Sunday, March 23, 2025
BassGuitar Tips & Hacks

Roland Aira S-1 // A mini SH101 and so much more
The *Roland Aira Compact S-1* uses Roland’s Analog Circuit Behaviour (ACB) technology to emulate the classic *SH-101* monosynth from the 80s. … plus a lot more, like 4 voice poly, delay and reverb, wave drawing, fast LFO, MIDI (obvs), poly sequencer with parameter locks, extra LFO shapes, and D-motion.

In this I have a play with a few of the factory sequences to give a feel for its range and play it alongside my vintage SH101 to see how close it gets.

The Aira Compact stands are from:

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0:00 Demo 1 vs SH101
1:04 Whats the Aira S-1
1:48 Demo 2Voodoo Ray
3:34 More S-1 Info
4:57 Demo 3 Sequencer demos
6:08 The run through
8:18 Demo 4 paired with the T8
10:19 The Comparison vs the SH-101
13:50 Demo 5 Another Demo
14:17 Wave Drawing and Chopping
16:14 Demo 6 Yet Another Demo
18:23 Demo 7 Have you had enough demos yet?

#rolandaira #s1 #sh101 #demo #review @rolandglobal

#Roland #Aira #mini #SH101

Originally posted by UCvqGJkKHb-VHgxJmuBbIfIQ at

40 thoughts on “Roland Aira S-1 // A mini SH101 and so much more

  • I’ve got them all except the E4. Tons of fun to be had with these. I hope they bring another one out ????????

  • filters are the main test for me, and although the S1 is digital, the filter and resonance sounds amazingly close to the real thing and a fraction of the cost… though I wouldnt like to use the D-motion in a live set….you know….just incase you get carried away and pull the audio cable out ????????????

  • Can anyone tell me whether these hook up to modular easily? I'm looking for an easy live drum machine and the T8 looks ideal for me (with the added 303 as a bonus!). Can I trigger it with a eurorack 5v?

  • It was Voodoo Ray (and 'It is what it is' by Mayday) what got me into House/Techno! Ahh. So many wonderful memories.

  • I love the SH-101 – it’s a staple for me when it comes to 80s music, Disco, and Italo Disco, which I’ve been really into lately, though also Synthwave and Space Synth. Awesome video, bro! Looking forward to the next episodes ????♥

  • It's a pity that after all these years, the most anticipated Roland Boutique JP-8000/8080 still hasn't appeared…

  • People can keep thinking they’re toys. But the truth is AIRA Compacts are possibly the best modern products for performance based sequencing of all time.

  • These things totally looked like McDonald's toys in a kid's meal so of course I promptly bought them.

  • Love my little S1. It’s fiddly and the menu diving means you have to dedicate time to it, but the sound is incredible for the price. The reverb, delay and chorus are huge.

  • Lovely.

    The one thing that is keeping me from getting a T-8 is the strange choice of sounds. It's like a little 'Frankenstein's Drummachine' with sounds from across the different TR models. I guess they don't want to cannibalize sales from the TR6s…

  • Looks like the S-1’s PWM is full range (narrow thru 50% to wide) while the SH-101 just goes from 50% to narrow. If you can set the base pulse width on the S-1 and then add the LFO you could get it closer to the way the 101 does it.

  • the s-1 is all it is cracked up to be. the whole range are spot on for the price. i never thought i would see such gear!

  • Great video as always. This is cool but I just can't understand all of these tiny fiddle boxes on the market these days.

  • Roland is trash now a shell of what they once were sad but unless the go back to analog they will always be dead to me most people started with Roland any old heads go to either elektron or moog no one buys Roland and the most sold synths on reverb are Roland nobody likes them sad to see the makers of the Jupiter and Juno’s make this bs trash ????️

  • This was a no-brainer for me when it came out. They did a very smart thing with this, 4 voices on an SH is great, and they deepened it with the wave editing which lets you try digital wave table like tones but with that gorgeous 101 filter.

    And when it came out, my third baby was being born in less than a week so I had something to take with to the hospital to jam while waiting.

    I have some quibbles with how long release times cut off on pattern changes, but I sample this into the blackbox or Digitakt so it’s not a dealbreaker

  • Been digging into the sh4d again after some time collecting dust and i jist love it for what it offers, though it does leave me wanting just a little bit more individual character between modes. Can you please do video on that thing in the future? Maybe comparisons to its contempories like the s1

  • Fantastic vid mate! The SH101 was my first ever synth and I actually just got my S1 today! Can’t believe the sound. It’s pretty much identical.

  • FYI the original bassline of Voodoo Ray was 3 layers of SH-101/MC-202

  • Appreciate the proper in-depth look, not just a rush-job riding on the NDA-lifting coattails!

  • Awesome demo! Not sure if it's clarified later in the video, but it was mentioned that there's "no MIDI", but there are 1/8" MIDI connections on the backside ????

  • Today I see more and more tiny litlle boxes with decent sounds but made for puppets with even more tiny fingers. It will never work for me.

  • What, no placard on the couch with "Starsky Carr" written on it? Who is this guy reviewing this great Roland mini gear?


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