Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Sadly, I Was Disappointed In This One…FireFly James Hetfield OGV Unboxing

Up today we take a look at the Firefly James Hetfield OGV Flying V. This is a classic guitar for Metallica fans, like myself. Over the guitar is great, but there was a few issues that Firefly need to look at when they release more of these. I bought two of these, so hopefully the other one is much better!

Check out the newest FireFly James Hetfield EET FUK Explorer:

Check out the newest FireFly James Hetfield Man to Wolf Explorer:

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#fireflyguitars #jameshetfield #ogv #flyingv #newguitarday #guitarunboxing

#Sadly #Disappointed #One…FireFly #James #Hetfield #OGV #Unboxing

Originally posted by UCEcn1JOleObGH2vi7SX8qhA at

29 thoughts on “Sadly, I Was Disappointed In This One…FireFly James Hetfield OGV Unboxing

  • I’m very happy for you mate!! Congrats on your new purchase and I hope you have plans to mod that V.! Thanks for sharing bro, and I believe that those are supposed to be like completely relict.? I’m thinking that was Firefly’s plan overall. Enjoy it mate and until next time…. Stay safe, Stay metal, and don’t forget to riff.?! ????????????????????????????????????

  • I got one. Came with a busted high E tuner, and I hated the neck profile. It was 3/4 of a Louisville Slugger. I reshaped it to ESP/LTD EXTRA thin U, and bought some gotoh locking tuners.

  • I hope you didnt pay more than 50 dollars for that. holy fuck. bro, don't they have a guitar center somewhere in the state you live in???

  • 220 bucks! Who cares about cleaning the frets! Send it to me I'll clean the frets and you can pay me 575 for it!

  • I mean, James' V was a bolt on Elektra with a Gibson shaped headstock in white. It also had red paint under the white. Not sure what the seller was going for but if I ever decided I needed a replica of James' or anyone else's guitar, I'd want it to be at least close. I'm not into signature or replica guitars though so it's not something I'd ever buy. But man, it's as solid "meh" right out of the styrofoam.

  • I bought the camo Zakk Wylde a couple of weeks ago and it has the same scratchy frets. It also came with a dead bridge pickup which was just a poor soldering job. It only took me a couple of minutes to fix that but for someone brand new to guitar, it would be a big issue. There's still definitely a luck of the draw factor with firefly. Great video, keep them coming!

  • This popped up in my feed and saw that this is your nth firefly guitar and they've all been sh!t, good thing I never bought any lol

  • If you own a drill, buy a set of polishing compounds and some polishing wheels off amazon for fifteen dollars. Worked like a charm on mine. If you intend on replacing the bridge with a tune-o-matic at any point, be aware you will have to reinforce the control cavity, as the current bushing holes sit VERY close to the edge of the control cavity. For those concerned about grounding – open your guitar up, cut the ground cable that leads to the bridge bushings, and drill in a small screw to the body inside the cavity to which you can solder the ground wire. Yes, the frets on these come barely playable out of the box. However, the setup and feel of the instrument is fantastic otherwise. Even the pickups are great on this one. Bottom line – are we really expecting perfection on a 200 dollar guitar? This is the CLOSEST thing to a production run of any guitar inspired by the OGV, especially for the price. If you wanna include Chibson in the conversation, be prepared for some potential QC issues far worse than this.

  • Hey Dewey… have you had any humming issues with any of the ones you've bought? I got the bullseye & it played great the first day, then i plugged in the next day & I've got a loud hum that only goes away if i touch the strings…. have you dealt with that on these?

  • No, the frets were absolutely perfect, and they went the extra mile to destress them ????
    Really though that pickup placement kind of sucks .

  • That is a freaking joke it's not even remotely a replica of Hetfield's ogv LOL the ogv first of all was a bolt-on neck in like old buddy said it's not even based off the same style guitar the headstock is wrong the body is wrong and on top of all of it shity quality all the way around wow even through this YouTube video you can tell how terrible that guitar really is it's literally one of the worst pieces of s*** I've ever seen that would be sending it back to the company with a letter saying that not only are you demanding a full refund but also a written apology because that is simply atrocious I mean God damn the quality is seriously horrible and more than likely not even playable not to mention the terrible cheap counterfeit electronics and Hardware Firefly needs to stay in your damn Lane because they obviously have no clue what they're doing in The Relic game

  • Replace the shty strings and polish the frets. Maybe they figured distressed guitar, distressed frets.

  • I just got the blueberry explorer yesterday it's pretty awesome I have a few westcreeks to the pickups seem better on the firefly, for the prices of these guitars it's hard to complain! I'm in Canada and even after our poor dollar conversion they still come under 400 with the additional shipping fees

  • Love Vs for sitting down and playing. Really like the distressed job too. Too bad the frets arent up to snuff. Beautiful axe for sure. m/

  • It bein a schecter copy basically is bullshit honestly, do the symmetrical V, and normally I would never advocate for this, but even do the bolt-on. This is James' favorite guitar, which is wild to think, but it is. Mine will always be the MX220, I would love to have one, but I don't have 250k burnin a hole.


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