Sunday, March 16, 2025
BassBass Effects

Should you Choo-Choo Choose this pedal?? | Fender Downtown Express [Demo/Review]

EQ: Check.
Overdrive: Check.
Compression: Check.
Mute: …Check.

All you need, all in one? Let me know what you think about Fender’s Downtown Express!

Find out more about the pedal on @fender’s website:

Follow me on Instagram for more bass content!

Background music by Nova Mora

#FenderDowntownExpress #DowntownExpress #FenderPedals

#ChooChoo #Choose #pedal #Fender #Downtown #Express #DemoReview

Originally posted by UCuhsqwW-9-XDRnTCUy9NWwg at

41 thoughts on “Should you Choo-Choo Choose this pedal?? | Fender Downtown Express [Demo/Review]

  • So basically, it’s a Fendor stage 800 combo set up but in a little box. Hell yeah.

  • Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I loooove the heavy drive sounds from this pedal.
    It does seem like a big oversight to not have a blend knob.

  • Hi Jonny! I am thorned between this Fender DTE and Hartke Bass Attack 2.. i already have the Hartke BA2 planning to replace it .. would you recommend the Fender DTE over it? Thanks!

  • Thx for the vid!
    Does this kind of pedal can mix well with other stuff? Like chorus or fuzz pedal

  • I'm still working with mine…I find the drive is too much and tinny sounding so I don't use it. I use a pedal separate for that. The EQ im still trying to find a setting for it that doesn't Mud up the sound. I found this pedal works really good for vocals believe it or not with the compressor and as a mic preamp into a recorder for vocals. Im not so sold on it for bass though I feel I get a better sound without it.

  • Been using this pedal at my church gig regularly for about a year and a half and overall very happy with it. 70% of the time I'm running a clean tone with just a light compression, we have a song here and there where I'll throw in some of the OD set at just below 9 o'clock on the drive.

    EQ I usually keep a slightly past noon on bass, same on mids and a slight cut between 11 and 12 on treble.

    I've been told I stand in the mix reasonably well with adequate low end. I think an excellent value for someone needing a box for a direct to the board with in ears type set up. Not a high end premium deal, but great value for the money. Cheers!

  • Hi Jonny…
    I have this pedal for 2 years (by the day Fender released) It's a life saver for live situations. Before the corona sh*t I was a touring musician and seeing 2-3 different cities per week. The amps on the venues we played not always that satisfying so that I need this kind of solution. I can't say I have a favorite EQ setup but generally mids at noon and slightly boost or cut the bass and trebles. I use the comp while slapping. I set the treshold and blend really low add a little bit gain to even my thumbs and soften the plucks. I rarely use the drive on it because it changes your Eq setting dramatically. I totally agree for the need of a blend knob as you said. If you are using the drive you need to set the EQ for the drive sound so the drive section is always on or always off for me… I always send my signal from its DI out and every sound guy asked me what the thing I'm using. Generally Sound guys don't want you to post the signal you shaped but on this thing They are always positive about it. My last experience is the recording session. The producer used mostly the DI sound from Downtown Express in the mix and said he loved the clean signal. I think it's a really nice all in one pedal especially for the price.

  • I have a TC Electronic Spectra Drive the main difference between these is that you have more control over the drive and compression settings on the Fender, however it does miss aux in and headphones… horses for courses I guess.

  • Hi Johnny, I'm still on the fence with this one. It looks really nice. I might just save more $$$ and do the hx stomp. So many to choose from. Great video Johnny. Until the next one, cheers. P.S. your channel is very much appreciated!!!!

  • Idk how but youtube somehow unsubed me from this channel, I basically missed the last week of videos, gotta say the week didn't feel right without your content. Thx for everything man 🙂

  • Thats excactly whats missing a blend for the drive channel… I realy like the compressor. But all in all it sits on my shelf instead of my pedalboard…

  • I bought mine three weeks ago. Haven't gigged with it yet but it sounds great in rehearsal. The overdrive isn't near as gritty (to me, Ibanez SR506E thru a Markbass CMD121P) as I was hoping but the rest of the band loves it over the fuzz I used to rock. I'm gonna try scooping the mids and see if that cleans it up for me.

    The compression and EQ are mint.

    If this had octaver and fuzz, it would be everything I need. I'm gonna experiment with the Sonicake Boom Ave and see if that does the trick.

    You didn't mention the only major downside to this pedal: the DTE requires a 400mA current draw, so not every power supply can power it.

  • Awesome !! Haha I was just debating whether to pick this pedal up. Another great demo review Jonny!

  • Nice review. I've been playing around with one for a few days deciding whether to keep it. I am using it for some home recording and making bass videos. I found the compressor very sensitive and used the same setting as you liked it. My Fender Rumble has overdrive so not something I need or really am interested in using. Not sure if its a keeper or not based on my needs. But it is a great unit at a very nice price and well built.

  • I think it offers a lot for the money, especially if you need a direct out. As you say, not perfect and I wonder if a Fender will listen to the feedback and perhaps consider a few tweaks. I agree that a blend for the overdrive would make a huge difference. I liked that the overdrive did not get too fizzy (I dislike bass overdrives that lose bottom end and try to make you sound like a guitar). A few other reviews have noted that the compressor has a limited range but many bassists only use it in very subtle doses so perhaps not the biggest problem to have – but probably not a difficult fix. I do wonder why they did not add a tuner to go with the mute switch. That could really have set it apart as a potential all in one pedal for those who perhaps want minimal effects. More generally, I really like the fact that you are reviewing affordable gear which people with limited budgets may be interested in.

  • I never think of Fender when it comes to pedal brands, but i really like the tones that you are able to get out of this. Awesome demo/review Mr. Dibbley! ????

  • Thank you for making a video on this pedal, I’ve been considering it for about a year. I think I need to pick one up. Cheers ,

  • Once again, a great review. An "all in one" pedal that I have considered buying since it was 1st released, but after watching this I don't think I'll bother. The drive is the greatest disappointment for me, there's too much overdrive/distortion EVEN with the knob turned down. Okay, it's pretty reasonably priced, but I think I'd rather stick to separate pedals, doing each effect. ????

  • Hey Jonny! Another great video. I really enjoyed this demo. Detailed and sweet.
    By the way, congratulation on your growing sub list. Keep grooving!
    PS. On the other hand… I thought this time around you'd let Panda play something.


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