Thursday, March 6, 2025
BassBass Guitar

Sire Marcus Miller P5 Demo and Review| Is it Better than a Fender American Pro II

When i picked this bass up the first thing i wanted to do was go heads up against my Personal Fender American Pro II… That may be a video to end the year out… But right out of the gate i seen the value in this instrument and i think its a solid option for those in the market for a budget friendly gigging bass. Let me know what you think in the comments.

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#Sire #Marcus #Miller #Demo #Review #Fender #American #Pro

Originally posted by UCWPmPo9-IeJQQPRn_NquDCg at

48 thoughts on “Sire Marcus Miller P5 Demo and Review| Is it Better than a Fender American Pro II

  • #59_Question_New_UnBassedAtPresent_AsNoob_DoesPlayingWithToneCuttingAllFrequencies_Common_No2_WhereIsThisApplicationHeard_ItSeems_UtterlyUselessToMe_PleaseHelp⚠️

  • #58_Aaah_GotItMeThinks_AllMyVideosRunAt_75_Vice100_Speed_ItIsSupposedTo_AidMyComprehension_NotHere_WhenSpeedWasNormalised_100_WhatsGoinOn_WasUnderstood_Not_OoverahLawn_DamnFunnyMyMistake????

  • Thanks for the great no frills and fuss opinion/review/play through – such a welcome change from so many YT channels. I’ve a V5 and was looking for an unbiased and clear opinion/view for the P5

  • Your reviews are always on point. You definitely have a good insight when it comes to your instrument and your skills are very good.

  • Great bass but I still think the lacking of thickness in the low register is a deal breaker, tok bright for me

  • Another great vid. I would love to see you put this up against an AM Pro II Precision V. THat would be an awesome video!

  • Tone at 100% just nasty but in the best way. You're right at 60% it's beautiful. Great demo.

  • These are stunning looking instruments and I'm watching this video because I think one of these will be added to my collection very soon. I'm reliably informed from someone in the musical instrument retail industry that these are the best selling basses on the planet at the moment. Great demonstration, displaying just how good these sound and look. I've never been much of a five string player, but I think one of these might help change my mind. Thanks.

  • I picked up this same model and Im loving it!!! Your videos, (this one in particular) helped me out tremendously in my decision to get it or not. Loving the content, keep jamming!!!!

  • I like the tone on 50 percent and maybe P5 will be my next purchase. I have a V7 and I would like to have a nice precision-ish bass.

  • Same strings on that thing with all that righteous gig butter will sound even more amazing in a couple of years.

  • The P5 is a great bass. Pickups are a little too “growls” for me. Replacing mine with either some Lindy Fralin 5% overwound or Fender CS 62 or 63.

  • That's a growly son of a P . B string slams. My D5 (4 string) vintage white arrives today. 8lbs 2 ounces of 54 P bass w/ that rounded edge roasted neck? Hell yea! Watch for my review?

  • Hey bully – thanks for all your vids you and @lowendlobster make great vids! whats your take on this vs the p7/p8? i know you had a great review on the P7 – which would you rather have between the p7 and p5? any real notible differences on the way they sound on the p pickup in comparing (passive)?

  • "Roasted situation going on" haha!

    Looking at getting a 4 string one of these in red, sounds great ????

  • Been watching a bunch of your vids over the last couple days. Holy hell man. You were born for playing bass. Love watching your hands at work. And holy shit the tone. Gorgeous stuff man.

  • Great review! You let the bass do the talking as you were being taken by it's charm. This is what I should get, but Ken Smith is always looking over my shoulder!

  • Sire is setting the Bar in that $600 To $1500. A few other companies have have raised their game. I humbley ask you will you Review the Michael Kelly Custom Collection Element 5R???? Its Beginning to get a nice following with Bassist round the way

  • Bro sires KICK ASS. i have 2 and have been eyeballing these for a minute. Love the necks, with the edges and solid quality tuners, all that is up my alley.

  • Slap tone reminds of that in your face Marcus miller tone for sure. It’s remarkable how similar despite this being a p bass.

  • I turn 61 this April. I haven't been playing that long and only have a few songs under my belt but when you get to be my age waiting for that "day" becomes less and less of a option. I'm 75% sure I'm going to buy one of those in a few months. Screw it! It's only money, right?

  • I could tell by the way you were playing, you were enjoying that bass immensely! I agree the full open was a bit too harsh, but I my taste leaned a little higher in the tone range, probably around 60-80%.

  • What’s up, Bully! I have a Sire V7 jazz, but I also have a Harley Benton PB20 and the new Gotoh Jazz and much cheaper and sounds incredibly good! You should try that out!

  • I got the 4 string of the p5 a few weeks ago and it's just incredible to play. Every time I pick it up it brings a massive smile to me. The rolled fret board is so nice in my hands, I can't get enough of playing it.

  • This bass really looks good on you. Great review and between your review, Lobster’s and Jonny’s, I really am taking a hard look at the P5. Do I want a 4 or 5er though?? ????

  • Nice. Good review. Glad you enjoyed it and it sure sounded like a Precision. But… what about that low B string? Do you feel it was as responsive as the other strings? Did it require a different touch? Tonally did it have the low end? Any volume drop off with that low B string?

    Thanks again.


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