Monday, March 10, 2025

Schecter’s Budget Friendly Shredder! – Omen Extreme – Demo / Review

Sure, I’ve checked out some Schecter guitars in the past, and although those were fantastic guitars, they ranged from 800 to well over a thousand dollars. With the holidays in full force, not everyone has that kind of cash to drop on a guitar. At $399, the Schecter Omen Extreme is a wonderfully playable and totally useful shred guitar. Let’s check it out!

Get the guitar here:

Check out some other colors here:

My new 1980’s style instructional video:


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Rubric: -5 points for Danzig references. -5 points for not reading the description. -5 points for not watching far enough into the video to answer your own question. -5 points for misquoting me in your comment. 20 points possible. Everyone starts with an A!

#Schecters #Budget #Friendly #Shredder #Omen #Extreme #Demo #Review

Originally posted by UCN–LUAhUtNekrhRIC24J_A at

23 thoughts on “Schecter’s Budget Friendly Shredder! – Omen Extreme – Demo / Review

  • I just got one of these from my friend as a gift!!!!! I absolutely love this schecter!!!!!!

  • My goodness, the versatility shown here was sick. Teally love the tones this thing could produce

  • I'm looking into buying an omen extreme 6 for my first guitar in over 30 years. I haven't played since then. I was a teen then and am in my 50's now. Question is, would this make a good "first" guitar? I'm trying to avoid any Chinese knock offs

  • Yeah, ok now we’re talkin! Highly interested. I’ve already got some nice guitars, but I was looking at omen’s and LTD’’s to add to the arsenal. LTD’ s are man, gonna be a hard choice.

  • I have one of the cream colored versions…love it. I thought about putting some gold plated humbuckers in it to match the hardware…I'm not a shredder type player….more the Dave Gilmore style…so toning it down might be better in my case.

  • As a fan of schecter and owner of this model (among others) I really wish people including schecter would stop calling it a “shredder” it’s not a shredder.
    It’s not even really a metal guitar.
    It’s a solid hard rock guitar that is versatile and well built.
    It’s not a shredder if that’s what you want then don’t buy it go buy a shredder you’ll be much happier.
    I kind of blame schecter marketing for this because they clearly thought the “look” fit that market but the guitar is just not built to excel at it.
    It does a lot really well and it’s affordable as a throw around gigging guitar I am more than happy with it, I fits my hands well and gets the tones I need for my sets but I’m not a metal player.
    Everyone should play and really listen to an instrument before buying. Get the one that best suits you but don’t call a rock and roll machine a shedder.

  • I had one of those years ago, it was a great guitar, i recently felt nostalgic and wanted another one, come to realize they have changed the design a bit, the new models are a lot more curved on the top making the sides thinner, the binding is a darker color almost light brown, the truss rod cover is different and the black paint around the edges of the burst have gotten darker, i got one of the new ones, its still a great guitar just something to be aware of.

  • That distortion you use, is exactly what I love to use. Tons and tons. I've been a guitarist for over 30 years, and I love it heavy. Some say that over time you use less and less. No!!

  • Your video helped me a lot and it was the "final psuh", thankm you soi much! 🙂 The guitar arrived today, in the same color. I have been playing guitar since early last year, using a Harley Benton SC Custom II until now. The difference between the two is significant. To begin with, the Schecter arrived in perfect condition, with no loose parts, uneven surfaces, or aesthetic flaws.
    It is much more comfortable to play and produces a richer, more detailed sound. It genuinely feels like playing a high-end, expensive guitar.

  • i tound a used one at Guitar center for about $300 with the floyd rose special on it… not my favorite version of FR as the build wuality seems lacking when compared to that of the 1500 that comes on the banshee mach 6 or 7. the diamond pickups are meh…about average and get muddy as you climb the gain scale. i had to reset the intonation as i prinarily play in drop b and went with heavier string gauges too. it plays very well, especially considering the price point. Definitely not a gigging guitar but if you have a kid that wants to learn to play and has a taste for metal this will tick all the boxes and get them on the right path. i enjoy playing it and using it as a practice guitar and beater-upper.

  • For anyone who has this guitar, would you recommend it for rock and jazz?

  • Hi I just subscribe to your channel but I've I've been following you for a while now. This video you made 4 years ago and I just bought this guitar, I have not received it yet was supposed to I have not received it will be here tomorrow. Yah! I hope it is as good as the one as in your video. I own one other and the products are made very well. Thank you so much for the info on this guitar that came very useful to me. I hope you're Chanel is going much better than it was 4 years ago.Once again,
    Thank You, Great Review. ????

  • Ocean blue burst, but have yet to even tune it, been a year setting as all the others but soon I'll get to set down adjust and play the instruments


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