Sunday, March 16, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

Simply The Best King Of Tone Clone You Can Get On A Budget!

Not everyone can afford that top-shelf boutique pedal. If you are a tone snob on a budget then the King Of Clone pedal is something you really need to check out. You can squeeze a whole lot of great tones out of this one without depleting your bank account.

We run through some tones and see what all the excitement is about with this pedal.

Sound samples at 4:49

To order one, simply say Tony sent you. Here is the link:

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#Simply #King #Tone #Clone #Budget

Originally posted by UC5Qlem5r3WNjWbUFJUznOfA at

41 thoughts on “Simply The Best King Of Tone Clone You Can Get On A Budget!

  • I have one but both channels sound very simular when the whitches are in the same position. Are the channels really different?

  • Wow your playing and tone very Jimmy Page ! Impressive! Oh and the pedal…. Nice ! Sold but what les paul and pickups are you using? Great job ! Bravo

  • Becareful.. These Chinese ebay sellers are very sketchy.. I just got one where the "builder" bought and resold it to me for a hefty profit.. I got ripped off with a shitty built clone..

  • Nice demo and very well explained.
    Did you have to buy your model from China? The only ones I see for sale (on Ebay) it seems you have to get them shipped from China. Thanks in advance.
    NYC / Jersey Shore Area

  • It was unbelievable how similar to the clean tone the left channel sounds with its drive turned down. It just goes to show how the term that's often used to describe the King of Tone, "transparent overdrive," is accurate. This pedal sounds great at low, medium, and high drive, with channels stacked or alone.
    I'm on a bit of an overdrive kick lately, building clones and kits of various pedals. Just to give you an idea of where my sound is coming from, I'll describe my amp and guitar, and then the overdrives:
    ••• THE AMP •••
    A 1975 Fender Twin Reverb, modified in the following ways:
    — converted to the Twin's 1963 (AB763) Blackface spec
    — all new signal caps with Jupiter capacitors, among other maintenance/upgrade items
    — replaced all internal and speaker (signal-path) wiring with 99.99% pure silver 20- and 18-gauge wire, including new input and output jacks with silver-plated contacts
    — added a negative-feedback reduction control knob (a Presence knob, or "Jimmy Switch") in place of the pilot light
    — the ch.1 (V1) 12AX7 pulled to add Vibrato Channel gain, and put in the V6 position, adding further gain
    …and because the Normal Channel is now out of use, I wired an LED inside the first Normal Channel input jack to take the place of the displaced pilot light
    — the classic "half-power mod" (pulling the outer two 6L6 power tubes, halving the output to 50W, and doubling its impedance to 8 ohms)
    …with the volume further reduced by still running both speakers, but wiring them in series (16 ohms) instead of parallel (4 ohms)
    — and a switch pot for the Vibrato Intensity control, wired so that when it's clicked to zero, the Vibrato circuit is bypassed, further increasing pre-amp gain for the Vibrato channel input
    ••• THE GUITAR •••
    My guitar, I designed and built. Years ago, I went to a nine-week Luthier program, and learned how to build this guitar for myself, with lessons, supervision, and guidance along the way:
    — fully hollow, double-cutaway, thin-body electric guitar with 6-inline tuners
    — carved top and back, with the top internally un-carved (thicker) down the center under the pickups, bridge, and tailpiece
    — Mahogany top, sides, and back
    — Mahogany neck
    — Ebony fingerboard and headstock veneer
    — routed for two humbuckers, but up until recently, I ran two (single-coil) Seymour-Duncan Phat Cat P-90s
    — now, I've got a reverse-angled Strat pickup in the neck position and a P-90 by the bridge
    — the pickup signals remain separate, operated simultaneously by a 500k stereo master Volume pot and a 500k stereo master Tone pot with vintage Russian 0.0015µF Paper-In-Oil capacitors…yes, that's 1500pf – much more subtle tone control than other guitars
    — the pickups' wiring is kept separate, in stereo, like that because there's no pickup selector switch…on the guitar. A stereo output jack feeds a stereo cable into an Ernie Ball Volume Pedal, which I modified with a 500k Blending pot
    ….how this works, is you just keep your foot on it while you play. "Heel down" is full neck pickup, which gradually fades to a soft detent in the center telling me that both pickups are on, fading to solo bridge pickup at "toe down." I rock and sweep the pedal as I play (its main purpose), or I can stick it anywhere along its path and leave it. It's a cool innovation, I think.
    ••• THE OVERDRIVES •••
    But anyway, here are the overdrives I've been building, or just into, the past couple of months:
    — built an Ibanez TS-808 (Tube Screamer) clone, modded with the common boutique mods and a diode selector switch (with 6 different pairs of symmetric diodes)
    — built an Ibanez MT-10 Mostortion clone, my current favorite (an early-90s pedal that's the basis of several famous overdrives), with a diode selector switch and active 3-band EQ. The Mostortion sounds so, so good to me at low drive.
    — building a B.K. Butler Tube Driver clone, currently in progress, after being inspired by David Gilmour's sound on some 2016 "Live at Pompeii" YouTube videos. He uses 3 Tube Drivers, which I saw briefly, and screenshotted, in one of those videos. I'm excited for this one, as it overdrives an actual 12AT7 pre-amp tube sticking right out the top of the pedal. A true tube overdrive, with 2-band EQ, and a great pedigree, to boot.
    — I'm in the process of choosing, you guessed it, an Analogman King of Tone clone to build right now. That's how I ended up here, in this comment section. Can't wait to have all of these pedals laid out, a signal buffer before them and another buffer right after them, and be able to compare, contrast, tweak, stack, appreciate, enjoy, make some feedback, and have some fun.
    — and, of course, along with the 3 separate pre-amp tube mods on the Twin Reverb to increase pre-amp gain, I got two new high-gain 12AX7 tubes for the V2 and V4 positions (Vibrato Channel gain), to maximize pre-amp gain when Volume is at 10. This has its own kind of sound, less defined, which I don't really prefer to pedal overdrive, but I like having it available in my traditionally very clean Twin Reverb. The amp sounds way better overdriven now than it did back in Silverface spec. With my new pre-amp gain mods and the Vibrato Channel Volume around 7, the pedals sound so good. Especially the Mostortion clone. So crunchy, so clear and defined, and so full too – deep and bright. It sounds exactly how a perfectly overdriven amp sounds in my head.
    Thanks for indulging me. I love reading about stuff like this, so I assume there will be at least someone out there who got something out of this, too.

  • Imports are the best,S, Korea ,,china japan Build the best guitars .Boss ,orange Ibanez cort ,and dozens more .Yep a little ahead of U.S.A

  • Caline CP-70 High Chief is much cheaper and looks better ! But smc… like EHX and many boutique pedals…

  • great pedal,looks expensive….I think the Tone City King of Blues is a real alternative

  • I owned the KOT, but had to resell it since they go for so much. I ordered this pedal and eager to see who 'truly' it clones the original pedal.

  • Hey Great video! Do we know what the differences are between 68 pedals and Ly Pedals?

  • Sounds great Tony, have you played this through a Vox or Fender amp ? Would love know how it paired up with them, thanks again ????????

  • thanks Tony, Great Job. I think I might order one and looking forward to the next pedal you have coming. God Bless

  • I've got the hot box dual drive.. which I'm sure is made by the same shop.. it even has identical innards.. I love it.. the tones are just tasty.. great vid tony

  • I got 1. Sounds amazing. Right channel definitely felt like more distortion than the left. The "distortion" switch increases gain but also pushes mids a bit even when set to "clean". I am really enjoying it.

  • Only down side is the 3pdts.. once they fail which they will..its hard to replace on that board unless your very good with a solder iron.

  • So who are 68 Pedals? I cant find anything online, in fact no web site or any mention anywhere except this or similar pedals for sale on ebay and reverb for various prices all sold from china, so is 68 Pedals just some brand made by joyo or donner or some such, if so it seems to be rather expensive when similar dual pedals from china sell at around $50

  • Hey I have buy one but in my I have the red led on the left and the the yellow on the right, I have the king of the king of clone ????

  • Hello! I just found out about this pedal company and I'm interested in their CE-2 clone, but I can't seem to find any demos of it. Have you tried it? Or do you have any info on it? Thanks!

  • Where do you get it I noticed several sellers on eBay. Are they all the same? Thanks

  • I thot u said takes an 8 volt adapter is tht rt ? Maybe i misunderstood . Is this on ur board ? Love the channel .

  • SHAME ON YOU. it's not about "not feeling right" I absolutely hate straight copy of other pedals. This is not a pedal that is inspired by the king of tone, it's a copy with misleading and unfair name and graphics. I have no problem with manufacturer who clones other circuits but this is different and way way worse. 1:00 your argument makes no sense. Following your logic you would be ok buying an X product if it's good even if the manufacturer is a thief. that's why the world is §§§hit! Grow up!


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