Rush – Xanadu (Live from the Montreal Forum 1981) | REACTION | First Time Hearing
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00:00 Intro
01:36 Reaction
10:12 Song Research
12:35 Resume Reaction
20:16 End Commentary
23:16 Outro
#Rush #Xanadu #Live #Montreal #Forum #REACTION #Time #Hearing
Originally posted by UCV8aPBobvkyD3AHNqhHYOOg at
'Xanadu' was also a movie and the title of the song by Olivia Newton-John and Electric Light Orchestra from an earlier time.
Alex plays a 12 and 6 dbl neck, Geddy play a bass and 6 string guitar dbl neck. Near the end you hear Geddy playing rhythmic guitar.
Based on Samual Taylor Coleridge poem Kubla Khan
Nothing pre recorded sister.
Best ever…. EVER!
RUSH's Xanadu is the greatest rock song ever composed.
MASTER piece .
An EXCELENT reaction!!! Congratssss
I believe that's Geddy Lee playing the guitar in the background… Geddy has a bass on top and a guitar on the bottom…
Sweetheart, you just witnessed 3 virtuoso's in sync with each other as no other band could ever do. They are, without a doubt, the true definition of musicianship. ❤
Geddy's Double neck is a Bass and a 6 stringed guitar… Alex's has 12 strings in the top neck and 6 on the lower one… amazing to see them both center stage playing them!!
I feel privileged that I saw these guys 15-16 times in Philadelphia at The Spectrum and some arenas along the east coast…1st time was in 1982 The Subdivisions Tour
A tidbit many may not know: if you compare Xan adu with the Hebrew words for Garden of Eden (likely in the Mountains of Turkey) which are Gan Eden, there are certainly similarities. In the Garden there was the Tree of Life, and to eat of it. one would live forever.
One of the greatest songs ever written. And by the greatest rock band ever. This whole concert and time with Rush in early 80's is pure gold. And no prerecorded stuff anykind. All is played live.
Btw one big Rush fan just uploaded his latest song in his solo site if someone is interested. Nothing Rush but maybe some hint of them.
Double neck guitars.phenomanal.
Excellent ear! You heard Geddy playing twelve-string rhythm guitar in the background at the end. You can catch a glimpse of him strumming it during the closing E-chord unison stabs.
So true what you said, I hear so many people reacting to Rush for the same time and so many of them say how they love Geddy's voice, but back in the day it was often criticized.
Yes, it's a bit unfortunate that the cameras focus mostly on Alex during that part of the song when also Geddy is playing the guitar (The 12-string half of his double-neck), which you did pick up on aurally, too!
Those were the days when Rush had still actually played everything on stage, as opposed to working with samplers and the likes later in their career ????
And that's indeed called 'traditional grip'!
Greetings from New Zealand!
PS: I think it's good you got to hear this live version first! The studio version isn't bad, but it doesn't sound as grand as this, in my opinion ????
A cool thing to remember about this performance is that this is before the computer age. Since that is the case there are no samples used here. Every note is played by one of the three guys on the stage. As the years went by and Rush began to indulge themselves in using sampling they did cheat a little when they played this live. However, back in good old 1981 it was all done on-stage with no outside help. To this day I can't figure out how Geddy played that synth line with his foot at 7:48. That was one thing I saw them use a sample for when they played this on the R40 tour.
What you’re hearing at the end is Geddy playing the bottom of his double neck as rhythm guitar and kicking bass and synth with his feet while Alex solos. I saw them do this the night after this exact concert in Ottawa Ontario on March 28th 1981. I was 17 and it still is the best concert I’ve ever seen, only rivaled by Peter frampton who played for 31/2 hours without a warm up band.
I guarantee you that nothing is prerecorded. The 2nd guitar you're hearing is Geddy Lee playing the bottom guitar on his double neck bass/guitar. He's playing the bass line with his feet on the pedals. No where in the music industry will you find any better rock instrumentalists!!
Geddy's playing rhythm guitar during the solo. Geddy's second (lower neck is a guitar).
That's the professor at his apex…Proud to say I saw them a couple years before this concert…50 years with this song…:)
Best concert I ever went. I honestly felt like I knew more bout music when i left. ???? I AM loving sering your reactions. You can make an electric guitar sound acoustic but you gotta be able to really play clean which Alex can do. Oh yea. God bless ya, hon. Loved this
Not pre-recorded. Geddy is playing guitar on the bottom of his double neck while playing keys and foot pedals at the end. A shame the camera didn't focus on that (you see it only a little bit)
When Alex start his solo, Geddy is on the 12 string
This isn't just my favorite live Rush performance video. It is my favorite live performance video, period.
relax honey. why so tense?