Thank’s for the excellent video my friend ????
    The Lord’s love + grace be with you
    His hope + peace, in Life, and beyond the grave

    Hope you are all well and resting in Jesus saving love + grace ????

    Warmest Love + blessing’s friends ????

  • even tho i understand that you're classical guitarist and all of these is about classical guitar as metal guitarist i would like to see something like this about playing with pick and maybe some techniques like tapping, combined picking, slapping and thumping and so on. For example there's common problem to have forearm pain while long tremolos and i think this approach can explain a lot of its nature.

  • This should be a very first lesson I should know before touching guitar. Thank You. Every teacher could use this in their practice. I love the detail, sub and all best!

  • I don't know if it is merely a coincidence or not but just couple of days before I brought my first classical guitar (Yamaha c40) and decided to give a second shot at guitar learning. And this is the video I got recommended. I truly appreciated your effort and how brilliantly this is explained in such precision and depth. Much appreciated.

  • Lots of good information. A couple of thoughts: allowing the tip joint to yield is mentioned as beneficial for the middle finger in rest strokes; I've found it to be good for the other fingers as well, and also for free strokes. To my ear, free strokes produced this way have a fuller, rounder sound; the reason, I believe, is that as the joint yields, the distance between the middle joint and the finger tip increases, pushing the string in towards the face of the guitar, so the sound is generated more in the way it is by a rest stroke.

  • This instructional video is of the highest quality and educational value I have encountered.

  • Hola estoy muy agradecido con tu esfuerzo en estos videos, gracias por subir esto, es realmente impresionante

  • Never before in the history of mankind has right hand classical technique been explained so clearly. How did I even stumble upon this greatness. I see you algorithm ❤

  • Cảm ơn bạn chia sẻ rất tuyệt vời chúc bạn vui vẻ ❤❤❤????????????

  • Amazing video! I desperately need a playlist or a list of all the pieces/songs/exercises given as examples here ???????? All of them very beautiful!

  • David, thank you for the video and lots of wonderful details about the right hand not taught anywhere. I also enjoyed hearing the Reynoso guitar.

  • The knowledge and production of these videos is absolutely amazing. And it’s free! I haven’t seen anything else that explains how the body works such detail. Thank you for sharing this with the world.

  • Trémolo disparejo, la mejor posición para hacer arte con la guitarra es la de la escuela Tárrega, Andrés Segovia, Pepe Romero, Manuel López Ramos por ejemplo.

  • This is a great video in general. In comparison to other content on the topic I saw, this video is greatly outstanding. Thank you for sharing this publicly with people. I consider this a great addition to human audiovisual heritage, and I am happy it is freely shared.

    One thing I am missing is further reading recommendations, and maybe even citations. I wish, at the end or via video description, I was pointed to some reading resource covering the topic in not less detail, and extending, perhaps with some exercises. The presented material seems to be of a kind that is likely covered entirely by a single, short book, but if not, perhaps your own reading notes would still be a valuable addition.

    I hope to see more, and wish you are gratified for your effort. Thank you.

  • Great. Standing ovation for this video. And I'm generally sparing with compliments.

  • Really great video of the highest standard, thank you.
    Could you please list the names of all the music played please?

  • i'm a 40 year guitarist (classical, and flamenco). this is the best video about guitar i've ever been watched. many many thanks….

  • If I could go 8 years back in time, this is the video I would want to see befor getting into guitar. Brilliant educational video. I learned so much.

  • OMG, what a fantastic content. Can't believe how you managed to produce it in such a detailed way. Let alone the 1000s of hours of 3d work.

  • What is the piece at the start of the video? The intro goes so hard i instantly liked the video. Good job! ????


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